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Australia resists US pressure to boost efforts against IS


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Australia resists US pressure to boost efforts against IS
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia said Thursday that it was among 40 countries urged by the United States to increase their military contributions in Iraq and Syria following the Paris attacks in November. But Australia told the U.S. that its commitment would remain largely unchanged.

The news of Australian resistance comes as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull prepares to make his first visit to Washington as Australia's leader next week.

Defense Minister Marise Payne's office said in a statement that the United States had asked 40 countries including European nations "to consider expanded contributions" to the U.S.-led coalition fighting in the Middle East after the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the Nov. 13 attacks on Paris cafes, restaurants, a sports stadium and a music hall that killed 130 people.

"Australia has considered the request from U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter in light of the substantial contributions we are already making to train Iraqi security forces and to the air campaign," the statement said.

"The government has advised Secretary Carter that our existing contributions will continue," it said.

But Australia has offered no significant increase in resources.

"The Australian government continues to keep our contribution under ongoing review in consultation with our coalition partners," the statement said.

Australia's resistance to a request for military assistance from its most important security ally has been questioned within the ranks of Turnbull's conservative government.

Sydney's The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Turnbull had become the first Australian prime minister to refuse a U.S. request to supply more troops in a conflict zone.

Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute think-tank and a former Defense Department deputy secretary for strategy, said Australia often refused U.S. requests for military help.

"I don't think the Americans will be surprised," Jennings said, but added they may ask "what's going on with this new prime minister in Canberra?"

Jennings said it would be seen in the context of President Barak Obama chiding Turnbull when they met in Manila in November for failing to warn the U.S. of plans to lease a strategically important north Australian port where U.S. Marines are posted to a Chinese company linked to the Peoples' Liberation Army. Australia under Turnbull has also resisted U.S. pressure to mount a public demonstration of free of navigation in the South China Sea.

Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott as prime minister in September, and Abbott has since become more hawkish in his statements on military intervention in Iraq and Syria, calling for a greater effort in ground warfare.

Kevin Andrews, who was defense minister in Abbott's last administration, said Thursday that he did not know what information Payne had based her decision on.

"My general in-principle view is that if the Americans have made a reasonable request of us, then we should be giving it the most favorable consideration," Andrews told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

U.S. Ambassador to Australia John Berry told reporters late Wednesday that "the United States is enormously grateful for the role Australia is playing."

Berry said Carter had asked for assistance from all 60 nations in the U.S.-led coalition.

Australia describes itself as the largest contributor to the coalition after the United States, with 780 Australian military personnel in the Middle East and aircraft including six F/A-18 Hornet jet fighters striking Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-14

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What possibly could the Australians contribute that isn't already being contributed by the many nations already dropping bombs on both countries? If it was an all out war and ground troops were needed, then sure, invite the Australians to join.

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What possibly could the Australians contribute that isn't already being contributed by the many nations already dropping bombs on both countries? If it was an all out war and ground troops were needed, then sure, invite the Australians to join.

It has been claimed the Australian army have been doing a good job in retraining, advising the Iraqi military and supporting air campaigns. If needed Oz government has left its options open to providing more troops in the future. Currently Oz is spending around a billion dollars a year in supporting coalition military efforts Iraq & Syria. Australia has already committed to providing additional humanitarian aid this year in the region that will likely outrage the right.

The Defense White Paper for the strategic review of future threats and investment in new military hardware is due for publication in the coming months and anticipated to focus on Asia (China).

Who knows if the upcoming elections influenced the decision not to commit additional military resources (money) at this point in time.

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Turnbull has no BALLS.

At least Abbott had the guts to stand up to the minorities.

Like it or not the USA is our closet alley, if we are attacked WHO do we turn to.

I see it the other way around. It takes a lot of balls to say NO, we are already contributing enough

and to the level Australia is comfortable. Of course Australia would turn to the US if Australia

were attacked (not sure who, China, I guess) but the fight in Iraq is a third party country and ISIS

was created because of the mistakes the US made in the region. Australia is involved, enough

is enough.

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Turnbull has no BALLS.

At least Abbott had the guts to stand up to the minorities.

Like it or not the USA is our closet alley, if we are attacked WHO do we turn to.

Rubbish .. Abbott begged to be involved in Syria. The only country invited into Syria is Russia. The rest are there illegally and given their supporting of IS why would you want them.

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Turnbull has no BALLS.

At least Abbott had the guts to stand up to the minorities.

Like it or not the USA is our closet alley, if we are attacked WHO do we turn to.

I see it the other way around. It takes a lot of balls to say NO, we are already contributing enough

and to the level Australia is comfortable. Of course Australia would turn to the US if Australia

were attacked (not sure who, China, I guess) but the fight in Iraq is a third party country and ISIS

was created because of the mistakes the US made in the region. Australia is involved, enough

is enough.

Well said
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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

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If there was a unilateral global media blackout on all things ISIS their organisation would be a fraction of the size as most are their recruits are coming due to media doing so much free advertising.

Geez, can't we learn ANYTHING from DONALD TRUMP?!

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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

There is not one fact or detail that you can present to back up one word of what you have claimed that is not ideologically tainted. Not one objective, verifiable fact.

Since you are a Trump supporter, I will assume that you know nothing about Australia. I don't mean the Australia that is on the right hand side of Germany or the Australia that Judy Garland visited in the 1930's in her ruby slippers. So for your benefit, I can let you know that Australia is a multicultural society completely comprised of immigrants with the exception of a small indigenous population. I can tell you that diversity strengthens Australia while respecting the historic foundations of the Australian culture. If you ever want to visit Australia, to get your visa, you have to sign a statement that you have read and understood a statement of principles on Australian Values. This statement includes words like 'mutual respect, tolerance and fair play' https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long

I can tell you that Australia has a sophisticated criminal justice system that is applied in a non discriminatory manner and effectively deals with criminal activity. Terrorism is a criminal activity. It will be defeated by a criminal justice approach not a military approach. ISIS is a political organisation. ISIS will be effectively engaged on a political level, not a military level. Australian's do not feel threatened by their government. Many Australians including myself own or owned guns but not for defence against any tyrannical government. Neither do Australians need guns because of an irrational fear of terrorists who are thousands of miles away and those who come to Australia or originate in Australia are identified, captured, tried and punished according to the law.

Muslim people have contributed to the development of Australia and continue to do so. Muslim people helped open up the centre of Australia for rail transportation and the construction of a telegraph line that linked Australia to the world in the 19th Century. From these muslims of the 19th Century to muslims from the Eastern Mediterranean who cam to Australia in the 50's to other Muslims who arrived more recently, all who seek regularised status, including citizenship are welcome.

I could go on. I could tell you about the development of Australia's defence strategy and posture oner time, its relationships with Britain, its relationships with the US. But all this is wasted. You are, after all, a Trump supporter. An entire post on a thread about Australia and you spend 95% of it talking about Obama. I think we will take your advice to 'stand our ground' with the consideration that such a foolish, ignorant, facile comment deserves. Exactly none. I don't think you will be allowed to visit Australia since you cannot honestly sign the statement of Australian Values without committing a perjury.

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At the moment, as an American I'd say that Australia is probably not unreasonable in resisting the push. As far as Asia is concerned, ISIS for now is concentrating on the Muslim countries of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Reports say they don't want westerners to feel comfortable being in those Islamic countries. I don't wish to see Oz experiencing significant terrorism, but if it does, they can always re-evaluate their stance.

Edited by Dustdevil
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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

There is not one fact or detail that you can present to back up one word of what you have claimed that is not ideologically tainted. Not one objective, verifiable fact.

Since you are a Trump supporter, I will assume that you know nothing about Australia. I don't mean the Australia that is on the right hand side of Germany or the Australia that Judy Garland visited in the 1930's in her ruby slippers. So for your benefit, I can let you know that Australia is a multicultural society completely comprised of immigrants with the exception of a small indigenous population. I can tell you that diversity strengthens Australia while respecting the historic foundations of the Australian culture. If you ever want to visit Australia, to get your visa, you have to sign a statement that you have read and understood a statement of principles on Australian Values. This statement includes words like 'mutual respect, tolerance and fair play' https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long

I can tell you that Australia has a sophisticated criminal justice system that is applied in a non discriminatory manner and effectively deals with criminal activity. Terrorism is a criminal activity. It will be defeated by a criminal justice approach not a military approach. ISIS is a political organisation. ISIS will be effectively engaged on a political level, not a military level. Australian's do not feel threatened by their government. Many Australians including myself own or owned guns but not for defence against any tyrannical government. Neither do Australians need guns because of an irrational fear of terrorists who are thousands of miles away and those who come to Australia or originate in Australia are identified, captured, tried and punished according to the law.

Muslim people have contributed to the development of Australia and continue to do so. Muslim people helped open up the centre of Australia for rail transportation and the construction of a telegraph line that linked Australia to the world in the 19th Century. From these muslims of the 19th Century to muslims from the Eastern Mediterranean who cam to Australia in the 50's to other Muslims who arrived more recently, all who seek regularised status, including citizenship are welcome.

I could go on. I could tell you about the development of Australia's defence strategy and posture oner time, its relationships with Britain, its relationships with the US. But all this is wasted. You are, after all, a Trump supporter. An entire post on a thread about Australia and you spend 95% of it talking about Obama. I think we will take your advice to 'stand our ground' with the consideration that such a foolish, ignorant, facile comment deserves. Exactly none. I don't think you will be allowed to visit Australia since you cannot honestly sign the statement of Australian Values without committing a perjury.

Muslims are also far better integrated into US society than they are in Europe.

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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

There is not one fact or detail that you can present to back up one word of what you have claimed that is not ideologically tainted. Not one objective, verifiable fact.

Since you are a Trump supporter, I will assume that you know nothing about Australia. I don't mean the Australia that is on the right hand side of Germany or the Australia that Judy Garland visited in the 1930's in her ruby slippers. So for your benefit, I can let you know that Australia is a multicultural society completely comprised of immigrants with the exception of a small indigenous population. I can tell you that diversity strengthens Australia while respecting the historic foundations of the Australian culture. If you ever want to visit Australia, to get your visa, you have to sign a statement that you have read and understood a statement of principles on Australian Values. This statement includes words like 'mutual respect, tolerance and fair play' https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long

I can tell you that Australia has a sophisticated criminal justice system that is applied in a non discriminatory manner and effectively deals with criminal activity. Terrorism is a criminal activity. It will be defeated by a criminal justice approach not a military approach. ISIS is a political organisation. ISIS will be effectively engaged on a political level, not a military level. Australian's do not feel threatened by their government. Many Australians including myself own or owned guns but not for defence against any tyrannical government. Neither do Australians need guns because of an irrational fear of terrorists who are thousands of miles away and those who come to Australia or originate in Australia are identified, captured, tried and punished according to the law.

Muslim people have contributed to the development of Australia and continue to do so. Muslim people helped open up the centre of Australia for rail transportation and the construction of a telegraph line that linked Australia to the world in the 19th Century. From these muslims of the 19th Century to muslims from the Eastern Mediterranean who cam to Australia in the 50's to other Muslims who arrived more recently, all who seek regularised status, including citizenship are welcome.

I could go on. I could tell you about the development of Australia's defence strategy and posture oner time, its relationships with Britain, its relationships with the US. But all this is wasted. You are, after all, a Trump supporter. An entire post on a thread about Australia and you spend 95% of it talking about Obama. I think we will take your advice to 'stand our ground' with the consideration that such a foolish, ignorant, facile comment deserves. Exactly none. I don't think you will be allowed to visit Australia since you cannot honestly sign the statement of Australian Values without committing a perjury.

Oh my goodness, how superior you are. Apparently, compared to your exalted hineyness, the U.S. is a land of primitive savages. How much time have you spent there? Screw your values, you sound like a very unfriendly, unwelcoming (except to Muslims) society. Besides, you're an apologist for Muslim extremists. ISIS a POLITICAL organization? No, it isn't--it's a vile group of Muslim serial killers.

Edited by Dustdevil
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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

There is not one fact or detail that you can present to back up one word of what you have claimed that is not ideologically tainted. Not one objective, verifiable fact.

Since you are a Trump supporter, I will assume that you know nothing about Australia. I don't mean the Australia that is on the right hand side of Germany or the Australia that Judy Garland visited in the 1930's in her ruby slippers. So for your benefit, I can let you know that Australia is a multicultural society completely comprised of immigrants with the exception of a small indigenous population. I can tell you that diversity strengthens Australia while respecting the historic foundations of the Australian culture. If you ever want to visit Australia, to get your visa, you have to sign a statement that you have read and understood a statement of principles on Australian Values. This statement includes words like 'mutual respect, tolerance and fair play' https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long

I can tell you that Australia has a sophisticated criminal justice system that is applied in a non discriminatory manner and effectively deals with criminal activity. Terrorism is a criminal activity. It will be defeated by a criminal justice approach not a military approach. ISIS is a political organisation. ISIS will be effectively engaged on a political level, not a military level. Australian's do not feel threatened by their government. Many Australians including myself own or owned guns but not for defence against any tyrannical government. Neither do Australians need guns because of an irrational fear of terrorists who are thousands of miles away and those who come to Australia or originate in Australia are identified, captured, tried and punished according to the law.

Muslim people have contributed to the development of Australia and continue to do so. Muslim people helped open up the centre of Australia for rail transportation and the construction of a telegraph line that linked Australia to the world in the 19th Century. From these muslims of the 19th Century to muslims from the Eastern Mediterranean who cam to Australia in the 50's to other Muslims who arrived more recently, all who seek regularised status, including citizenship are welcome.

I could go on. I could tell you about the development of Australia's defence strategy and posture oner time, its relationships with Britain, its relationships with the US. But all this is wasted. You are, after all, a Trump supporter. An entire post on a thread about Australia and you spend 95% of it talking about Obama. I think we will take your advice to 'stand our ground' with the consideration that such a foolish, ignorant, facile comment deserves. Exactly none. I don't think you will be allowed to visit Australia since you cannot honestly sign the statement of Australian Values without committing a perjury.

I suppose u believe in human rights too.

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If the US...ie Obama...had taken IS seriously a couple of years ago...when most of his top advisors were urging him to create a concensus of allies to fight IS...then the world would be a safer place today...

Those brave US patriots who came forward to warn the public of the existential threat IS posed to the US and the world...many lost their jobs as Obama saw them as a threat to his imperial Presidency...he surrounds himself with "Yes" men...does not encourage a wide exchange of ideas...

Obama has removed both civilian experts as well as military experts when they did not fall in line with the Obama view that IS was just a minor nuance confined to the ME...

The list of domestic and foreign policy failures during his tenure is enormous...

Stand your ground Australia...the US will soon be under new leadership...

There is not one fact or detail that you can present to back up one word of what you have claimed that is not ideologically tainted. Not one objective, verifiable fact.

Since you are a Trump supporter, I will assume that you know nothing about Australia. I don't mean the Australia that is on the right hand side of Germany or the Australia that Judy Garland visited in the 1930's in her ruby slippers. So for your benefit, I can let you know that Australia is a multicultural society completely comprised of immigrants with the exception of a small indigenous population. I can tell you that diversity strengthens Australia while respecting the historic foundations of the Australian culture. If you ever want to visit Australia, to get your visa, you have to sign a statement that you have read and understood a statement of principles on Australian Values. This statement includes words like 'mutual respect, tolerance and fair play' https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Life/Aust/living-in-australia-values-statement-long

I can tell you that Australia has a sophisticated criminal justice system that is applied in a non discriminatory manner and effectively deals with criminal activity. Terrorism is a criminal activity. It will be defeated by a criminal justice approach not a military approach. ISIS is a political organisation. ISIS will be effectively engaged on a political level, not a military level. Australian's do not feel threatened by their government. Many Australians including myself own or owned guns but not for defence against any tyrannical government. Neither do Australians need guns because of an irrational fear of terrorists who are thousands of miles away and those who come to Australia or originate in Australia are identified, captured, tried and punished according to the law.

Muslim people have contributed to the development of Australia and continue to do so. Muslim people helped open up the centre of Australia for rail transportation and the construction of a telegraph line that linked Australia to the world in the 19th Century. From these muslims of the 19th Century to muslims from the Eastern Mediterranean who cam to Australia in the 50's to other Muslims who arrived more recently, all who seek regularised status, including citizenship are welcome.

I could go on. I could tell you about the development of Australia's defence strategy and posture oner time, its relationships with Britain, its relationships with the US. But all this is wasted. You are, after all, a Trump supporter. An entire post on a thread about Australia and you spend 95% of it talking about Obama. I think we will take your advice to 'stand our ground' with the consideration that such a foolish, ignorant, facile comment deserves. Exactly none. I don't think you will be allowed to visit Australia since you cannot honestly sign the statement of Australian Values without committing a perjury.

Oh my goodness, how superior you are. Apparently, compared to your exalted hineyness, the U.S. is a land of primitive savages. How much time have you spent there? Screw your values, you sound like a very unfriendly, unwelcoming (except to Muslims) society. Besides, you're an apologist for Muslim extremists. ISIS a POLITICAL organization? No, it isn't--it's a vile group of Muslim serial killers.

Yes Daesh subscribe to a murderous interpretation of Islamic ideology, but is political i.e. to gain and hold power.

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They don't have the stomach for it....

I put them in the same category as Canada. France wised up, and Germany is coming along...but some countries still think that treating bad people nicely is the way to go.

Australian Armed Forces have lost lives fighting Islamists, your post is insulting & wrong. The attitude you outline is not subscribed to by the Oz government in relation to Daesh & other violent Islamic extremist groups.

Edited by simple1
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What possibly could the Australians contribute that isn't already being contributed by the many nations already dropping bombs on both countries? If it was an all out war and ground troops were needed, then sure, invite the Australians to join.

Contribute? The Aussies have been there since day 1, they just refuse to send more.

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Turnbull has no BALLS.

At least Abbott had the guts to stand up to the minorities.

Like it or not the USA is our closet alley, if we are attacked WHO do we turn to.


I don't see why Australia should contribute more to a war where the USA and its allies are funding both sides. There's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on in this pseudo proxy war against American sponsored malitia.

Crazy stuff.

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Hiding in your shell to wait it out will not make the problem go away.If Australia does not face IS today it will bite them in the ass later on a much larger scale.

Please explain how Australia is hiding in its shell? Keep in mind, they were suckered into this mess right from the beginning.

I know, I know, the American propaganda fails to mention its allies but sadly Australians have been up to there neck in this since day dot.

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The US has created this whole s#!t storm. They should either throw everything they have at putting an end to ISIS or fund the involvement from these other countries.

Haliburton, Cheney, the Bush's and all the others that got insanely rich off of this debacle should be financially and criminally responsible for the worldwide disaster they have created.

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