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German Chancellor: Europe is 'vulnerable'


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German Chancellor: Europe is 'vulnerable'


BERLIN: -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel says a lack of order and control is making Europe “vulnerable” in the face of the refugee crisis.

She was addressing a business conference in the city of Mainz on Monday:

“Now all of a sudden we are facing the challenge that refugees are coming into Europe and we are vulnerable, as we see, because we don’t yet have the order, the control that we would like to have. We also have to intensify the fight against the causes that make people flee in the first place, then we’ll be able to reduce the number of refugees – that’s what we want to happen this year.”

The Chancellor is under growing pressure to take a harder stance on immigration and refugees after the first in-depth police report on New Year’s Eve violence in Cologne documented sexual assaults and robbery on women by groups of young, mainly migrant men.

Around 2000 anti-Muslim demonstrators took to the streets of Leipzig on Monday to protest at the Cologne attacks under the slogan “Merkel needs to go”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-12

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Stupid Merkel, what have you done, the worst thing ever was to let just a single one into Germany.

Now you have created a monster for Europe. You will never get rid of these people now,

Silly Smerkel, I hope you can live with yourself after <deleted> up the balance of the world.

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stupid. It is her inviting the mob to come in that makes Europe vulnerable.

It's not stupid. She is simply doing her (real) job: replacing weepy Christianity, struggling with European era of enlightenment, by hardcore, zero-tolerance Islam.

Edited by Ralf61
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Social peace is destroyed by this stupid, unprepared, unorganized, unlimited immigration policy.
Until now, over one million people.

The first lie is the war refugees lie.

Some are real war refugees, others are economic migrants.
That one wants to help war refugees is good, that is to say protection and temporary stay.
If the riots are over, the refugees must return to their home countries again.

And here lies the deception of the German people.
The government is planning in reality a permanent residence for them.
That will never openly expressed by the Government.
After 2-3 years these refugees are then equipped with the German nationality with voting rights and all. So Merkel is trying to secure her re-election.

The second lie is the Integration lie.

How can germany integrate these crowds (millions of people)?
All are:

- mostly muslims,
- mostly young men,
- mostly uneducated,
- mostly from unrest and war zones which bring this struggle mentality with them,
- all poor with no money unable to care for themselves long-term,
- mostly with no relationship to our culture,
- 99% do not understand the german language,
- a very high percentage are illiterate, etc

The integration from these people is 100% impossible in short, medium and long term.
The government knows this, but they no report this to the public.
Currently it is an organizational chaos; at all borders, at all authority bureaus, and in every village where the provisional tents and container towns are situated.

The third lie is the refinancing lie.

Who should pay for it all?
This silly migration policy is destroying our social security systems.
The refugees do not come to Germany because we are so nice and they respect german culture and laws, no, because they getting free 400 Euro lunch money + 500 Euro for housing and free health insurance!
Germany definitely has no jobs for uneducated, non-German speaking foreigners.
Where these people could find work to take care of themselves?
All at McDonalds?
Germany has no simple professions that you can just learn in 6 weeks without language skills.
Nurse, elderly care, construction, catering, agriculture are all apprenticeships with at least 3 years of learning time.

So when will be the first integrated refugee from on million, to be able to pay his first Euro in the treasury?
What a refinancing lie!

The fours lie is the numbers lie

And 2016?
The government does not take any measures to stop the further influx of these crowds.
Now around 4,000 new people (official figure) enter every day. Illegal border crossings not counting (the number of Illegal is high and by the authorities unknown!).
From the small number of arrested sexual offenders from Cologne were 9 illigal.
So 2015 over one million
2016 approximately 365 x 5000 = 1,8 millions, probably 2 million and more.
2017 ??? 2-3 millions?
This conceals the government!

A crime against their own people.
What a disaster!

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As I understand it Germany needs 500,000 immigrants a year for the next 20 years to make up

for Germany's low birthrate. So she may maybe doing her job for Germany but throwing the rest

of Europe under the bus. Also she will cream the best migrants off the top (young and educated)

and then say to the rest of Europe, you have to take your share, hear they are. Europe should

decline the request. Mamma Merkel as spread her arms wide and shouted loud and clear, all

are welcome. The rest of Europe should shuttle them to Germany. That should be there

contribution to Merkel. coffee1.gif

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"Lack of order and control" - purposely created by Mutti Merkel and her puppet Juncke.

Ja, we must have order and control. Just like in the DDR eh Angela? Central control and order for all, with Germany firmly at the center and in control.

In your dreams.

You opened the floodgate, tried to force quotas on everyone else and dictate what they must do. Do you realize that other leaders have woken up. As the Italian PM said, the EU serves all member states not just one. And one state isn't managing and judging everyone else, much as they'd like to.

Pity the vast majority of good decent Germans watching helplessly as this former communist activist and leader tries to wreck their country and destroy their traditions and culture. What better way to destroy a Christian culture than with radical Islam, the one so called religion that always got on with the communists. Trouble is Angela, you might not be able to control these hordes of young angry aggressive radical Muslim men like you think.

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I wouldn't want her job.

Darned if she does.

Darned if she doesn't.

There isn't any easy answer.

Most of the refugees are legitimate refugees.

Keeping our humanity in the face of difficult moral choices is never easy.

"Most of the refugees are legitimate refugees."

You reckon? Not from most of the reports on TV I've seen they're not. Lots of North African and Pakistani single men.

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Look, just f--- off, will you? The entire continent of Europe despises you for what you have done.

It is amazing she's lasted this long.

Next general election is in 2017 in Germany, there is zero chance she will be voted in for another term.

If she doesn't quit, I imagine the whole party will go. They must be baying for blood there now. As I said - I'm amazed she's still there.

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I wouldn't want her job.

Darned if she does.

Darned if she doesn't.

There isn't any easy answer.

Most of the refugees are legitimate refugees.

Keeping our humanity in the face of difficult moral choices is never easy.

You must be joking.

MOST of them are young Muslim men.

Probably planted by ISIS to take down Europe.

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I wonder about the majority of our spineless politicians.
1. Why is not carried out by secret ballot with a vote of confidence in the Bundestag?
- the only legal way to drop off Merkel as Chancellor immediately.

Why is not a referendum on this important issue conducted?
- According to a recent n-tv online survey 90% (n = 27500 persons) reject the refugee policy or are against it.
Source: http://www.n-tv.de/umfragen/

How can a chancellor venture so, to go against its own people !!!

3. Why is not a prosecution carried out, against the violation of existing asylum rights, or european regulations?

if that is not immediately properly regulated, then we have civil war.

Edited by tomacht8
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Single men can't be refugees? That doesn't make sense to me at all. I will acknowledge that I lack knowledge about the exact percentage that are legit or not, and it sounds like the German government lacks the same kind of knowledge!

Been reported a number of times roughly 40% are identified as economic refugees, the majority from Balkan countries.

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Well now,,Isn't she the stupid Who invited them ALL in?Change of mind Hey,To late to complain It's a Stupid Self inflicted Giant Problem. I said before They will be very sorry very soon,Waisting the Money of your people. bah.gif

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As the Czech President said:

“If you live in a land where you are prosecuted for fishing without a licence, but not for crossing the frontier without a valid passport, then you have every right to say this land is ruled by idiots.”

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Nothing like opening the door to the hen house to ravenous wolves...THEN thinking that maybe that was not such a good idea...

At least there are a few politicians in the US saying we need to take a hard look at the consequences of opening it's door to known trouble makers...

This is really a world refugee problem...set up a UN camp in the ME until all the stupid jockeying for position is over...

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if that is not immediately properly regulated, then we have civil war.

There won't be a civil war. Have you forgotten that they disarmed the European population "for their own good"? Now the only people with any power are the leaders and many of them unelected leaders within the EU.

This plan of a central EU and a powerless populace has been at work for many decades, one step at a time.


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