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Bank security guard threatens Australian man with gun in Pattaya


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Kind of sums up how far down the road.

Thais in Pattaya have gone, with regard to the the people

that are responsible for them to have a job in the first place.

the humble Tourist. blink.png

Hope he was fired for this bah.gif

Don't be silly,no one gets fired, they are just transferred to an inactive post. Isn't that the norm for men in uniform?coffee1.gif

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So what! Just another nutter with a gun in Pattaya, but is Bank of Ayudhya giving 2.10% on term deposits?

Also just another DUMB FARANG asking for trouble because he thinks that he is immune to local rules or he is just an arrigant axxhole.The next time may be the guard has a couple of the locals explain thinks to him.

If he had shot the Australian bully, so then we'd have one less arrogant bully of an Australian bike parker in town. Not all that great of a loss. The Australian was in the wrong, daily, and just thought the guard could do nothing, made sure the guard understood everyday that he could damn well park his bike where ever he wanted. I'm real surprised the guard didn't shot the Australian, maybe he should have. Would one dead Australian ruin your day? Not mine.

Australian bashing now are we? coffee1.gif

Why not? Makes a change from the norm that we see on here. whistling.gif

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He has been parking at a non-parking zone on a daily basis....ha free parking.

Been doing much more than that. Everyday the Australian parked there he was thumbing his nose at the guard. Daily the Australian let the guard know that he was nothing in the eyes of the Australian. Everyday the Australian stole a little bit of the guards dignity. Why did the Australian act that way towards a Thai ? Racism comes to mind, because the Australian was much bigger and could do as he wanted? The mistke the guard made was in not pulling the trigger and serving his two months. Thailand and the expat community don't need Australians like that swaggering around Thailand giving us all a bad name by thinking that might makes right. No wonder they gang up on farang, they have to.

I think I detect some racism towards Australians in your comments.

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Kind of sums up how far down the road.

Thais in Pattaya have gone, with regard to the the people

that are responsible for them to have a job in the first place.

the humble Tourist. blink.png

Hope he was fired for this bah.gif

Don't be silly,no one gets fired, they are just transferred to an inactive post. Isn't that the norm for men in uniform?coffee1.gif

Yes, in-deed they do. wai2.gif

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I was going to comment on this then I just got lost for words, someone help me out here......move your motorbike or I will shoot you is the best I could come up with ?

All Expats should understand the phrase " Losing Face ". Yes 100 % wrong for the guard to do; but the Aussie guy should not have put himself in a position of danger. If he parks there everyday and it is a no parking area for non bank customers, why do it. What if no gun was involved ? What if the guard gets in his face and says move your motorcycle, if you are not going into the bank ? Is the parking space worth fighting about. You know when there is a fight between a Thai and a Farang; the one on one; turns into Five on one ! So yes the guard is wrong; 100 %; but the Aussie was stupid for doing this everyday.

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i have just finished reading this post, and i am just wondering if any of you experts actually have either been to this bank or have seen the parking area or met Mr Zahlan himself ?

probably not. from the lack of actual knowledge about this situation displayed.

does any body really know the truth about what happened here ?

or are you all just trolling and speaking out of your backsides.

i have known Andrew for a few years and he is neither a bully or disrespectful to Thai people.

I have parked my motorcycle in this parking area many times over the past few years and i have never been told to move it.

it is known that the guard has moved motorbikes on previous occasions and there have been incidents where bikes have been damaged in this area before.

i was not at the scene , however i have watched the video of the incident where you see the guard moving a bike and then repeatedly pointing his gun at the person taking the video.

it is on channel 3 news if anybody cares to watch.

after reading five pages of rubbish about this incident, it makes me wonder about about some of you guys posting here .

you are all very quick to provide an opinion based on your own assumptions but if you met Mr Zahlan would you be so quick to vilify him to his face ?

or would you be to scared of loosing yours ?


feel free to P.M, me and i will be willing to discuss this matter more in private.

end of rant !

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There are always two sides to a story. We don`t know how abusive the Australian got when he was asked to move his motorbike. In the past I have been asked to move my motorbike from certain areas by security guards and just done it without question. Why make a song and dance about it?

we don't even know that he was abusive ...hows that for the precursor of 'two sides to a story'

You mean the security guard immediately approached the Farlang pointing his gun without provocation and asked him to move his motorbike?

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I was going to comment on this then I just got lost for words, someone help me out here......move your motorbike or I will shoot you is the best I could come up with ?

It is what happens in a xenophobic culture that considers loss of face to be the ultimate crime, intolerable when at the hands of a lowly non-Thai.

I'm going through just that problem right now with a Thai neighbour. Just being non-Thai and being here means that by default you don't have rights and you're always wrong.

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Kind of sums up how far down the road.

Thais in Pattaya have gone, with regard to the the people

that are responsible for them to have a job in the first place.

the humble Tourist. blink.png

Hope he was fired for this bah.gif

Fined Not more than 100 baht i am sure and keeps his job.

Why are you so sure about that? I think there is a good chance he'll lose his gun licence.

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Try going into a bank in Philippines.... not easy. Guard with shotgun in front of door, wanted to know why I wanted to go into bank. "This is a bank. Banks sell money, and I want to withdraw some". He told me to go to ATM (limit usually around $200)

I think you're exaggerating. Having lived in the Philippines for over 5 years and visited different banks all over the country 100's of times over the years, I have never been asked by a guard why I wanted to go into the bank or stopped by one, or questioned in anyway. Despite the fact that they carry guns, they are always friendly. Maybe you looking threatening or were badly dressed or had a bad attitude? Most banks have a limit of over $400 (20,000 peso) per pull these days.

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