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5 things i wish i knew before going to Thailand


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Don't bother to learn Thai, they pretend they don't understand and are not worth talking to anyway most of the time

The one thing you cannot do without here are good ear plugs, you do not want to be listening to the Thai in laws rabbiting away about som tam or why it's hot/ cold.

Don't eat the food, Thai 'cuisine' really is the most ghastly repetitive stuff, but if you like lots of rice, veg, + fish served with some of the worst smelling stuff (plha ra) maybe OK

Never lend money to a Thai for obvious reasons, other foreigners even more so.

Never ever be tempted to marry a bar girl, most are as thick as a brick and as crafty as a fox.

The only thing Thais excel at are music and dance, that's the amazing part, the rest is not worth a mention.

Wish I had such a positive outlook on things, bet you make a party swing!

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