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I've just spent a while reading this furom and I'm afraid that I have the most hopeless case of all. I'd really like some hope here. I'll give you all the details..

I'm a twenty three year old English teacher in Cambodia and my girlfriend is a twenty six year old beautician in Bangkok. I met her last September. I finish working in Cambodia in July, I will go to Pattaya to work in Timeshare and teach my girlfriend how to drive. Around September I will return to Spain to work in Timeshare. I want my girlfriend to come with me.

The problem is I don't think I can really vouch for her. I'm not Spanish, I'm British, I no longer hold residence in Spain and even if I could prove I will and did work there the Spanish would not be impressed with my Timeshare experience as it has a very dodgy, criminal element attached to it. Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there. The more I write the more I think this is absoloutely hopeless. Is there a chance? A three to six month tourist visa would be ideal. Your help would be much appreciated, I've naively told my girlfriend it'll be no problem and now she's too excited to dissapoint. Thanks.

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I've just spent a while reading this furom and I'm afraid that I have the most hopeless case of all. I'd really like some hope here. I'll give you all the details..

I'm a twenty three year old English teacher in Cambodia and my girlfriend is a twenty six year old beautician in Bangkok. I met her last September. I finish working in Cambodia in July, I will go to Pattaya to work in Timeshare and teach my girlfriend how to drive. Around September I will return to Spain to work in Timeshare. I want my girlfriend to come with me.

The problem is I don't think I can really vouch for her. I'm not Spanish, I'm British, I no longer hold residence in Spain and even if I could prove I will and did work there the Spanish would not be impressed with my Timeshare experience as it has a very dodgy, criminal element attached to it. Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there. The more I write the more I think this is absoloutely hopeless. Is there a chance? A three to six month tourist visa would be ideal. Your help would be much appreciated, I've naively told my girlfriend it'll be no problem and now she's too excited to dissapoint. Thanks.

It doesn't sound too good. All you can really try is getting on to the Spanish Embassy in Bangkok and talk to a Consular Officer in the visa section there

662 2526112. Good luck.


Thanks, I've just tried it without luck. If I did manage to get a British visa would she be able to travel to Spain easily as it's a fellow E.U. country?


This is going to be tough. Even if she had a visa for the UK, she wouldn't be able to travel to Spain. Spain requires Schengen visa, while the UK is not a part of Schengen. Click here for more information about a visa for Spain.

I think you should come upfront and tell your girlfriend it is going to be difficult.


What a future!

finish work in July .That is positive but can hardly been a long career.

In Pattaya you will teach your GF how to drive.

UK, no option you have trouble there, but you would not have a chance.See forum reactions!

Spain as explained by LC no chance to bring your GF.

Timeshare has a criminal element attached to it!!(your statement)

Europe is really waiting for you. :D

Bring order in your own life before you drag somebody into it :o


it does,nt sound very hopeful for you, becareful working in pattaya without a work permit, they are siht hot on it at the moment.

good luck with teaching her to drive in pattaya!


i hope thats not you in that picture?

What a future!

finish work in July .That is positive but can hardly been a long career.

In Pattaya you will teach your GF how to drive.

UK, no option you have trouble there, but you would not have a chance.See forum reactions!

Spain as explained by LC no chance to bring your GF.

Timeshare has a criminal element attached to it!!(your statement)

Europe is really waiting for you. :o

Bring order in your own life before you drag somebody into it <_<

Words of wisdom Dutch.

i hope thats not you in that picture?

Hehehe, Good one!!!!

Lets fact it, those guys that are working in timeshare look a shady lot, i went up too look at View Talay, over 4 years ago, only went up there cos they gave you some free beer, and the girl got 200 baht commision.

The geezer up there thought i was a tourist and was telling me all about pattaya and his massive 6 months experience in Thailand, i had already been in Thailand for 10 years. He did start getting a bit mouthy at one stage when i was declining his offers, he joked with the other guys that i would not get out of that project without signing up, i stood up, told him that i was a 4th Dan Black belt in Shotokan Karate, and asked how he intented to keep me there, his attitude was all joking all smiling after that, but they do try to intimidate people.

Also as Dave said, be very very careful in Pattaya, working without papers


i hope thats not you in that picture?

To quote from The Full Monty: "Ask him why he's called The Horse."

"Well it's not 'cos he won the Grand National is it?"

Sorry, your g/f's not going anywhere. :o

What a future!

finish work in July .That is positive but can hardly been a long career.

In Pattaya you will teach your GF how to drive.

UK, no option you have trouble there, but you would not have a chance.See forum reactions!

Spain as explained by LC no chance to bring your GF.

Timeshare has a criminal element attached to it!!(your statement)

Europe is really waiting for you. :D

Bring order in your own life before you drag somebody into it :o

What an assumption.

Why do you assume I have only been working for a short while and my life is unorderly? Because I work in Timeshare? Get out more.

For those of who gave useful information without trying compose a psycological profile, thanks. I think I will find a way.

For those of who gave useful information without trying compose a psycological profile, thanks. I think I will find a way.

To be frank, your Avatar does not help us responding in a sensitive way (if there is any,...)

Sorry,... :o


I can't see any assumption - you gave us the outline:

I'm a twenty three year old English teacher in Cambodia and my girlfriend is a twenty six year old beautician in Bangkok. I met her last September. I finish working in Cambodia in July, I will go to Pattaya to work in Timeshare and teach my girlfriend how to drive. Around September I will return to Spain to work in Timeshare. I want my girlfriend to come with me.
Then you add:
Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there.
I can't see any assumption - you gave us the outline:
I'm a twenty three year old English teacher in Cambodia and my girlfriend is a twenty six year old beautician in Bangkok. I met her last September. I finish working in Cambodia in July, I will go to Pattaya to work in Timeshare and teach my girlfriend how to drive. Around September I will return to Spain to work in Timeshare. I want my girlfriend to come with me.

Then you add:

Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there.

Can he be a troller, can he?

If not, he sure deserves to be one,... :o

Bring order in your own life before you drag somebody into it

spot on. beautifully put . totally correct.

i feel sorry for her already. she has work, income and some stability here.

in spain all she will have is you,paella and the company of lowlife timeshare idiots ....(cos thats all they are)..... your track record is not good.

prove yourself.go to spain alone, make some money,then come back and settle here with her .

I can't see any assumption - you gave us the outline:
I'm a twenty three year old English teacher in Cambodia and my girlfriend is a twenty six year old beautician in Bangkok. I met her last September. I finish working in Cambodia in July, I will go to Pattaya to work in Timeshare and teach my girlfriend how to drive. Around September I will return to Spain to work in Timeshare. I want my girlfriend to come with me.

Then you add:

Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there.


Bring order in your own life before you drag somebody into it

spot on. beautifully put . totally correct.

i feel sorry for her already. she has work, income and some stability here.

in spain all she will have is you. your track record is not good.

prove yourself.go to spain alone, make some money,then come back and settle here with her .

Is this a Christian site? I say I have trouble in the U.K. which could be anything from a minor tax problem to murder.. But you don't know... so let's just assume I'm a recovering smackhead wanted for drug dealing and man rape.

You feel sorry for her? Tell me why? Tell me about me.

If I was a tit like yourself I might add that I feel sorry for your partner having to live with someone so condecendingly judgemental.

And what is my track record?


Horse = Just another Pattaya waster, waiting for the fateful day when the money has totally run out, unless Pattaya immigration Police bust him before then. Listen mate, if you like your gf just a liitle bit, go get a real job, with real pay.

You seen those timeshare tossers in pattaya? Looks like they cant afford a meal, there was some in Pattaya for a while couple of young guys, what a pair of tossers they was, looked like smackheads they was so thin, it was lack of decent food, i heard that they earn less money than an English Teacher, if that is possible.

I bought one of them a sandwich one day, i felt so sorry for him.

Horse, you seem to be just what Thailand is looking for, another skint tosspot in pattaya.

Listen mate, if you like your gf just a liitle bit, go get a real job, with real pay.

Could not have said it better.

But as you said, not the only one, unfortunately,...

The problem is I don't think I can really vouch for her. I'm not Spanish, I'm British, I no longer hold residence in Spain and even if I could prove I will and did work there the Spanish would not be impressed with my Timeshare experience as it has a very dodgy, criminal element attached to it. Getting her a visa for the U.K. is out of the question as I have trouble there. The more I write the more I think this is absoloutely hopeless.

1.you have no residency rights in spain...(although as a uk citizen you shouldn't need any)

2.your "work" record is in one of the sleaziest fields known. the field of the timeshare "consultant".

can i ask why you dont teach english in spain?

3.you have "trouble" in the uk and cannot return there with your girlfriend. (either with the law,you have unpaid debts or somebody is after you...wife,authorities,"business" partner).

that in a nut shell is you and your track record relevant to this situation, and that is also why i feel sorry for your girlfriend.

as i said,face your problems,sort them out and come back for your girlfriend.

no need to get on your high horse about it.

Horse = Just another Pattaya waster, waiting for the fateful day when the money has totally run out, unless Pattaya immigration Police bust him before then. Listen mate, if you like your gf just a liitle bit, go get a real job, with real pay.

You seen those timeshare tossers in pattaya? Looks like they cant afford a meal, there was some in Pattaya for a while couple of young guys, what a pair of tossers they was, looked like smackheads they was so thin, it was lack of decent food, i heard that they earn less money than an English Teacher, if that is possible.

I bought one of them a sandwich one day, i felt so sorry for him.

Horse, you seem to be just what Thailand is looking for, another skint tosspot in pattaya.

Ha ha you dick.

I haven't been to Pattaya yet but when I do I garuntee you I'll be making more than I am now. Timeshare '"touts" are generally an obnoxious, arrogant lot I agree but don't let their appearence deceive you they look poor so naive tourists will give them sympathy and make them money... like you.

A real job with real pay? Ha! OK let me tell you the pay scale in my company in the Canaries:

One qualified couple (credit card, homeowners, married or living together for more than 3 years, fulltime employed)... 90 Euros.

4 couples everyday for five days: Consistancy bonus of 480 Euros.

120 Euros paid on every 10 qualified couples.

If the couple deals, 180 Euros on a small deal up to 370 on a big one.

If you're good like myself you can average about 18 qualified couples a week.

So is your job a "real pay" job Polo?

I probably sound like a real braggart now and you can rightfully flame me on that but don't presume to know me or how much I earn after five or so quick posts. :o

Stop trying to work me out I don't know sh*t about you (besides being a dick) and you don't know sh*t about me.

1.you have no residency rights in spain...(although as a uk citizen you shouldn't need any)

2.your "work" record is in one of the sleaziest fields known. the field of the timeshare "consultant".

can i ask why you dont teach english in spain?

3.you have "trouble" in the uk and cannot return there with your girlfriend. (either with the law,you have unpaid debts or somebody is after you...wife,authorities,"business" partner).

that in a nut shell is you and your track record relevant to this situation, and that is also why i feel sorry for your girlfriend.

as i said,face your problems,sort them out and come back for your girlfriend.

no need to get on your high horse about it.

So you feel sorry for my girlfriend because I worked in Timeshare and have trouble in the U.K.??? That doesn't make sense. Direct your heartfelt sympathy to a needy cause.

And what problems? You don't know me man. I'm young, healthy and happy. :o

Stop trying to work me out I don't know sh*t about you (besides being a dick) and you don't know sh*t about me.

True. So, please do not ask us to comment about your situation.

And if you do, expect the worse. Coming your way, I think,... :o


i don't know what fairy tails you've heard about pattaya, pattaya is,nt las americas or los christianos,

a, sorry you won,t earn loads here.

b, not all people here are that stupid,

c, watch your back here, this is'nt spain, it does'nt matter how big and clever you re here. don't con people here.

d, i don't feel sorry for fellow uk people here who look down on their luck, they will never get &lt;deleted&gt; all out of me.

good luck anyway

You don't know me man. I'm young, healthy and happy

then why are you sitting at a computer complaining and asking advice regarding the hopeless situation you find yourself in?

theres plenty of work around in thailand if you put your mind to it.

no need to go to spain.

come to think of it, if you can sing a tune the bee gees are a man short these days, they are looking for a new number three and you look like you could fit the bill. proper money too.


It's time like this that I feel like I've wasted my time searching for information for nothing. :D

You know it in your heart that your situation doesn't look good at all. Everything seems to be a problem. Being a UK citizen doesn't mean it'll be easier to get your girlfriend a visa. Let's face it, it's very difficult. You even said it yourself that you think it's hopeless. If you genuinely need advices, why don't you adjust your attitude a little bit?

And it's time like this too that I thank God I am luckier than many others out there. :o

FYI, I've been to the UK. First attempt and I got my visa.


Taxexile - you are right! Could he really be the incarnated BG? (..er Bee Gee, not Bar Girl :o ). Looks pretty similar...

You know it in your heart that your situation doesn't look good at all.

LC, he does not know anything and he does not care.

And, Thai way. Som Nam Na,...:o:D

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