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Maggie Rosenberg, Thailand's American Sweetheart


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Maggie Rosenberg, Thailand's American Sweetheart

For 19-year-old Brooklyn native Maggie Rosenberg, learning Thai pop songs began as a frustrated attempt to connect with the people of her host country. But the connection turned out stronger than she had anticipated — spawning TV specials, spoofs and adoring fans who gush over her adorable smile and barely discernible accent.

After returning home from a cultural immersion program in Thailand four years ago, Rosenberg taught herself Thai by learning how to sing the country’s pop hits. Today, her covers draw tens of thousands of views, while her original song, the endearing “I Don’t Speak Thai,” has racked up nearly a million. Most videos feature her strumming a ukulele in her bedroom, her voice evoking the stripped-down sweetness of Taylor Swift and Ingrid Michaelson. But her appeal transcends her talent, and even the novelty of a white girl singing in Thai. In a world that glorifies American pop culture, Rosenberg offers a refreshing alternative. “I’m saying, ‘No … I care about the music you’re making,’” she says. For Thai people, “seeing someone else care about their music and culture as much as they do is very exciting.”

"Rosenberg admits that her Thai is “bad.” But music has enabled her to make the connections that once eluded her."

Read more here - http://www.ozy.com/performance/maggie-rosenberg-thailands-american-sweetheart/61636

ฉันไม่พูดภาษาไทย (I Don't Speak Thai)-Maggie Rosenberg

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