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One-third of Australian pensioners live in poverty: OECD report


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For decades Oz has been heavily reliant on inflow of foreign capital to grow the economy as there is insufficient local investment capital in Oz. However, it sounds like you are not familiar will low tax countries welcoming and incentivising foreign nationals to relocate their investment capital.

So far as outsourcing in concerned the horse has long bolted. Companies now must outsource to low cost structure countries as without doing so their competitive position for pricing and so on would have led to their collapse creating yet more job losses, reduced federal tax revenue etc. In the past Oz failed in encouraging added value companies to invest in Oz due to high local costs, insufficient tax incentives and so on, that is a factor in federal tax income or rather lack of. An example a while back was the multi billion dollar manufacturing investment proposed by Intel Corp that was lost to, I believe, Malaysia due to the issues outlined above.

The horse has indeed bolted. Pity all those silly Australians wanting to have a decent wage to live on, so the 1% have to relocate to where the workers are sensible enough to live in slums while the bosses live in palaces.

Here's a question- if all the workers in the west are reduced to unemployment, or asking if people want fries with that, who, who is going to buy the stuff the 1% make in low wage countries?

Isn't that what caused the sub prime crash, isn't that the reason China is in the doo doo- not enough money for enough people to buy stuff to keep the merry go round going?

So once the car companies pull out of Oz, and all the companies that supported them go broke, what's left except a load of dirt that China doesn't want anymore?

Can I sell you a Holden franchise, biggrin.png .

We are heading way off topic...

Don't believe the Sub prime crash was caused by high unemployment, more like very poor lending policies was the root cause, although lots of intertwined complexities.


I've spoken with a few Holden dealers & they are not overly concerned. The poor bastards who will suffer are those in the assembly plants. In addition the auto parts manufacturing supply chain if they cannot remodel and find new markets; all up an estimated 200k at risk jobs.

Edited by simple1
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For decades Oz has been heavily reliant on inflow of foreign capital to grow the economy as there is insufficient local investment capital in Oz. However, it sounds like you are not familiar will low tax countries welcoming and incentivising foreign nationals to relocate their investment capital.

So far as outsourcing in concerned the horse has long bolted. Companies now must outsource to low cost structure countries as without doing so their competitive position for pricing and so on would have led to their collapse creating yet more job losses, reduced federal tax revenue etc. In the past Oz failed in encouraging added value companies to invest in Oz due to high local costs, insufficient tax incentives and so on, that is a factor in federal tax income or rather lack of. An example a while back was the multi billion dollar manufacturing investment proposed by Intel Corp that was lost to, I believe, Malaysia due to the issues outlined above.

The horse has indeed bolted. Pity all those silly Australians wanting to have a decent wage to live on, so the 1% have to relocate to where the workers are sensible enough to live in slums while the bosses live in palaces.

Here's a question- if all the workers in the west are reduced to unemployment, or asking if people want fries with that, who, who is going to buy the stuff the 1% make in low wage countries?

Isn't that what caused the sub prime crash, isn't that the reason China is in the doo doo- not enough money for enough people to buy stuff to keep the merry go round going?

So once the car companies pull out of Oz, and all the companies that supported them go broke, what's left except a load of dirt that China doesn't want anymore?

Can I sell you a Holden franchise, biggrin.png .

We are heading way off topic...

Don't believe the Sub prime crash was caused by high unemployment, more like very poor lending policies was the root cause, although lots of intertwined complexities.


I've spoken with a few Holden dealers & they are not overly concerned. The poor bastards who will suffer are those in the assembly plants. In addition the auto parts manufacturing supply chain if they cannot remodel and find new markets; all up an estimated 200k at risk jobs.

Yes, lending money to people that are living on the edge is never a good idea, but it made the 1% richer, so that was all right then.

Surely, if you have a financial system that requires people to buy stuff or in the sub prime case buy houses they could only just afford, and then you export all the jobs the unskilled had, the resulting unemployment will mean they can't pay the mortgage, and the money go round begins. They claim the unemployment started because of the crash, but I reckon unemployment caused by exporting jobs was what started the sub prime crash. After all, it was unskilled jobs that were exported and the sub prime mortgagees were unskilled.

Re Oz, does look like the screaming is about to start.

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For decades Oz has been heavily reliant on inflow of foreign capital to grow the economy as there is insufficient local investment capital in Oz. However, it sounds like you are not familiar will low tax countries welcoming and incentivising foreign nationals to relocate their investment capital.

So far as outsourcing in concerned the horse has long bolted. Companies now must outsource to low cost structure countries as without doing so their competitive position for pricing and so on would have led to their collapse creating yet more job losses, reduced federal tax revenue etc. In the past Oz failed in encouraging added value companies to invest in Oz due to high local costs, insufficient tax incentives and so on, that is a factor in federal tax income or rather lack of. An example a while back was the multi billion dollar manufacturing investment proposed by Intel Corp that was lost to, I believe, Malaysia due to the issues outlined above.

The horse has indeed bolted. Pity all those silly Australians wanting to have a decent wage to live on, so the 1% have to relocate to where the workers are sensible enough to live in slums while the bosses live in palaces.

Here's a question- if all the workers in the west are reduced to unemployment, or asking if people want fries with that, who, who is going to buy the stuff the 1% make in low wage countries?

Isn't that what caused the sub prime crash, isn't that the reason China is in the doo doo- not enough money for enough people to buy stuff to keep the merry go round going?

So once the car companies pull out of Oz, and all the companies that supported them go broke, what's left except a load of dirt that China doesn't want anymore?

Can I sell you a Holden franchise, biggrin.png .

We are heading way off topic...

Don't believe the Sub prime crash was caused by high unemployment, more like very poor lending policies was the root cause, although lots of intertwined complexities.


I've spoken with a few Holden dealers & they are not overly concerned. The poor bastards who will suffer are those in the assembly plants. In addition the auto parts manufacturing supply chain if they cannot remodel and find new markets; all up an estimated 200k at risk jobs.

Yes, lending money to people that are living on the edge is never a good idea, but it made the 1% richer, so that was all right then.

Surely, if you have a financial system that requires people to buy stuff or in the sub prime case buy houses they could only just afford, and then you export all the jobs the unskilled had, the resulting unemployment will mean they can't pay the mortgage, and the money go round begins. They claim the unemployment started because of the crash, but I reckon unemployment caused by exporting jobs was what started the sub prime crash. After all, it was unskilled jobs that were exported and the sub prime mortgagees were unskilled.

Re Oz, does look like the screaming is about to start.

I used to work for a car company in Germany we had a saying going around for the unemployed,''Eat your Japanese car''

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