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Assaulted on Jomtien soi 14 last night


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If they step over the line by that trying to dip your wallet or rob you, just smash them straight in the throat, no warning just do it. It may well save your life from

them if high on yaba.

Crush their adams apple causing death by asphyxiation...then spend your life in the bkk hilton...being someones butt boy.

I prefer the pepper spray idea but no one has mentioned where i can buy one.

Get a Stun Gun... For Dogs and LB's

Thats a bit extreme….the idea is not to electrocute (and possibly kill) someone and get a whole lot of law enforcement involved…the idea is th make the assailant reconsider his/her plans with the gentlest possible reminder.

Pepper spray fits the bill….where can i purchase in bkk or pattaya….and like most things thai, does it work or is it fake?

Illegal to carry

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

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Okay. So you were walking alone at night with a Gold Chain around your neck in which appears to be a deserted street at night and were approached by 2 would be muggers. Try that in parts of New York City or Detroit, and see how far you get.

I don't hold you responsible for this but people have to be careful no matter where they go, and it isn't just for women. I know us men have this Macho thing where we all think we can defend ourselves and hold our own against anyone. But the truth is you could have easily gotten a knife in your back instead of someone trying to grab your balls.

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I think you will find, if you take your approach, whether you are right or wrong, you could end up with big problems.

We are not in San Francisco in your taxicab, we are in Thailand (or at least I am).

Best leave the showy bling at home, enjoy your night.

You can always dream about how you overpowered the numerous assailants, but you are not Thai.

thaiduncankk, you're perfectly welcome to challenge any ideas that I present here on these forums but be advised that it would be greatly appreciated if you would refrain from directing yourself at me personally. After all, neither you, or I, are intimates, nor have we ever met.

duncan is absolutely right. What In Gods name does your sf adventures have to do with this posting who cares what you experienced while driving our taxicab in the states

Apparently you have a problem with reading comprehension. I was merely expounding on the effectiveness of Mace and Pepper-Spray. And while you may not like reading my comments about what I experienced in the states, I'm not exactly twisting your arm and forcing you to read them.

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Was pick pocketed in Jomtien baht-bus recently. The usual gang of about six grim looking young Thais that overwhelmed the vehicle. They got my phone out of one pocket and 500 Baht out of the other.

Got a new phone - went to AIS to get new Sim card - asked if I could get my old number back. Said yes, if you get a police report.

Went to police station, found very helpful Foreign Police Volunteer. He asked "what happened to your phone?" Said, pickpocket. He said "you mean your phone was stolen?" Said yes - he said "well that's a problem". He said if I report your stolen phone it will launch an investigation and they're backed up for months so you won't get your police report for a very long time.

He said "why don't you say you lost your Sim card?" I said ok, I lost my Sim card. He said "how'd you lose it?" Said, I don't know. He said "was it in your pocket?" I said yes, it was in the phone. He said "well that's a problem", you should say you lost your Simm card, not your phone or it will launch an investigation on a lost phone. I said, ok then, I just lost the Sim card. He said "was it in your pocket?" - said yes. He said "which pocket?" I said, I guess it was in my shirt pocket. He said "that's good" "So, it must have fallen out of your shirt pocket?" - said yes, I guess so.

He said "good, I'll be able to get your police report in a few minutes"

So, if you're pick pocketed and you don't want any hassles getting a police report, just say your Sim card fell out of your shirt pocket . . .

I can verify it's possible to get your sim card phone number back, (on a new sim)and in my case, after making the Police Report,I also got my calling credit refunded ! from AIS ! and it didn't cost me anything .

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If they step over the line by that trying to dip your wallet or rob you, just smash them straight in the throat, no warning just do it. It may well save your life from
them if high on yaba.
Crush their adams apple causing death by asphyxiation...then spend your life in the bkk hilton...being someones butt boy.

I prefer the pepper spray idea but no one has mentioned where i can buy one.
Get a Stun Gun... For Dogs and LB's

Thats a bit extreme….the idea is not to electrocute (and possibly kill) someone and get a whole lot of law enforcement involved…the idea is th make the assailant reconsider his/her plans with the gentlest possible reminder.

Pepper spray fits the bill….where can i purchase in bkk or pattaya….and like most things thai, does it work or is it fake?
Illegal to carry

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
. 100 baht fine for Stun Gun, idk pepper spray
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i would never blame the victim when lady boy street walkers are involved wai2.gif

You should be able to walk the streets with out the attention of these violent male prostitutes

Accosting, Robbing or giving you verbal abuse.

Edited by onemorechang
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i would never blame the victim when lady boy street walkers are involved wai2.gif

You should be able to walk the streets with out the attention of these violent male prostitutes

Accosting, Robbing or giving you verbal abuse.

Sounds like girls in the bar on every street

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i would never blame the victim when lady boy street walkers are involved wai2.gif

You should be able to walk the streets with out the attention of these violent male prostitutes

Accosting, Robbing or giving you verbal abuse.

Sounds like girls in the bar on every street

Well done . clap2.gifclap2.gif

Point is in a bar, not on the street,

Bar has some control, wai2.gif

BTW, Not seen many ladies be violent on the streets towards


But loads Lady boys are in the head lines all the time doing this. bah.gif

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Was pick pocketed in Jomtien baht-bus recently. The usual gang of about six grim looking young Thais that overwhelmed the vehicle. They got my phone out of one pocket and 500 Baht out of the other.

Got a new phone - went to AIS to get new Sim card - asked if I could get my old number back. Said yes, if you get a police report.

Went to police station, found very helpful Foreign Police Volunteer. He asked "what happened to your phone?" Said, pickpocket. He said "you mean your phone was stolen?" Said yes - he said "well that's a problem". He said if I report your stolen phone it will launch an investigation and they're backed up for months so you won't get your police report for a very long time.

He said "why don't you say you lost your Sim card?" I said ok, I lost my Sim card. He said "how'd you lose it?" Said, I don't know. He said "was it in your pocket?" I said yes, it was in the phone. He said "well that's a problem", you should say you lost your Simm card, not your phone or it will launch an investigation on a lost phone. I said, ok then, I just lost the Sim card. He said "was it in your pocket?" - said yes. He said "which pocket?" I said, I guess it was in my shirt pocket. He said "that's good" "So, it must have fallen out of your shirt pocket?" - said yes, I guess so.

He said "good, I'll be able to get your police report in a few minutes"

So, if you're pick pocketed and you don't want any hassles getting a police report, just say your Sim card fell out of your shirt pocket . . .

I can verify it's possible to get your sim card phone number back, (on a new sim)and in my case, after making the Police Report,I also got my calling credit refunded ! from AIS ! and it didn't cost me anything .

Left my Thai sim card at home, got back to Thailand went to True shop, new sim and previous credit, free.

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So basically some people are saying you should not wear anything of value or carry more than a few hundred THB when visiting Pattaya (even worse do not look like you have money when walking the streets) This all makes sense now, I always wondered why many expats I see in Pattaya look like street urchins, its all part of the plan to stop being robbed.

Nice place for a few days but long term no thank you (just my opinion, everyone is not the same).

Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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comments relating to ladyboy assaults :

1) As in other countries, if you are walking around after midnight by yourself, there may be shady characters approaching you. Pattaya is no different than downtown Chicago, London, or another worldly beach resort after midnight. Really? You think the angelic Thai smile represents the character of all Thais?

2) True, with the high crime rate along Beach Rd or Jomtien beach walk-way after midnight, any other civilized city would have police foot-patrols keeping their eye on such trouble makers. -Not in Pattaya. You never see the police doing foot-patrols along these areas at night. (Remember, the Pattaya police department is a separate organization from the city government.) I do see police dragging poor motorbike drivers seeing if they have proper documents or wear helmets to collect their 150-200 baht fine money.

3) Do not be fooled by the PR photos of the Pattaya police gathering a group of katoeys off the beach some night and fining them 200 baht for being a nuisance to the public. This is just a publicity stunt to make you feel like they are doing something to prevent crime in the city.

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>>Dont go out alone, always take a wing-man.<<

Thats got to be one of the silliest things i have read on Thaivisa lol .Its not Syria we are talking about.The one great thing about being male is that you can go out and about alone ,within reason.You have to be a little street smart and be extra vigilant after midnight.

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>>Dont go out alone, always take a wing-man.<<

Thats got to be one of the silliest things i have read on Thaivisa lol .Its not Syria we are talking about.The one great thing about being male is that you can go out and about alone ,within reason.You have to be a little street smart and be extra vigilant after midnight.

Him and his "wing (wo)man"!

Even has a manbag for all anti assault weapons!


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>>Dont go out alone, always take a wing-man.<<

Thats got to be one of the silliest things i have read on Thaivisa lol .Its not Syria we are talking about.The one great thing about being male is that you can go out and about alone ,within reason.You have to be a little street smart and be extra vigilant after midnight.

Him and his "wing (wo)man"!

Even has a manbag for all anti assault weapons!

Oh, you are Awful giggle.gif

Looks better than the ones on Beach road Jomtien cheesy.gif

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Maybe in your view the OP should consider to stay in his room, with the door locked at all times, and just a small trapdoor through which he get his food delivered 3 times a day?

If a certain area has a bad rep, you should not flash anything expensive. Would you wear a gold chain, carry your phone and a full wallet with you in certain parts of Caracas, Rio de Janeiro or Cape Town? Doubt it.

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Maybe in your view the OP should consider to stay in his room, with the door locked at all times, and just a small trapdoor through which he get his food delivered 3 times a day?

If a certain area has a bad rep, you should not flash anything expensive. Would you wear a gold chain, carry your phone and a full wallet with you in certain parts of Caracas, Rio de Janeiro or Cape Town? Doubt it.

The gold chain, I can concede- too visible. But they don't know if I have any money or an expensive phone until I'm on the ground- and by then the damage is done.

Personally, I like to carry enough money that they're distracted to count it instead of focusing on kicking me in the head. Fortunately, I can't really tell you whether that works because I've never had to use it for the purpose.

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Maybe in your view the OP should consider to stay in his room, with the door locked at all times, and just a small trapdoor through which he get his food delivered 3 times a day?

So you think people should keep wearing gold chains in public, in 10 years here, ive lost count of the people i know who have had gold chains ripped from their necks, some with severe injuries. Get real.

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