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US Navy sailors released unharmed by Iran in less than a day


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The Americans would have blown them out of the water had the situation been reversed ( just as the shot down Iran Air Airbus 300 on the basis that it might have been military...either a bare-faced lie or gross incompetence, an unattractive choice)

Yes, mistakes were made there, but that situation was completely different.

I really don't think a reversal of the roles would have led to a downing/sinking.

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Imagine how this might have played out if Trump or Cruz was POTUS!

It probably would not have happened in one of them were in charge. A weak president that no one respects invites this kind of incident.

Hubris (/ˈhjuːbrɪs/, also hybris, from ancient Greek ὕβρις) means, in a modern context, extreme pride or self-confidence; in its ancient Greek context, it typically describes violent and excessive behavior rather than an attitude. When it offends the gods of ancient Greece, it is usually punished. The adjectival form of the noun hubris is "hubristic".

Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer consequences from the wrongful act. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.

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Imagine how this might have played out if Trump or Cruz was POTUS!

It probably would not have happened in one of them were in charge. A weak president that no one respects invites this kind of incident.

So, you really believe that Iran would not have detained or arrested members of a foreign military found in their territory if Trump or Cruz was in charge? They were released due to the strong leadership of Obama who instead of threatening them with carpet bombing or obliteration, negotiated and end to their nuclear weapons program through sanctions and then meaningful negotiation. The most positive event between the two countries since the 1970's. Killing people doesn't mean one is strong.

Edited by kamahele
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Please remember that Reagan made a traitorous deal with Iran to help win the election, hence the apparent "fear" of Reagan's "guns". Not true at all. Better do some real fact checking, not that right wing faux (not the) news, breitbrat crap. The right decisions were made, albeit the one photo surely doesn't put a good light on things. And yes, somebody's naval career is over and the crewman that "apologized" is facing some hard times ahead.

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And yes, somebody's naval career is over and the crewman that "apologized" is facing some hard times ahead.

It will be interesting to see if the US Navy heads have collectively been able to grow a pair over the past 50 so years since the Pueblo incident where they placed all the blame on the local commander at the scene or will they place some of the blame higher up at the command and control level. As for the apologetic crewman, he might be seen by his fellow crew mates as the hero. We, who have absolutely no idea of what actually happened, are in no position to speculate or to judge.

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One can only hope that the US learns something from the Iranian's. It has become quite apparent in recent times that the western world generally has followed a policy of belligerence in the so called diplomatic area. I still feel that diplomacy would easily clean up most of the problems currently facing the world. I suppose that selling bombs is so much more profitable than diplomacy.

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Please remember that Reagan made a traitorous deal with Iran to help win the election, hence the apparent "fear" of Reagan's "guns". Not true at all.

It's a new left wing myth that Reagan cut a deal with Iran before the election. Just didn't happen. The Iranians knew they had a weak leader in Carter and that they could toy with him. They also knew that Republicans are more hawkish and that starting off on the wrong foot with the new Republican would be a bad idea, especially after already poking the Great Satan in they eye for 444 days.

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Reagan was effective against the Russian Soviet Union but during his eight years he solidified and guaranteed horrendous US-Iran relations, which until very recently had been only lightning bolts.

President Obama is the first POTUS to deal directly and effectively with the consequences of the Reagan then GHW Bush twelve years of freezing out Iran. (Recall the P5+1 negotiations with Iran over nuclear weapons began in 2002 as the EU-3 of UK, France, Germany because Bush-Cheney "do not negotiate with evil.")

This naval event in the Gulf has been crafted into a huge positive for US-Iran relations, the usual warmongers notwithstanding.

Edited by Publicus
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The Americans would have blown them out of the water had the situation been reversed ( just as the shot down Iran Air Airbus 300 on the basis that it might have been military...either a bare-faced lie or gross incompetence, an unattractive choice)

The "would have" is prejudiced speculation.

The supposed instance cited (parenthetically) occurred in waters near Iran and was truly tragic and unfortunate. It did not occur anywhere near the continental United States.

Cite instances of the United States 'blowing someone out of the water' during peacetime anywhere near the coastal or territorial waters of the USA, to include its continental waters. Cite even a threat to do so.

The Navy of the Iran Revolutionary Guards recently launched unguided rockets 1500 metres from the aircraft carrier Harry S Truman without the US taking any military action. Neither was any weapons response necessary or desired. No one in this incident was blown out of the water either for that matter.

Calm down plse thx.

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First and foremost, it is not a myth, Reagan made a deal to win the election. Please, do some real research, 'cause I will not do it for you. Secondly for all you armchair war mongers that have never been anywhere, done anything, been shot at, picked up your and their dead and know nothing about nothing except what right wing propaganda "teaches" you, I have a short article for you from a source you can't deny. It is not a "liberal" site, it is a site devoted to our military, especially the Navy and Marine Corps. I subscribe to it along with a lot of other similar, perhaps some of you ignorant armchair war mongers should also. http://www.informationdissemination.net/2016/01/thoughts-on-farsi-island-incident.html

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