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Cologne police chief dismissed over New Year's Eve assaults


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Cologne police chief dismissed over New Year's Eve assaults

GEIR MOULSON, Associated Press
FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — The police chief of the German city of Cologne was dismissed Friday amid mounting criticism of his force's handling of a string of New Year's Eve sexual assaults and robberies blamed largely on foreigners.

The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia said it was sending Wolfgang Albers into early retirement, and the 60-year-old commander said he understood the reasons why.

The state's interior minister, Ralf Jaeger, said Albers' removal was "necessary to restore public trust and the Cologne police's ability to act with a view to upcoming major events." Cologne's annual Carnival is next month.

Albers had faced mounting criticism for the police response to New Year's Eve attacks on women by groups of men within a 1,000-strong crowd described by police as predominantly Arab or North African in origin.

The German government said 31 suspects were briefly detained for questioning after the New Year's Eve trouble, among them 18 asylum-seekers. The 31 included nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, two Germans and one person each from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

None of the 31 has been accused of specifically committing sexual assaults, the aspect of Cologne's disturbances that attracted most public outrage at home and abroad. Cologne police say they have received 170 criminal complaints connected to the New Year's festivities, 120 of them sexual in nature.

Police failed to mention the attacks around Cologne's main train station in their initial morning report on New Year's Day, describing overnight festivities as "largely peaceful."

Albers acknowledged that mistake earlier this week, but he dismissed widespread criticism that his officers reacted too slowly in response to reports of assaults and harassment of women.

However, an internal police report published in German media Thursday characterized Cologne's police as overwhelmed and described how women were forced to run through gantlets of drunken men outside the station.

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker suggested Friday that police had withheld information from her, including on the origin of suspects. She said that her "trust in the Cologne police leadership is significantly shaken."

Albers rejected suggestions that police had deliberately withheld information. However, in a statement following his removal, Albers said he understood Jaeger's decision to remove him.

He said the police handling of New Year's trouble in Cologne must be investigated and "the public debate surrounding me is liable to complicate and delay this work."

Earlier Friday, Germany's Interior Ministry said federal police had detained 31 men on suspicion of committing crimes including theft, assault and, in one case, verbal abuse of a sexual nature. Ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said those detained were believed to have been members of the crowd in front of the Cologne railway station on New Year's Eve.

Plate said authorities were investigating whether the assaults were connected to reports of similar offenses in other German cities.

Police in other European nations reported cases of similar trouble in public places, particularly near train stations, fueling speculation the events might have been coordinated.

In Sweden, police said at least 15 young women reported being groped by groups of men on New Year's Eve in the city of Kalmar. Police spokesman Johan Bruun said two men, both asylum-seekers, have been told via interpreter that they are suspected of committing sexual assaults. He said police are trying to identify other suspects.

In Finland, police said they received tipoffs on New Year's Eve that about 1,000 predominantly Iraqi asylum seekers were intending to gather near the main railway station in Helsinki and harass passing women. Police there said they received three complaints of harassment and detained several asylum-seekers at the scene for alleged inappropriate behavior.

Reports of the harassment have fueled calls for tighter immigration laws in Germany, particularly from politicians opposed to Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door policy that allowed nearly 1.1 million people fleeing war and poverty to enter the country last year.

Government spokesman Georg Streiter said the chancellor wants "the whole truth" about the events in Cologne and "nothing should be held back and nothing should be glossed over."

He said the trouble in Cologne "doesn't just harm our rule of law but also the great majority of completely innocent refugees who have sought protection."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-09

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In Finland, police said they received tipoffs on New Year's Eve that about 1,000 predominantly Iraqi asylum seekers were intending to gather near the main railway station in Helsinki and harass passing women. Police there said they received three complaints of harassment and detained several asylum-seekers at the scene for alleged inappropriate behavior.

very interesting...

who and why?

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I hope some of the victims find the courage to speak out about what actually happened as it's clear the media is trying to keep this hush. And why not just say the attackers were Muslim?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The German government said 31 suspects were briefly detained for questioning after the New Year's Eve trouble, among them 18 asylum-seekers. The 31 included nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, two Germans and one person each from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.

The 18 must have been detained for some reason. They should be deported immediately.

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Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker suggested Friday that police had withheld information from her, including on the origin of suspects. She said that her "trust in the Cologne police leadership is significantly shaken."

Says the mayor who earlier blamed the women who were attacked, claiming they must learn to behave in ways that will not offend their attackers. "Oh, look! It's the women's fault! It's the fault of the police! It's not MY fault, just because I wanted to bring all these refugees in among the sheep who elected me."

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Again...my opinion about Today's news on Associated Press.

To receive foreign "refugees" sounds humanitarian, but to resolve culture and values differences, and confrontations with the local communities, may be a problem without peaceful solutions, and with serious consequences.

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The Cologne police did not "Have The Balls" to do their duty.duty. Piss-ants in uniforms.

Sadly police forces across Western Europe seem nervous and cautious to do their duty when it involves Muslims; whether those Muslims are refugees, economic illegal migrants or actual citizens.

They know they'll feel the wrath of the politicians and media and possible "provoke" civil disturbances and more law breaking from the lovely community leaders who also don't respect the law.

I saw a report on the BBC this morning showing several Pakistani youths being turned back by Croatian police and made to walk back into Serbia from where they came. They are nothing but illegal immigrants fleeing poverty and corruption in Pakistan for a more comfortable economic life, as they perceive, in the West. Yet the BBC reporter was very sympathetic to them and even suggested the Croatian police might not be acting legally in refusing to let illegal immigrants who clearly aren't refugees in.

This is going to end very badly for Europe, the EU, and most especially for European people. Some politicians and media are lying and misrepresenting things for their own agendas.

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A. So nobody wants to compliment the authorities for dismissing the cop, rather than moving him to an inactive post?

B. Not a new tactic, just larger scale (enabled by social media?), A gift from the UK:

Steaming (crime) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In general, the term refers to the operation in a large group and the use of intimidation and violence to commit theft."

Quick and enthusiastic learners these immigrants. That's what makes them such good employees.

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The Cologne police did not "Have The Balls" to do their duty.duty. Piss-ants in uniforms.

Sadly police forces across Western Europe seem nervous and cautious to do their duty when it involves Muslims; whether those Muslims are refugees, economic illegal migrants or actual citizens.

They know they'll feel the wrath of the politicians and media and possible "provoke" civil disturbances and more law breaking from the lovely community leaders who also don't respect the law.

I saw a report on the BBC this morning showing several Pakistani youths being turned back by Croatian police and made to walk back into Serbia from where they came. They are nothing but illegal immigrants fleeing poverty and corruption in Pakistan for a more comfortable economic life, as they perceive, in the West. Yet the BBC reporter was very sympathetic to them and even suggested the Croatian police might not be acting legally in refusing to let illegal immigrants who clearly aren't refugees in.

This is going to end very badly for Europe, the EU, and most especially for European people. Some politicians and media are lying and misrepresenting things for their own agendas.

You are right,everyone is kissing the "Liberal" politician's asses .While the politicians KOTO to the Minority, It is the politicians are dependent on the minority to stay in office.May be The majority should quit voting for a party and start voting for the idea of the republic.%90 of the voting public vote as their fathers and grandfathers did because they do not any better or how to think for themselves,

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This is what the establishment social democrats, greens, and christian democrats have done to Germany and Europe. It is time to sweep them from the pages of history. But I do believe that if Germans and Europeans want to protect themselves and get their countries back, they're going to need to take to the street to do it, because their rulers will ignore them in government or, worse, pass MORE laws that make it illegal to object to Eurocrats and Merkelists.

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This is what the establishment social democrats, greens, and christian democrats have done to Germany and Europe. It is time to sweep them from the pages of history. But I do believe that if Germans and Europeans want to protect themselves and get their countries back, they're going to need to take to the street to do it, because their rulers will ignore them in government or, worse, pass MORE laws that make it illegal to object to Eurocrats and Merkelists.

Please clarify existing legislation in EU countries that prescribe peaceful objection to government policies.

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This is what the establishment social democrats, greens, and christian democrats have done to Germany and Europe. It is time to sweep them from the pages of history. But I do believe that if Germans and Europeans want to protect themselves and get their countries back, they're going to need to take to the street to do it, because their rulers will ignore them in government or, worse, pass MORE laws that make it illegal to object to Eurocrats and Merkelists.

Please clarify existing legislation in EU countries that prescribe peaceful objection to government policies.

Do you mean "proscribe?" Otherwise, your post makes no sense.

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Where I come from the buck stops at the top. Why don't they dismiss Merkel?

They'll get their chance at the next election cycle.

But where I come from, I recall there's usually a lot of underlings thrown under a bus to protect the top dog(s).

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This is what the establishment social democrats, greens, and christian democrats have done to Germany and Europe. It is time to sweep them from the pages of history. But I do believe that if Germans and Europeans want to protect themselves and get their countries back, they're going to need to take to the street to do it, because their rulers will ignore them in government or, worse, pass MORE laws that make it illegal to object to Eurocrats and Merkelists.

Please clarify existing legislation in EU countries that prescribe peaceful objection to government policies.

Do you mean "proscribe?" Otherwise, your post makes no sense.

Prescribe: "to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin"


You claim existing laws in the EU legislate against personal freedom to object to government legislation - prove it.

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This is what the establishment social democrats, greens, and christian democrats have done to Germany and Europe. It is time to sweep them from the pages of history. But I do believe that if Germans and Europeans want to protect themselves and get their countries back, they're going to need to take to the street to do it, because their rulers will ignore them in government or, worse, pass MORE laws that make it illegal to object to Eurocrats and Merkelists.

Please clarify existing legislation in EU countries that prescribe peaceful objection to government policies.

Do you mean "proscribe?" Otherwise, your post makes no sense.

Prescribe: "to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin"


You claim existing laws in the EU legislate against personal freedom to object to government legislation - prove it.

"Prescribe" does not fit within the context of your sentence. I think you mean "proscribe." Here is but the latest curtailment of liberties in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-germany-racism-idUSKCN0QX1XW20150828

Not too mention that political parties are banned by the ruling bureaucracy, see Article 21 (2) of the Basic Law https://www.bundestag.de/blob/284870/ce0d03414872b427e57fccb703634dcd/basic_law-data.pdf

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Here is but the latest curtailment of liberties in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-germany-racism-idUSKCN0QX1XW20150828

Not too mention that political parties are banned by the ruling bureaucracy, see Article 21 (2) of the Basic Law https://www.bundestag.de/blob/284870/ce0d03414872b427e57fccb703634dcd/basic_law-data.pdf

OK, so if I understand correctly you're not in agreement that racist & hate speech should be banned in Germany or indeed anywhere else. Logically, unfettered free speech should not ban support for Wahhabism, anti-Semitism, Nazism etc - I disagree, each to their own.

You seem to object to Article 21 (2), to me, especially in the current situation, rather odd you raise this matter.

2) Parties that, by reason of their aims or the behaviour of their adherents, seek to undermine or abolish the free democratic basic order or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be unconstitutional. The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule on the question of unconstitutionality.

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Here is but the latest curtailment of liberties in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-germany-racism-idUSKCN0QX1XW20150828

Not too mention that political parties are banned by the ruling bureaucracy, see Article 21 (2) of the Basic Law https://www.bundestag.de/blob/284870/ce0d03414872b427e57fccb703634dcd/basic_law-data.pdf

OK, so if I understand correctly you're not in agreement that racist & hate speech should be banned in Germany or indeed anywhere else - I disagree, each to their own.

You seem to object to Article 21 (2), to me rather strange you raise this objection

2) Parties that, by reason of their aims or the behaviour of their adherents, seek to undermine or abolish the free democratic basic order or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be unconstitutional. The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule on the question of unconstitutionality.

Anytime anybody in authority gets to decide what is or is not "hate speech" and then ban what they want, you have an authoritarian, if not totalitarian, system of government. Usernames is correct. People who cannot deal with the concept of free speech being speech that often upsets those in power or challenges accepted shibboleths of the media elite are the threats to democracy and freedom. As for the article from the German Basic Law, it is obviously a meat cleaver to be used against any opponent who threatens the status quo or the clandestine arrangements that ruling politicians make behind closed doors.

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Here is but the latest curtailment of liberties in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-germany-racism-idUSKCN0QX1XW20150828

Not too mention that political parties are banned by the ruling bureaucracy, see Article 21 (2) of the Basic Law https://www.bundestag.de/blob/284870/ce0d03414872b427e57fccb703634dcd/basic_law-data.pdf

OK, so if I understand correctly you're not in agreement that racist & hate speech should be banned in Germany or indeed anywhere else - I disagree, each to their own.

You seem to object to Article 21 (2), to me rather strange you raise this objection

2) Parties that, by reason of their aims or the behaviour of their adherents, seek to undermine or abolish the free democratic basic order or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be unconstitutional. The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule on the question of unconstitutionality.

Anytime anybody in authority gets to decide what is or is not "hate speech" and then ban what they want, you have an authoritarian, if not totalitarian, system of government. Usernames is correct. People who cannot deal with the concept of free speech being speech that often upsets those in power or challenges accepted shibboleths of the media elite are the threats to democracy and freedom. As for the article from the German Basic Law, it is obviously a meat cleaver to be used against any opponent who threatens the status quo or the clandestine arrangements that ruling politicians make behind closed doors.

I was editing my reply whilst you made your post. However, as an example don't ban Islamist preachers? As to the latter part of your post look up Right of Resistance in Basic Law.

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Here is but the latest curtailment of liberties in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-germany-racism-idUSKCN0QX1XW20150828

Not too mention that political parties are banned by the ruling bureaucracy, see Article 21 (2) of the Basic Law https://www.bundestag.de/blob/284870/ce0d03414872b427e57fccb703634dcd/basic_law-data.pdf

OK, so if I understand correctly you're not in agreement that racist & hate speech should be banned in Germany or indeed anywhere else - I disagree, each to their own.

You seem to object to Article 21 (2), to me rather strange you raise this objection

2) Parties that, by reason of their aims or the behaviour of their adherents, seek to undermine or abolish the free democratic basic order or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be unconstitutional. The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule on the question of unconstitutionality.

Anytime anybody in authority gets to decide what is or is not "hate speech" and then ban what they want, you have an authoritarian, if not totalitarian, system of government. Usernames is correct. People who cannot deal with the concept of free speech being speech that often upsets those in power or challenges accepted shibboleths of the media elite are the threats to democracy and freedom. As for the article from the German Basic Law, it is obviously a meat cleaver to be used against any opponent who threatens the status quo or the clandestine arrangements that ruling politicians make behind closed doors.

I was editing my reply whilst you made your post. However, as an example don't ban Islamist preachers? As to the latter part of your post look up Right of Resistance in Basic Law.

If you mean ban their speech, wherever that may be, no. Absolutely not. As for banning them. That is a different issue. If they are non-citizens, there is no right to allow them to enter--at least in the US. Europe obviously intends to do otherwise.

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