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Aussie couple who sought Thai girl's help were never robbed, police say


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Plot twist: Aussie couple who sought Thai girl’s help were never robbed, police say
By Coconuts Bangkok

The two Australian tourists are seen in viral photos crying desperately to a Bangkok woman about getting robbed. Photo: Kamolrat Maeji Ayla

BANGKOK: -- Tourist police said last night the two Australian tourists, seen in photos that went viral crying desperately to a Bangkok woman about getting robbed, were actually fraudsters.

In a Facebook post that circulated across the web and local media yesterday, the couple, identified by police as Liam Endersby and Emma Bunner, sought help from a Thai woman at a car shop near Bangkok Bus Terminal in Taling Chan district yesterday and said they had been robbed.

"A couple came to sit in front of my shop and cried until my employees came to get me. They had been robbed. I wanted to contact the tourist police for them but they insisted they wanted to go the Australian Embassy," Facebook user Maeji Kamolrat Ayla wrote. At the end, the tourists got away with some cash and a free taxi ride.

"I gave them snacks and water until a taxi driver came to my shop. So he volunteered to take them to the embassy. I gave them some money. I wished them good luck," she added.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/01/13/plot-twist-aussie-couple-who-sought-thai-girls-help-were-never-robbed-police-say

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-01-13

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"However, tourist police told the press last night that it was unlikely the couple had been robbed as they had previously told police earlier in the month they had already lost their ATM cards and credit cards. They had also been kicked out of hotels in Kanchanaburi twice this month due to drunken rampages."

OK, they are low lifes and probably weren't robbed judging by their past actions, but surely their claims should be investigated before being dismissed.

Edited by metisdead
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So much have been written here with names calling about farang being scammed by the locals.....here we have thais being scammed by farangs....so what you say.... bah.gif

I'd say these low life should be thrown in the bighouse and be made to pay every penny back.

Australia has plenty of bogans on it's shores and some of them seem to be making their way to Thailand.


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"However, tourist police told the press last night that it was unlikely the couple had been robbed as they had previously told police earlier in the month they had already lost their ATM cards and credit cards. They had also been kicked out of hotels in Kanchanaburi twice this month due to drunken rampages."

OK, they are low lifes and probably weren't robbed judging by their past actions, but surely their claims should be investigated before being dismissed.

I disagree what a waste of police resources.

The Thais should put a bounty on these two and see how long before they are flushed out.

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"However, tourist police told the press last night that it was unlikely the couple had been robbed as they had previously told police earlier in the month they had already lost their ATM cards and credit cards. They had also been kicked out of hotels in Kanchanaburi twice this month due to drunken rampages."

OK, they are low lifes and probably weren't robbed judging by their past actions, but surely their claims should be investigated before being dismissed.

I disagree what a waste of police resources.

The Thais should put a bounty on these two and see how long before they are flushed out.

So, you are saying that it doesn't matter if they were robbed?

They aren't nice people so why bother?

Great philosophy.

Let's look at it this way and I saw a fair bit of this through my career.

You lay with dogs and you get fleas.

When scumbags fall victim (apparently), to their own kind, it's kind of karma and if the low life would just focus on feeding off each other, all the better.

The Police are a limited resource, don't you think they'd be better off investing their time taking care of some decent folk?

I will save my tears for someone else thanks. biggrin.png

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"However, tourist police told the press last night that it was unlikely the couple had been robbed as they had previously told police earlier in the month they had already lost their ATM cards and credit cards. They had also been kicked out of hotels in Kanchanaburi twice this month due to drunken rampages."

OK, they are low lifes and probably weren't robbed judging by their past actions, but surely their claims should be investigated before being dismissed.

I disagree what a waste of police resources.

The Thais should put a bounty on these two and see how long before they are flushed out.

So, you are saying that it doesn't matter if they were robbed?

They aren't nice people so why bother?

Great philosophy.

Let's look at it this way and I saw a fair bit of this through my career.

You lay with dogs and you get fleas.

When scumbags fall victim (apparently), to their own kind, it's kind of karma and if the low life would just focus on feeding off each other, all the better.

The Police are a limited resource, don't you think they'd be better off investing their time taking care of some decent folk?

I will save my tears for someone else thanks. biggrin.png

I agree that they do appear to be a miserable pair [according to the tourist copper] but they should have their claim investigated.

If false then deport them, if not then there is the chance that whoever robbed them will do so again and it would be best to catch them.

Their next victims may not be so [allegedly] unlikeable.

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Pair of maggots .....I searched them he lives and works in WA same suburb as my kith n kin and also attends the uni where my niece studies.. guess who is going to shamed at uni and elsewhere

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I heard of traveling on a shoe string, but these con artists take the cake, still, good to know that good

hearted and trusting people are still to be found around.....

The problem is that the good hearted and trusting people get burnt by these scumbags and end up stop caring. So in the end the world is a less friendly and caring place.

These two need to be arrested, locked up for a couple of months and then black listed and deported. Without harsh treatment they will never change their ways.

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Deport them. Kicked out of hotels for drunken rampages, false reports to police, scamming for money....off to immigration detention prior to deportation.

As an Aussie, I have to agree - first flight out, cattle class of course to closest port, Darwin comes to mind - let them find their own way home from there, Thai immigration records duly noted - no further entry "ever"

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I heard of traveling on a shoe string, but these con artists take the cake, still, good to know that good

hearted and trusting people are still to be found around.....

The problem is that the good hearted and trusting people get burnt by these scumbags and end up stop caring. So in the end the world is a less friendly and caring place.

These two need to be arrested, locked up for a couple of months and then black listed and deported. Without harsh treatment they will never change their ways.

Yep pretty much. I had a similar thing done to me by an English guy who said he lost his wallet and everyting in it. Gave me a copy of passport and ID so I helped him out. Then saw him the next day spending the money getting drunk.

Also helped out a Thai girl (friend of a friend once), same shit, but then it was more, a is she a waste of time test (wasn't much), turned out it would have been.

Will I help others again? Not so easily. And in most cases unless I know them probably not.

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Doesn't Australia have a special word for these sort of people?

Bogan or something?

Bogan is far too polite, what they should be called would get you barred or restricted for a few days.

Maggot would be more appropriate (in terms of Australian slang) I would think.

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I agree that they do appear to be a miserable pair [according to the tourist copper] but they should have their claim investigated.

I couldn't agree more with Bluespunk. However, I am not sure the police can do anything about this couple's so-called "claim" unless they lodge an official complaint. If what is written about them is true, I expect these two low-lives will stay as far away from police stations as possible.

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Time the visas are raised to $1000. I would not have a problem paying that much if it kept out the majority of scum that enters here and that number is in the millions. More pieces of **** .

What a pair of scumbags !

How is it that low life scum like this can afford to travel?

It's about time airlines increased their airfares, keep people like this back in western Sydney or the back blocks of the Gold Coast where they deserve to be.

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More typical scum bag foreigners. Just what Thailand needs less of. Ever wonder why the Thais have come to mistrust and hate us ? Here is a fine example.

Bet you were getting withdrawal symptoms with not having too many 'scumbag foreigners' in the Thai news lately.


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Time the visas are raised to $1000. I would not have a problem paying that much if it kept out the majority of scum that enters here and that number is in the millions. More pieces of **** .

What a pair of scumbags !

How is it that low life scum like this can afford to travel?

It's about time airlines increased their airfares, keep people like this back in western Sydney or the back blocks of the Gold Coast where they deserve to be.

No, just remove the 'economy' seats out of the aircraft and make it 60% Business class and 40% first class.

The scum won't be able to afford the airfares and I won't have to see the visual pollution as I move between the airport lounge and the aircraft!


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