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French couple jailed jailed for refusing to vaccinate children


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French couple jailed jailed for refusing to vaccinate children
Rachel Browne
Social Affairs Reporter

PARIS: -- A French couple have received a two-month jail sentence for refusing to to vaccinate their two young children.

Marc and Samia Larere were given the suspended sentence in the criminal court at Auxere, 175 kilometres south of Paris, on Thursday.

The case has attracted widespread attention in France where strict vaccination laws mandate childhood immunisation.

The court was told the couple refused to vaccinate their children, aged three and 15 months, against polio, tetanus and diphtheria because they believed the vaccine would do more harm than good.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/french-couple-jailed-jailed-for-refusing-to-vaccinate-children-20160108-gm1thy.html

-- The Age 2016-01-08

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It looks so bad putting people in jail who genuinely believe they are doing the best for their children, but on the other hand the public really needs educating on this issue, there are far too many people taken in by the quack who linked immunizations to autism.

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Hoping for herd immunity but with the influx of migrants into Europe who knows what the immunization

rate is like. Its all good until the kids become ill then they want the state to take care of all the expense. coffee1.gif

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Suspended jail is a fair penalty

And hope it will stop this stupid "no vaccine" fashion

It's a not "no vaccine " fashion but currently in France only DTP is mandatory but laboratory stop to made it for a new formula include other valence like Hepatitis B. They are an importante polemics about this.

Some parent are afraid by this because the vaccine against hepatitis B has long been accused of causing plates sclerosis (WHO has not established any link between vaccination and the disease) .

Some doctor like professor Henri Joyeux believe some laboratory have created a shortage for sale their new more expensive vaccine.

Furthermore, some of which EELV MEP Michèle Rivasi, accusing pharmaceutical companies of organized shortages, hexavalent vaccine costing more. "The laboratories are organized so that parents no longer have a choice. (...) For Social Security, it is much more expensive because you go from 6.50 euros the DTP vaccine at more than 40 euros. So who benefits from the crime? for the pharmaceutical companies, "protested the one.

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Suspended jail is a fair penalty

And hope it will stop this stupid "no vaccine" fashion

It's a not "no vaccine " fashion but currently in France only DTP is mandatory but laboratory stop to made it for a new formula include other valence like Hepatitis B. They are an importante polemics about this.

Some parent are afraid by this because the vaccine against hepatitis B has long been accused of causing plates sclerosis (WHO has not established any link between vaccination and the disease) .

Some doctor like professor Henri Joyeux believe some laboratory have created a shortage for sale their new more expensive vaccine.

Furthermore, some of which EELV MEP Michèle Rivasi, accusing pharmaceutical companies of organized shortages, hexavalent vaccine costing more. "The laboratories are organized so that parents no longer have a choice. (...) For Social Security, it is much more expensive because you go from 6.50 euros the DTP vaccine at more than 40 euros. So who benefits from the crime? for the pharmaceutical companies, "protested the one.

Henri Joyeux is a biggot

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale.

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Shawn0001 said: . . . . there are far too many people taken in by the quack who linked immunizations to autism. . . .

Well, if you read carefully the notices joint to most vaccines (or on the US CDC website), you will see "neurological damage" (and even the word "autism" in one of them) as a possible adverse reaction (but you will be astonished to see that there are many other adverse reactions for each vaccine!).

But then who reads the notices (and understand them) or even has the possibility to read them before getting the jabs from the doctor or the nurse?

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Shawn0001 said: . . . . there are far too many people taken in by the quack who linked immunizations to autism. . . . Well, if you read carefully the notices joint to most vaccines (or on the US CDC website), you will see "neurological damage" (and even the word "autism" in one of them) as a possible adverse reaction (but you will be astonished to see that there are many other adverse reactions for each vaccine!). But then who reads the notices (and understand them) or even has the possibility to read them before getting the jabs from the doctor or the nurse?

Of course. I don't have any figures but let's say that one child in a thousand gets damaged by vaccines. If nobody vaccinated their kids at all I guess you would return to 18th /. 19th century European conditions where some families lost all their kids to what are nowadays preventable diseases.

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

Oh dear

Smallpox has been completely eradicated - polio still exists in a few basket case countries such as Pakistan as some clerics have declared it ' un - Islamic '

I am old enough to remember people in ' iron lungs' being kept alive because they were paralysed by polio .

Because of mass immigration , the idea you would not vaccinate your child against polio is just crazy.

Cancers! Maybe you don't quite understand the role of oncogenes

Actually I don't think you understand much at all- only perhaps how to make your tin foil hat.

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Allseeineye said:.....absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale. . .

I do not agree. Historical data show that diseases decreased in the 1800 before the appearance of vaccines, due mainly to clean water and better hygiene when we started to know what viruses and bacteria are and how they propagate.

And do vaccines work like they want us to believe? Just look at the eruption of diseases in fully vaccinated population (Measles in Disneyland, etc...) and the real havoc some vaccines have created I think here on the vaccines against cervical cancer that damage so many young persons and that some interested peoples are so keen to promote (also for boys!!!)

As for herd protection, either the vaccine works and you do not need herd protection (and thus you do not need to force others to take the jab) or it does not work (and thus, again, you do not need to force others to take it).

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Allseeineye said:.....absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale. . . I do not agree. Historical data show that diseases decreased in the 1800 before the appearance of vaccines, due mainly to clean water and better hygiene when we started to know what viruses and bacteria are and how they propagate. And do vaccines work like they want us to believe? Just look at the eruption of diseases in fully vaccinated population (Measles in Disneyland, etc...) and the real havoc some vaccines have created I think here on the vaccines against cervical cancer that damage so many young persons and that some interested peoples are so keen to promote (also for boys!!!) As for herd protection, either the vaccine works and you do not need herd protection (and thus you do not need to force others to take the jab) or it does not work (and thus, again, you do not need to force others to take it).

How old are you? I remember the fear that went around UK schools in the fifties when people we knew caught polio and never came back, some died. I also remember the relief we kids all felt when Dr. Salk discovered the vaccine and I don't think anyone of us, kids or parents objected to getting immunised as soon a s possible. The problem went away.

People like you are dangerous, deluded and lacking scientific knowledge. Don't bring me any conspiracy theory rubbish, scientists have kids too.

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

When was the last time you saw a child with polio? Why? Because polio has been eradicated in many countries years ago. How? By vaccine. Made by whom? A large company that had the resources to develop them.

Please cite the "doctored" studies with publications and dates. I cannot think of a vaccine that has been cited as a "miracle" - there is always a scientific explanation.

Please cite the vaccines that contain poisons or cancers. Name the products.

In what way to vaccines increase risks, as you claim? Cite the examples please.

I am as watchful and critical of "big pharma" as the next person. But to throw away vaccines and throw up all this nonsense without reference, citation or example is downright evil as it provides motivation to the misinformed and religious fanatics.

By raising such unwarranted fears, do you want to return us all to the 17th century in Western countries or present day in some conflict zones or places where vaccines are not available, where children die like flies from preventable diseases or suffer a lifetime of disability. I am old enough to remember cases of polio in my home country - none of my schoolmates who contracted it made it past their 30s, some died much earlier.

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Property rights? Anybody?

Whom do you belong to?

Who decides, what happens to your body? Who decides, what is put into your body?

To whom belong your babies / children?

Who decides, what happens to them? Who decides, what is put into their bodies?

If you answered with "the state", please, please, don't even ever think about complaining, if the state decides one day to castrate or kill your children for whatever reason (public safety, national security, maintenance of the gene pool, blah, blah, blah). Just cheer and keep trusting them, that they know better than you, what is good for you and your family. As you obviously are THEIR property!

Bloody state-believers! Never ever make again a joke about any Thai people in the future, if you see another example of their believe and trust in their authority!

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Allseeineye said:.....absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale. . . I do not agree. Historical data show that diseases decreased in the 1800 before the appearance of vaccines, due mainly to clean water and better hygiene when we started to know what viruses and bacteria are and how they propagate. And do vaccines work like they want us to believe? Just look at the eruption of diseases in fully vaccinated population (Measles in Disneyland, etc...) and the real havoc some vaccines have created I think here on the vaccines against cervical cancer that damage so many young persons and that some interested peoples are so keen to promote (also for boys!!!) As for herd protection, either the vaccine works and you do not need herd protection (and thus you do not need to force others to take the jab) or it does not work (and thus, again, you do not need to force others to take it).

This is why the Measles in Disneyland occurred.

The outbreak spread after an infected person visited Disneyland in December, and spread by and large by parents who refused to properly immunize their children, a study published last month concluded.


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Yes this is excellent news, anybody that defies the state belongs in jail. The state knows best, it never does wrong, the regulatory authorities never make mistakes and never change earlier rulings. All the drugs governments mandate from Big Pharma, despite some later proving dangerous, and making them billions are all totally for our benefit.

Won't pump mercury into your kids, jail. Smack your kids, jail. Allow kids to be unsupervised, jail. Don't allow gay courses at school for your kids, jail. Don't want your kids playing with dildos at school in sex education, jail.

Criticize the government, jail. Refuse tracking chips, jail. Refuse chemotherapy for your child, jail. Refuse antidepressants for your kids, jail. Have too much cash on you, jail.

I'm totally with the vast majority here, if you defy the government then you should be in jail. And lets face it those black fascist uniforms really do look pretty cool.

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It looks so bad putting people in jail who genuinely believe they are doing the best for their children, but on the other hand the public really needs educating on this issue, there are far too many people taken in by the quack who linked immunizations to autism.

You have fallen for the smear-propaganda promoted by the Murdoch media which resulted in Dr Andrew Wakefield losing his medical license. The medical pharmaceutical mafia used trumped up charges to destroy his career, because it didn't like him reporting parents' observation that their children became autistic following vaccination, particularly after vaccination with the MMR-vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella), in 'The Lancet' British medical journal .

Vaccination IS very much linked to the huge rise in autism cases. The people in the CDC have known this for years but have doggedly denied it. I guess if I was responsible for a 6000% increase in autism cases I would be tempted to lie about it as well!

A senior CDC scientist has recently confessed that he and his coworkers falsified study data showing that vaccines cause autism, yet there has been a complete and continuing mainstream media blackout about this sordid affair!

CDC Scientist: ‘We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents’


Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Autism and Mandatory Vaccinations

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

Vaccines are big business. Vaccines have saved numerous lives. Without vaccines humans would be quite bad off.

Vaccines are dangerous. Vaccine studies are contrived and often the numbers presented are things like "x % efficacy of immunization from this vaccine; so get it". However, it is only "x% effective in y% of population;" yearly influenza is the prime example here. Lots of lies; lots. Where once vaccines shaped public policy public policy now shapes vaccine use- "vaccines do this because we declare it." Hogwash.

From the dead, to the attenuated, to the live- antigens are virus/vaccines are virus! When one insists vaccines are safe they lie. It is equivocal in a large population- helpful/harmful net. Why must a parent submit their child to statistical probability?

Vaccines contain traces of poisons and carcinogens. Polyvalent vaccines are poly to save money only, not your money. Rephrased: Polyvalent vaccines are poly to make money only, not money for you!

Recent measles outbreak [in the US] was most definitely caused by mass migration of persons in carrier states (along with TB, Chargas, and resistant TB), for example. What do we think happens when we introduce organisms into an ecosystem it did not develop within? It becomes predatory. See American Indians and Cowpox blankets. The Left and Big Pharma cry was to remove parental vaccination authority and have mandatory vaccines, like France. However, epidemiology is not fiction- we know where the disease resurgence came from and it was not no vaccinated children. This is one more example of lies being used to distort public policy. Like so much of the platforms of the Nanny Statists there is deceit.

It is quite likely vaccines reduce risk more than increase but if the facts so support this, and big pharma works on a capitalist model, why have legislation immunizing big pharma? Big Pharma, Nanny State, wanna compromise? Have monovalent vaccines ONLY as a first step and remove heavy metals.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Suspended jail is a fair penalty

And hope it will stop this stupid "no vaccine" fashion

It is vaccination which is a stupid, long obsolete fashion. Vaccination has been a failure and a fraud from its very beginning, in 1796 (!), and an ongoing disaster ever since. The medical-pharmaceutical mafia has promoted vaccination as a triumph of medical science to save face and to keep this profitable racket going regardless of the many vaccine-induced reactions, illnesses, disorders, disabilities and deaths which are so widespread that some are referring to the current situation as a "vaccine holocaust." Indeed. Chronic illnesses are on the increase and in the US, one in every 50 children is now autistic.

Parents who are ok with allowing brainwashed doctors to poison their children for profit are unfortunately permitted to do so, but forcing vaccinations on children of parents who are way smarter than the average person on the street - or the average doctor for that matter - is a gross violation of their right to decide what if anything is being injected into their children's bodies.

After WW2, some Nazi doctors were hanged because they had forced medical procedures on people without their informed consent. The fundamental right to informed consent was consequently enshrined in the Nuremberg Code.


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Allseeineye said:.....absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale. . . I do not agree. Historical data show that diseases decreased in the 1800 before the appearance of vaccines, due mainly to clean water and better hygiene when we started to know what viruses and bacteria are and how they propagate. And do vaccines work like they want us to believe? Just look at the eruption of diseases in fully vaccinated population (Measles in Disneyland, etc...) and the real havoc some vaccines have created I think here on the vaccines against cervical cancer that damage so many young persons and that some interested peoples are so keen to promote (also for boys!!!) As for herd protection, either the vaccine works and you do not need herd protection (and thus you do not need to force others to take the jab) or it does not work (and thus, again, you do not need to force others to take it).

This is why the Measles in Disneyland occurred.

The outbreak spread after an infected person visited Disneyland in December, and spread by and large by parents who refused to properly immunize their children, a study published last month concluded.


The Disneyland outbreak (which was really a non-event) was the result of vaccine failure, not a consequence of too many unvaccinated children.

Only 14% of people in Disneyland measles outbreak were unvaccinated, but it's 100% their fault, claims propaganda
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Allseeineye said:.....absolute crap!!! Jump on that bandwagon and see how quickly these eradicated diseases come back and start killing children on a mass scale. . . I do not agree. Historical data show that diseases decreased in the 1800 before the appearance of vaccines, due mainly to clean water and better hygiene when we started to know what viruses and bacteria are and how they propagate. And do vaccines work like they want us to believe? Just look at the eruption of diseases in fully vaccinated population (Measles in Disneyland, etc...) and the real havoc some vaccines have created I think here on the vaccines against cervical cancer that damage so many young persons and that some interested peoples are so keen to promote (also for boys!!!) As for herd protection, either the vaccine works and you do not need herd protection (and thus you do not need to force others to take the jab) or it does not work (and thus, again, you do not need to force others to take it).

This is why the Measles in Disneyland occurred.

The outbreak spread after an infected person visited Disneyland in December, and spread by and large by parents who refused to properly immunize their children, a study published last month concluded.


The Disneyland outbreak (which was really a non-event) was the result of vaccine failure, not a consequence of too many unvaccinated children.

Only 14% of people in Disneyland measles outbreak were unvaccinated, but it's 100% their fault, claims propaganda

After reading your posts on this subject I find your reasoning very poor.

I hope you do not have any children.

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...vaccines...big business and everything that goes along with loads and loads of money....

...read up on all the 'doctored' studies that tout vaccines as 'miracles'....

...while they contain traces of poisons and even cancers....

...essentially increasing rather than reducing 'risks'....

When was the last time you saw a child with polio? Why? Because polio has been eradicated in many countries years ago. How? By vaccine. Made by whom? A large company that had the resources to develop them.

Please cite the "doctored" studies with publications and dates. I cannot think of a vaccine that has been cited as a "miracle" - there is always a scientific explanation.

Please cite the vaccines that contain poisons or cancers. Name the products.

In what way to vaccines increase risks, as you claim? Cite the examples please.

I am as watchful and critical of "big pharma" as the next person. But to throw away vaccines and throw up all this nonsense without reference, citation or example is downright evil as it provides motivation to the misinformed and religious fanatics.

By raising such unwarranted fears, do you want to return us all to the 17th century in Western countries or present day in some conflict zones or places where vaccines are not available, where children die like flies from preventable diseases or suffer a lifetime of disability. I am old enough to remember cases of polio in my home country - none of my schoolmates who contracted it made it past their 30s, some died much earlier.

There is no such thing as a "vaccine-preventable disease" because vaccines have never protected anyone or saved anyone's life, or prevented anything - apart from health, sanity and common sense. As Dr Herbert Shelton once put it: "Belief in immunization is a form of delusional insanity." Personally, I think it's a contagious mental illness promoted by governments, the medical-pharmaceutical mafia and the mainstream media. After having researched vaccination in some detail, I arrived at the inevitable conclusion that this bizarre medical practice is an organised criminal enterprise dressed up as disease prevention by means of junk science.


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To add to the vaccine controversy ...

The effects of vaccines are so poor that the researchers/manufacturers have to add "adjuvants" (mercury, aluminum, oil, pesticides ...) to boost them. They even start asking mothers not to breastfeed their babies because breast milk, with its immunologic property, interfere with the action of the vaccine.

... and if you want to have an idea of the (bad) effects of these "adjuvants" on your immune system, just read the newly published book "Vaccines and Autoimmunity" by Yehuda Shoenfeld (publisher Wiley Blackwell, June 2015. Comment on the book: Edited by leaders in the field, Vaccines and Autoimmunity is an invaluable resource for advanced students and researchers working in pathogenic and epidemiological studies.)

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Suspended jail is a fair penalty

And hope it will stop this stupid "no vaccine" fashion

It's a not "no vaccine " fashion but currently in France only DTP is mandatory but laboratory stop to made it for a new formula include other valence like Hepatitis B. They are an importante polemics about this.

Some parent are afraid by this because the vaccine against hepatitis B has long been accused of causing plates sclerosis (WHO has not established any link between vaccination and the disease) .

Some doctor like professor Henri Joyeux believe some laboratory have created a shortage for sale their new more expensive vaccine.

Furthermore, some of which EELV MEP Michèle Rivasi, accusing pharmaceutical companies of organized shortages, hexavalent vaccine costing more. "The laboratories are organized so that parents no longer have a choice. (...) For Social Security, it is much more expensive because you go from 6.50 euros the DTP vaccine at more than 40 euros. So who benefits from the crime? for the pharmaceutical companies, "protested the one.

Henri Joyeux is a biggot

I would call you worse-- but, I won't. Not worth the effort.

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