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Refugees banned from German pool over harassment fears


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Refugees banned from German pool over harassment fears

FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — A town in western Germany has banned male refugees from a swimming pool after complaints of harassment from female bathers and staff — news that comes as a national poll Friday showed that Germans are becoming increasingly concerned about the country's ability to integrate the huge numbers of asylum-seekers who arrived last year.

Markus Schnapka, who heads the social affairs department in Bornheim, said other visitors had complained of sexual harassment by men living in a nearby asylum-seeker shelter. He said none of the complaints were on the criminal level and the pool had agreed the ban would end once social workers confirmed the men "got the message."

Bornheim is a few kilometers (miles) south of Cologne, which saw hundreds of robberies and sexual assaults during New Year's celebrations that police blamed largely on foreigners. The attacks have stoked a fierce debate in Germany about how to integrate the almost 1.1 million asylum-seekers who arrived last year.

In the poll published Friday, 66 percent of the 1,203 respondents said Germany can't handle the migrant influx, up from 46 percent in December. The percentage who thought the country could manage so many refugees fell from 51 percent in December to 37 percent during the Jan. 12-14 poll conducted for public broadcaster ZDF.

The share of Germans who believe crime will increase rose to 70 percent, compared with 62 percent the last time the question was asked in October. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 points.

The poll also showed that Chancellor Angela Merkel's popularity had declined somewhat compared with the previous month.

The assaults in Cologne appear to have contributed to the shift in opinion for some. A third of the respondents said their attitude toward asylum-seekers and refugee issues had changed due to the attacks, which have dominated media coverage in Germany this month. But the majority, 66 percent, said it hadn't changed their opinion.

A spokesman for Cologne's prosecutors said authorities are still receiving more criminal complaints in relation to the New Year's attacks. Police have said the perpetrators were among about 1,000 drunken men primarily of "Arab or North African origin," some of whom were asylum-seekers.

A total of 751 people have filed 676 criminal complaints, including 347 allegations of sexual assault, said spokesman Ulrich Bremer.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-16

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quote "Police have said the perpetrators were among about 1,000 drunken men primarily of "Arab or North African origin," some of whom were asylum-seekers."

This is an easy mistake to make, but a crucial mistake that must be pointed out. The mass-rapers were not drunk on alcohol, they were high on their religion. Not many things worse for the human psyche than alcohol, but strict islam is certainly one of them.

One other minor correction would be to the " some of whom were asylum-seekers". ALL of them, it now turns out, were so called asylum-seekers (although none of them were actual asylum seekers due to Germany's lack of borders with the alleged war zones they were fleeing.)

This mass rape in Cologne and across N Europe on NYE gives a very slight glimmer of hope that the demonic policy of breeding out ethnic white Europeans has run into difficulties.

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The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

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This is like a sled dog that is unleashed, they usually run wild. Or a truck driver unhitched from his trailer, they often speed. When somebody spends time in a repressive society, no drink, no scantily clad girl interactions, etc, then suddenly it is all in front of them, they don't know how to handle it and even if they do know how to handle it and act properly they can't resist the temptations. And Islam, in addition to the booze and women thing, puts the men in a status way above women, and so many men just can't conceive of deferring to a women.

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Certainly looks like it, after watching that post from youtube....Feel sorry for those in Europe that have to face this on a daily basis now...

I am another one who says...What the hell is going on !!

Had already foresaw what the state of Europe would be two decades ago when I decided to remain in this part of the world...

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I see huge problems for Europe. As this influx continues- there will be an emergence of neo Nazism and it will be supported leading to the equivalent of race riots. The leaders have to act now to avoid this backlash. Europe is way too small to have this type of immigration.

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The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the

water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people

walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the

women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

So what to do?

If they cannot got rid of (should be 1st priority)

Why not concentrate them in closed and guarded camps where they get tough lessons how to behave in a civilized world

and also give them some useful work appropriate to their education so all the costs that they cause to their hosts are covered

let them out only when they can prove a good command of the German language

and got work and a place to live in the country

- or want to return to where they came from and never come back

Edited by sweatalot
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Can you imagine this happening in Britain ,the left wing would be out in force , saying how bad we were for banning them , we should abide by their culture and luvvies would be giving speeches to us prols from the stage after a performance, then you would have the Corbyn crowd standing up for them , do i need to go on , us Brits know the score . Britain and the west is in danger of becoming like the sh-t holes these people came from ,but the rich dont care ,they can slope off to their country retreats .

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If anybody is in doubt about the newcomers poolside behavior just check out this short video recently uploaded to liveleak. Yes it is disgusting, and yes he does appear to eat it afterwards.


it's deleted already.

But yes, Europe is <deleted> up. What a shame.

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Time for you all to stop complaining so much at about Thai power mongers and look at the UN

Agenda 21 started 15 years ago and no one stood up to be counted

Now Agenda is under way, and most likely no w must take its course, we all must now pay the Ferryman

and if you think countries like the US Australia and Europe can not stop agenda 21 do you really think Thailand is going to be able to

Wake up world, you have been asleep to long

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OK Europe (especially Germany) yopu get what you sow. Good luck on correcting your mistakes in the future.Or you could in your Socialist Way continue to pass laws that will eventually let them take over your government .I think that it will be the latter..

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OK Europe (especially Germany) yopu get what you sow. Good luck on correcting your mistakes in the future.Or you could in your Socialist Way continue to pass laws that will eventually let them take over your government .I think that it will be the latter..

If only that were true. I'm afraid its much worse than that. The Dublin regulation is to be altered to force all EU countries to accept a proportion of the criminal invasion welcomed and invited by Merkel. So Merkel invites countless millions of them over in Germany, and we will end up with millions of them in the UK. Words can not describe stupidity and evil of this magnitude.

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Certainly looks like it, after watching that post from youtube....Feel sorry for those in Europe that have to face this on a daily basis now...

I am another one who says...What the hell is going on !!

Had already foresaw what the state of Europe would be two decades ago when I decided to remain in this part of the world...

In that case, could you please PM me next months numbers for the lottery? Thanks.

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The countries those refugees came from, if they head a beach to go to, the women would enter the

water almost fully covered with drab clothing, forget swimming pools as Islam largely forbid people

walking around half naked or mixing of the genders, so no wonder why those male refugees ogling the

women bathers as this is the stuff that wet dreams made of.....

dont talk so stupid, dirty stinking subhuman inbreds do this, not civilised humans. They dont ogle as u put it, they harrass.

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As an American- I am saddened to see such huge changes in Europe as far as culture and religion.The interesting thing is that in the so called Muslim World if Christian Westerners arrived in these numbers- it would never be allowed. I am starting wonder if Enoch Powell, Nigel Farage of the UK and Marine Le Penn of France don't have a point. Europe just cannot absorb this many people . Immigrants have to be vetted and there has to be some order. I just read a report where native born British in London are now 45% of the population and the other 55% are immigrants. There has to be a debate on whether a country has the right to maintain its traditional culture and preserve its history Muslims are not assimilating at all. They are trying to make the West like the countries they left and that cannot be allowed to take place.

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

They have enough rubbish in their country's already they don't need any more ,that's why

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I just have two questions.

Why are these refugees from war not being stopped in the first country that is safe, but, being allowed to pick and choose their destination?

Why aren't Muslim countries doing more to help by accepting refugees?

Because the EU wants to show the world they are more democratic than the US... ?

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