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you need a license. They are about, but I don't believe the BOT are issuing any more. On top of that, the licenses restrict the activities you can and cannot do.

I have seen recenty GE is rolling out its banking arm here. They basically had to take over an existing Thai bank to do so, and I believe they are still restricted in what they can and can't do.

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yes you can do this.

there is a financial expert based out of vancouver canada and he will sell you a program on who to set up your own bank for real, which can be run in vancouver by specialist companies.

I cannot remember his name, he also wrote a book on offshore investing.

I have the book on how to set up a bank, but it is at home in ireland.

There is some western pacific island Vanatau (sp?) and Neratu (Sp) where who can buy and set up a recognised banking license, the book is over 10 years old and back then it was, for the whole turn key package about 80,000 USD.

There is a few other small places you can do the same in, though it is a little more difficult.

there is many reasons, as you own you own bank, you can recommend yourself as a top client to secure massive loans in the millions from other banks.

You can broker multi million dollar loans to businesses, use your bank as a broker, get the many of say Merill Lynch, and load it to your client, and mark the interest up a point or two and make a fortune for yourself.

There are many reasons for it.

I cannot remember much more, and back then when I bought the book, I did not have any business experience. Now maybe I will try and find it online, and look into this again, as things are much different now.

but to answer your question....as od when I read this book circa 8 years ago....yes for a cost it can be done. and there is management companies in Vancouver who will run it for you and do all the back office work.

actually just googled this....changes have been made...its not as easy as whenI bought the book...

read this...

mod: link to suspect website removed.

Edited by samran
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Up to you Naka.

I am just thinking of alternative ways to get more money and maybe some other member having expierience with that or know how.

Naka keep buying lottery tickets na...


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