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Merkel's party calls for tighter laws after Cologne assaults


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I had a conversation with my daughter recently. She lives in the US and I in Thailand, so we rare see each other. She's liberal like I used to be. Maybe she'll get more crotchety as she gets older, as I have. I mentioned my annoyance at central and north Europe being so open-armed receptive to money-seeking migrants, and she responded, "dad, they're needy. If you were suffering such hardship, you'd want to go to a better country also." She's right, to a point. If I was a young man stuck in a dune state or N.Africa, I'd do everything I could to get the heck out of there a.s.a.p.

But that's not the issue. On the one hand I totally understand why millions of people want to leave their homelands. They're wretched places for many reasons. The issue is: why should Europe take the load? The wretched masses should first try to fix things in their own country. If that's impossible, then they should seek asylum with fellow Muslim countries (which, in fairness many of them are doing). The 600 lb. gorilla that no one wants to mention is: overpopulation. There have been too many people in the Dune states for hundreds of years, and it gets worse every year. Lessen population, and their problems get a little bit less dire. Ridding them of their mean-spirited religion would also lessen their problems, but that won't happen. They're in a quagmire of their and their predecessors' making. The M.East and N.Africa have been nearly devoid of natural resources for centuries. Are they just figuring that out?!? If you take a 100,000 square mile sandlot and try to provide sustenance for 500 million people, it just doesn't work. That's a big reason why they're all craving to go to places with green pastures and clean water and jobs ......like central and north Europe.

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I bet there are many stories that are happening in Germany that we do not hear

about. Just like the mess the migrants left on their way from Greece to Germany,

would not have been exposed if it was not for some people who took pictures

and videos of the behavior of these people. Now with the attack on the women,

I think Germany and Europe is in for more tough times.

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I see tribalism emerge in Germany again. The North against the South, the West against the East. And rather any solidarity within the country at all.

To me, Germany is a failed state, an illusion only accepted in times of prosperity.

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You mean like laws that don't offer asylum to Muslim terrorists "refugees"?

"The Islamist extremist who staged a failed attack on a Paris police station last week had been living in a shelter for asylum seekers in western Germany, police said, deepening fears that militants may be infiltrating Europe disguised as migrants.

The revelation that the assailant had been trying to pass himself off as an asylum seeker is likely to spur further debate about the vetting and processing of hundreds of thousands of migrants from the war-torn Middle East seeking sanctuary in Europe. The man had assumed several aliases and at one point claimed to be from Syria, according to police in Germany."

Washington Post

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