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rules i have learnt ( the hard way ) to live by in thailand.


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1. smile like everyday is your last, be happy , enjoy the sun, enjoy the day, be thankfull. it wont be long untill your back home in the sh** t

2. do not enter into a fight with a thai, its hard but....try to turn the other cheek and walk away, if you dont it can only go one way and it wont be in your favour.

3. have a spending plan and stick to your total spend / budget each day , do not go over it.

4. find a hobby, keep yourself active, join a gym,learn muay thai, go swim in the sea its free, run on the beach, play golf, get involved .

5. see the place, explore thailand visit issan and the islands and do not get stuck in a rut in pattaya for years slumped over a beer at 1pm in the afternoon.

6. do not believe everything you hear, ever !! ( by farang or thai )

7. this is the most important one , think before you act !! think long and hard before buying anything here, entering into any business venture, do not rush , do your homework. think before entering into any relationship if your hearts telling you something is just not right then it more than likely isnt,

as the thais say ( Jai Yen Yen )

Edited by dirtycash
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Don't agree with

No. 2 Don't fight with anyone.

No. 7 Agreed to marry a girl after 1 week, married 6 years now.

And don't do any business in Thailand, not with anyone, not your wife/gf or that guy you met at the expats club.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Definitely go along with number 6. So many foreigners talk a load of rubbish because they don't know properly or misunderstand, or fail to realise that just because on one given day they did something a certain way, it might be completely different in another day, in another place, with another person etc.

Also, a lot of Thais talk a load of rubbish too, because they don't know how to do something properly, it would rather lie to you too save face.

Example: it broken.

Real meaning: I don't know how to use it.

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This is a great list for anyone planning to live in Thailand, lots of common sense advice. I think many of the points are interconnected though - if you screw up rule 3 and get into debt, you can't live by rule 4 (hobbies) and will likely end up breaking rule 5 (by drinking in a bar). It's a vicious cycle.

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Really, none of these are unique to Thailand (if you genericize the local references)...they apply to travel to any country, to varying degrees.

Contrary to anecdotal "evidence", all Thai men are not tough guys, and any altercation will not automatically result in someone being "rat-packed".

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"it wont be long untill your back home in the sh** t" Eh? I'm not going "back home". This is now my home. Perhaps "develop a taste for local sh*t"? also would add "Learn Thai language. Don't have to go to school for that, interact with locals... little by little."

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Number 1....this is LIEland......so not believe anything or anyone.....stay in your room, do not go out in the streets, forget the motorbike, car, just walk, walk, walk, if you have too.....get a coin operated gf and live each day like it will be your last.....Amen...?

Edited by chicowoodduck
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8) Always wear boxers unless you enjoy the tingling sensation of a nasty ball rash every day of the year.

9) Wear the boxers inside out the next day and save on washing and water. wink.png

10) When its really stinking hot don't drink a lot of alcohol unless you want the wrong kind of stroke.

11) When Thai relatives are around stress your poverty. If possible get in first and ask to borrow 500 baht. Takes the wind out of their sails.

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You said it all right and I am doing exactly as mentioned it here. I just add another thing and that is avoid getting in fight with so many foreign drunks in Pattaya. I actually had more problem with foreigners than Thai people. On top of that be vise when buying condo specially if it is not build yet.

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The most important one that I have learned is-" Do not ever make a Thai person lose face. It could save your life." That is why walking away from any type of confrontation is the Thai way of doing business.

Edited by Thaidream
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All good advice. #3 to me is most important.

(1) subtract all your fixed expenses from your net monthly income.

(2) Divide this number 30 (the number of days in the average month).

(3) this number represents your daily maximum expenditure. Don't go over it.

(4) Since I started this plan 18 months ago, I can count on one hand the number of days I either met or exceeded this amount. As a result, I have saved a total of 160,000 baht. The days I meet my goal is literally "money in the bank."

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What about "There are NO secrets in Thailand" ?

There can be if you avoid crapping on your own doorstep. Also , completely forget your own indiscretions whilst being quick to disapprove of anybody else doing the same. The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake it you've got it made.

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All good advice. #3 to me is most important.

(1) subtract all your fixed expenses from your net monthly income.

(2) Divide this number 30 (the number of days in the average month).

(3) this number represents your daily maximum expenditure. Don't go over it.

(4) Since I started this plan 18 months ago, I can count on one hand the number of days I either met or exceeded this amount. As a result, I have saved a total of 160,000 baht. The days I meet my goal is literally "money in the bank."

No need to be so tight fisted in running a budget as to have to work out a daily allowance.

Must be fun in the bar when it's your round !

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Let's see:

1/ Always keep 90% of your assets in your country of origin

2/ When asking for directions, ask at least three times of different people to improve your chances.

3/ Drive defensively. Just too many d###heads on the road, Thai AND falang.

4/ Eat where you see the Thais congregating. Don't eat in a restaurant with no other customers.

5/ Get your dental work done here AFTER you get an opinion in your country of origin.

6/ Don't ever believe you are "hansum man" . It's your wallet that is handsome.

7/ Enjoy the friendships you make here. They are gold.

8/ Think of every day as an adventure. And it is.

9/ Don't get married. You can "take care" of a Thai woman very well without making an idiot of yourself.

10/ Learn at least some Thai. Life gets easier the more you learn. And it's good for your brain.

Here endeth the 10 Thai commandments.

Edited by bazza40
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I am really not so tight fisted. My pension is over 100,000 baht monthly, and I never go without. I have over 3,000,000 baht in emergency funds. I travel all over SEA and just returned from Chiang Rai last week after spending a week there. I stay at 3-star hotels when I travel and eat at upscale restaurants. My budget is not make or break, but merely a practical quide to responsible spending. I enjoy hitting a few selected bars/clubs twice a week and tip generously. I live well here in Bangkok but I do so responsibly within my more than ample budget. With regard to paying for a round of drinks when it is my turn as you say, I don'play that nonsense. Why is that you say? Because it is a waste of money buying drinks to strangers and drunks. I would rather buy a few lady drinks to a nice lady during good conversation.that' how I roll.

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