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Assaulted on Jomtien soi 14 last night


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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Lesson learned. Considering it now. Its just a small modest chain 1 baht, inside my tshirt but must have saw a little glitter in the light. but its off at night from here on in. And everything else well hidden or left at condo.

It was only 10pm and a few cars and walkers passing by.

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Was this post 2 am .?..Its then Jomtien beach becomes LB land .Many of them with a drug habit .( i have nothing against LBs .Most are really nice people ).

Actually about 10pm with the ocassional bike and car going by. But they picked their spot when it was momentarily quiet and exits on both ends of the street and section of road where there is no windows or possible witnesses. Dirty little cockroaches they are.

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Well done OP; keeping what belongs to you.

Not taking phone & wallet with you when going out? Well if you go out eating at perhaps 2000 hours and have some beers afterwards then it is nice to have those items with you.

If I do that, I take a motorbike taxi home and so far got home with my wallet & phone.

Good advice, thanks.

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Why must everyone change their ways for these totally confused pieces of dog <deleted>. Authorities needs to sweep the street clean and get rid of these pieces of crap. Thailand will suffer the consequences of no tourists otherwise.

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OP should thank his lucky stars it wasn't these ladyboys, or he'd be subject to all kinds of abuse and ridicule here on TVF for being the victim when they turned on him.

And unless he's good at fighting a mob by himself, I'd lay odds that the OP would be the one on the ground looking for his teeth while saying goodbye to his gold necklace driving off on the scooter.


Nope, not a mob just 2 and they werent very big and I am, with some Muay Thai skills. I think thats why they backed off when I decided enough was enough. Only thing I was worried about was knife.

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Lesson learned. Considering it now. Its just a small modest chain 1 baht, inside my tshirt but must have saw a little glitter in the light. but its off at night from here on in. And everything else well hidden or left at condo.

It was only 10pm and a few cars and walkers passing by.

those ladymen are like Magpies

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I was staying just down the road at soi 12 and got pulled over by a lady boy on a bike late at night in a dark area, thankfully only one. He was making bj motions, just the usual stuff but must admit I was surprised to see them in such a quite area

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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Welcome in Pattaya.

I had it snached from passing motorbike.

They snach it when u on bath bus too

They didnt get it tho.

Dont wear it in Pattaya, they will keep trying.

Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

I see lots of Africans on Walking St blinged up to the max with their gold chains etc. They don't seem to scared of getting robbed. Are ladyboys scared of them or they just don't seem worried?

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Not taking a phone or wallet out? Are you serious? What about if you need to buy something or are heading out somewhere or need the phone to get a number of a cute girl you see or if you need to chat with your friends when out?

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Why must everyone change their ways for these totally confused pieces of dog <deleted>. Authorities needs to sweep the street clean and get rid of these pieces of crap. Thailand will suffer the consequences of no tourists otherwise.

I dont think that the gender of the mugger is really relevant. If it wasnt ladyboys doing it then it would be men or women or kids or whatever.

A few more police on the streets would be helpful.

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I was staying just down the road at soi 12 and got pulled over by a lady boy on a bike late at night in a dark area, thankfully only one. He was making bj motions, just the usual stuff but must admit I was surprised to see them in such a quite area

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

How much was he going to pay you?

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When I moved to Jomtien Beach 6 and a half years ago, it was like Heaven. I felt safe anywhere, any time of the night or day, ... but now it is getting very bad. A reflection of the tough economic times, coupled with a drastic change in tourism demographics. Lots of Westerners were here and they went to restaurants, shops and bars, pouring their money in to the Thai economy, but now we are not so welcome. For some reason the preferred tourist is now Russian or Chinese, ...two nations that could care less about Thai Culture, Customs, Food, Religion or even people. The number of tourists is up, but most businesses are suffering, many have closed because the new breed of tourist does not go to Thai Shops, Restaurants, and Bars like Westerners did.

I no longer feel safe as an older person on my own. I have had attempts to steal my gold chain by drive by motorcyclists at least 3 times, .. been held up at gun and knife point, had things stolen from my room by supposed friends, ... this is not the best place to be any more.

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

so how can you get on the piss with a couple of hundred baht ?

I dont do that so it's not a problem for me. If I needed more cash I would carry it, but I would never carry anything unnecessary like gold or a watch.

what's the use in having a mobile if you can't carry it in your pocket ?

My mobile stays at home, except if I'm driving a long distance in which case I take it with me.

No friends?? That makes it easy. If you get hit by a car, best to call a friend.

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Lost a nice gold chain in Jomtien to a motorcycle thief dress as a MC taxi...sped by me at high speed...grabbed my necklace without leaving a scratch...quite expert at his craft...

Had two ladyboys on MC stop me while walking on Jomtien beach road...tried to remove my watch...but I managed to pull away...they sped off...

No longer wear any visible jewelry while out and about...gold is like a blinking red light to many thieves who make a living off of unsuspecting tourists in Thailand...

This is just another reason to love Thailand...

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Come on, not take your wallet and phone with you.... What????

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If you go out and get pissed as I do everyday ..... you have to have a buddy !!!! it's that simple !!!

I just take my imaginary friend and he looks after me. Cheap bastard never buys me a drink though!! blink.png

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I must admit that I have always followed the same routine in Thailand.

I just carry a few thousand baht in my pocket and a cheap nokia phone and that is it.

No watch, no gold anything anywhere.

It is a third world country and there are plenty of desperados out there especially in Pattaya/Jomtien.

I have been lucky thus far but I have had a few close calls over the last 35 years.

You do need to keep your wits about you at all times and for drinkers make sure you have a buddy with you when you are out and about.

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Get a small canister of law enforcement grade pepper spray. Mine is 4" x 1" diameter, with a belt clip. It has a safety which you can flip in a fraction in a second with your thumb. If any of them acts suspicious and gets within 10 feet of you, especially if they aggressively grope you after you tell them to f--- off, unload the whole thing into their eyes. Non lethal and not considered a deadly weapon. I carry mine at all time

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I tell everyone who will listen that I believe ladyboys are extremely dangerous because they have no control over their impulses.

Maybe you had a passing moment where you thought of shooting a guy who owes you money, or blowing up your ex's house. But you don't do it, because you're rational and have control over your insane thoughts. Dressing like a woman in public, and cutting off your penis is INSANE, and they act on that thought. That means if you piss off a ladyboy in a restaurant, they may turn around and stab you in the eye with a fork.

I stay far away from those freaks.

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OP should thank his lucky stars it wasn't these ladyboys, or he'd be subject to all kinds of abuse and ridicule here on TVF for being the victim when they turned on him.

And unless he's good at fighting a mob by himself, I'd lay odds that the OP would be the one on the ground looking for his teeth while saying goodbye to his gold necklace driving off on the scooter.


Nope, not a mob just 2 and they werent very big and I am, with some Muay Thai skills. I think thats why they backed off when I decided enough was enough. Only thing I was worried about was knife.

Those 2 are the ones you saw. Their 20 buddies were just itching to to jump in. Or they could have just as easily ridden off to bring back the entourage when they collected enough of them, or just found you later on that evening.

Muay Thai skills don't count for much when you're on the ground getting your head kicked in by a crowd of bystanders that you didn't expect to jump in. And that's the direction that Thai street fights too often go. It ain't like "back home".

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

I would support that. Go to the police and make a report.

If every robbed victim would do that, then they would have least in their statistics the right numbers.

And there is a growing problem with robberies, thefts and burglaries here.

What is unfortunately denied by official sources.

Everyone here could be the next victim, and perhaps with not so a lenient ending.

Edited by tomacht8
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I tell everyone who will listen that I believe ladyboys are extremely dangerous because they have no control over their impulses.

Maybe you had a passing moment where you thought of shooting a guy who owes you money, or blowing up your ex's house. But you don't do it, because you're rational and have control over your insane thoughts. Dressing like a woman in public, and cutting off your penis is INSANE, and they act on that thought. That means if you piss off a ladyboy in a restaurant, they may turn around and stab you in the eye with a fork.

I stay far away from those freaks.

Errm lady boys don't cut the penis. Lady...... Boy......

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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You've been a member long enough to have read about these problems and what you can do to prevent them and yet, you don't listen and do exactly the opposite of what people suggest. No sympathy from me. And I question why you didnt report the incident to the police but, come here and make a post. Priorities man. SMH

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I have a zippered [ocket sewn into the inside of my shorts and pants. If I need to take my wallet or extra cash, that is where it goes. I never wear a chain, and if I wear a watch, it is an inexpensive brand. Usually have to go to the restroom when I need something from that pocket, but have not lost a thing yet, though I know pickpockets have tried.

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Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

Very good point in reporting it...

If enough people were to actually report them maybe the BiB might get feed up of having to write out reports and actually do something about the problem.

Apart from attempted robbery I would also put the emphasis on sexual assault, attempted robbery means they did not commit a crime, sexual assault is a crime.

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