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US mini atomic bombs a threat to nuclear-free world


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US mini atomic bombs a threat to nuclear-free world
William Broad and David Sanger

Washington: As North Korea dug tunnels at its nuclear test site last year, watched by US spy satellites, the Obama administration was preparing a test of its own in the Nevada desert.

A fighter jet took off with a mock version of the nation's first precision-guided atom bomb. Adapted from an older weapon, it was designed with problems like North Korea in mind: its computer brain and four manoeuvrable fins let it zero in on deeply buried targets, such as testing tunnels and weapon sites. And its yield, the bomb's explosive force, can be dialled up or down depending on the target, to minimise collateral damage.

In short, while the North Koreans have been thinking big – claiming to have built a hydrogen bomb, a boast that experts dismiss as wildly exaggerated – the Energy Department and the Pentagon have been readying a line of weapons that heads in the opposite direction.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/us-mini-atomic-bombs-a-threat-to-nuclearfree-world-20160115-gm6lyf.html

-- The Age 2016-01-15

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Because if the US military gets them, everybody else's military will want them, and in time everyone will get them. It's sometimes known as the arms race and it's been going on since the first bright spark picked up a boulder and brought it down on his rival's head.

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Because if the US military gets them, everybody else's military will want them, and in time everyone will get them. It's sometimes known as the arms race and it's been going on since the first bright spark picked up a boulder and brought it down on his rival's head.

The major arms race was primarily between the US and the former USSR. Both already had atomic weapons. And no, everyone won't eventually get these. Just like every country doesn't have nuclear weapons right now.

It's bad enough some 10 nations or so have them. We sure don't need countries like North Korea to further expand what they've got.


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US efforts at minimiseing collateral damage when bombing weaker, far away countries appear, over the years, to have never been nothing other than woeful. Why would this bomb suddenly reverse their repeated incompetence?

Edited by RuamRudy
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Well that's if you believe the official line; that only those countries have them. mini-nukes are nothing new; in the 50's they tested a nuclear artillery shell

going in this direction encourages other countries to match them with their own variety of shapes and sizes.

I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Because if the US military gets them, everybody else's military will want them, and in time everyone will get them. It's sometimes known as the arms race and it's been going on since the first bright spark picked up a boulder and brought it down on his rival's head.

The major arms race was primarily between the US and the former USSR. Both already had atomic weapons. And no, everyone won't eventually get these. Just like every country doesn't have nuclear weapons right now.

It's bad enough some 10 nations or so have them. We sure don't need countries like North Korea to further expand what they've got.


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So now the Us & Un get mad at Korea for Testing a Nuke ,,,And What the Hell are they doing Themselves? Building New Toy Nukes .I would call them Hypocrites of the worst sort.

of course it is, but having a cheese-Kim with nuclear weapon while his country is still officially at war with S-Korea seems a pretty bad idea too...

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Roage States are very unpredictable, bit like retired moderators !


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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Roage States are very unpredictable, bit like retired moderators !


5555 Be nice. Former "powers" can be reinstated if needed! 55555

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We've had tactical nukes for years in the form of bombs, artillery shells and mines. If the Warsaw Pact armour had started pouring through the Fulda gap, we would have had to resort to nukes within 3 days.

I would favour an accurately sized and delivered fission device for North Korean's nuclear test facility. (And another for that box the Muslims walk around). Just as a warning, you understand.....

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A few points

Kim Jong-un understand what happened to Khadafy, Hussein, Assad when they did not pursue their nuclear armament.

Smaller bombs (in power) with less collateral damages (radioactivity, blast destructions, ) lower the threshold for their use in the field and so start a nuclear disaster.

The USA and other countries are in total breach of the non-proliferation treaties they themselves promoted.

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Well....Look at Saddam Hussein and Kaddafi. The world has seen what happens if you do not have nuclear weapons.

You are vulnerable. The world all signed on to get rid of nuclear weapons but with no deadline the agreement was

worthless. On top of that Pakistan, India, Israel, North Korea, have all developed them since. Britain is about to

spend 100 billion pounds on Trident. A lot of money to spend for pride and to maintain your position at the

table. This type of nuke makes the use of all nuclear weapons much, much, more likely. It all starts with the

use of a tactical nuke will "moderate" collateral damage and builds from there. I would much prefer nobody have

nuclear weapons. But these dictators like the NRA gun position. Everyone should have one. blink.png

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Because if the US military gets them, everybody else's military will want them, and in time everyone will get them. It's sometimes known as the arms race and it's been going on since the first bright spark picked up a boulder and brought it down on his rival's head.

What you say "asdecas" is completely true, but I mostly believe the real reason is because it would be much easier for a leader to make a decision to use this weapon rather than a full scale conventional nuclear bomb and in the end a nuclear bomb is a nuclear bomb no matter what size it is. They are all going to produce radiation.

Also, if these bombs are truly small enough then it would be far easier to transport, hide and use if it were stolen.

However, I am not against the development of these weapons.

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Hey what is a little nuclear fallout among friends? I hear the the leader of N. Korea is apt to let off a mini-bomb at most anytime...the fallout from his personal bombs can clear a room with people seeking some fresh air...don't even let him go underground to drop his bombs...no place to escape...

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This is a consideration against groups such as Daesh and other terrorist groups that have their own encampments and hideouts that are difficult or impossible to reach without ground forces. It avoids boots on the ground and long term drawn out inconclusive conflicts against these madhouse groups.

If US had had these weapons in Tora Bora bin Laden likely would have met his maker then and there and a lot of the grief and war since then could possibly been precluded or minimised.

There is much more however.

CCP has a cruise missile warhead that it is going to present it in the South China Sea confrontation with the US, allies and partners in the belief it will shift the balance there in its favor. CCP not only have anti-ship ballistic missiles to menace aircraft carriers and their strike groups, CCP now has made the missiles nuclear capable.

The small nuclear warhead weapon by the US is a foregone conclusion. It is delivered on a missile that travels at 7.5 miles per second, which is unstoppable, or from a standoff position by B-52 bombers or up close by B-2 stealth bombers. It is coming and coming soon. It likely will be adapted to US boomer submarines.

It is another extension of the arms race between the US and another communist dictatorship evil empire, the CCP and its PRChina. Putin already has a nuclear asteriod type self propelled high speed nuclear weapon that is not a missile and which (so far) is immune to all ballistic and other missile defense systems.

A standoff is in fact deterrence.

Which reminds us Iran is comparatively a hill of beans.

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If you have a small nuclear bomb without too much fall out it might be tempting to use it which could open a pandora's box

They talk about being able to adjust the power of the bomb, but in reality setting the bombs explosive power to low in flight will not reduce the amount of fallout.

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I don't understand. Why would a weapon like this, designed to take out underground nuclear sites, be a threat to a nuclear free world? Last thing we need is for North Korea to advance it's nuclear weapons. And then potentially sell them off to various other countries.

Roage States are very unpredictable, bit like retired moderators !


5555 Be nice. Former "powers" can be reinstated if needed! 55555

Just proves my point about being unpredictable 55555

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Not exactly a new concept, tactical nuclear weapons made their debut in the first gulf war. Look up depleted uranium. Stories that came out of that first use were that the soldiers didn't know exactly what these new projectiles were, and were kind of freaked out when they saw the damage they did.

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