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CDC spokesman: Educational reform must help introduce decent citizens


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No, you introduced Thaksin to this thread. Now back yourself up or admit your critics have a point and you don't.

Did I? I mentioned a former police officer turned criminal fugitive who so much inspired a new Minister of Education that said minister quoted from that criminal in his philosophy on which he based his policy. Policy document from the 25th of January, 2012.

I used this in a reply to huangnon who wrote

"^The Education budget is usually last on the list of economic priorities here. Has been for over 100 years already. -It's all about keeping the serfs in their places and indoctrinating them to be a pliant, bovine and cheap workforce.

Not for much longer, though."

Now of course you may interpret this as you want, but did you also see my previous post

"Any reform will be hopeless without education reform. A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results. No one seems real serious on reforms."

Thank you for that response, Mr rubl.

Even though it was a meaningless and disingenuous reply.

Well, I would have been surprised if you had words of praise. My post is too much on the need of proper education and some seem to fear that.

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The education system in Thailand has spawned countless threads on TVF. Any of us that has children in the Thai education system and has picked up any workbook knows how awful it is.

Trouble is, it's not about money, as Rubl rightly says "A Ministry of Education budget of close to 500 billion Baht (about 20% of the National Budget) and appalling results" the problem is what Thai's actually 'think' good education is.

When a Westerner uses a phrase like 'decent citizens' I think collectively we understand it as someone is law abiding and contributing to the social good. Now here is where my 'I've been in Thailand too long cynical side' emerges. When I hear those words uttered by a Thai of any part of the ruling elite (yes fanboys that includes them all, Red, Yellow & Green) what I think they mean is a nice compliment, cause no trouble citizen. Intelligence & education isn't actually part of the thinking.

​The Thai elite still hold to some feudal notion of that rigid pyramid of class with the majority of the bottom as a quiet non questioning peasantry content with their lot...thats what they think of as a decent citizen.

Now forgive me for a fanboy moment. I've said this before that Prem was the closest to a Lee Kwan Yeuh this country has ever got. Incorruptible, Authoritarian and Autocratic. Problem is LKY wasn't bound by some fantasy feudal idyl as was Prem, and basically 'educated' Singapore into a first world leader in two generations. Prem on the other hand couldn't see past his notion of that static and unchanging pyramid of society and simply focusing on maintaining the social fantasy.

Until someone emerges in Thailand who has an LKY vision of an improving society through real education, not some moronic reciting of 12 values, I suspect we have many more threads of this ilk before we're done

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