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Aaaarh! - Wife Says I Must Change Hotel Name!


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You might suggest getting a second opinion from the local temple, and perhaps sendnig word forth that you like the name you have and that the fortune teller has picked up on a lost spirit that needs help getting home.

Sort of arange for the message to be given to your wife that the fortune teller had misunderstood and what was really necessary is a chanting session from the monks to help the spirit on its way.

With lots of suggestions that if you did that then the name you already have would suddenly become very auspicious.

Secondly you might get the local rat catcher to go around and rid you of the vermin fortune teller.

As for superstions, my wife is totally scathing of them. I thinks she's even more cynical in that respect than I am.

Actually GuestHouse, you might have stumbled upon a very good name for a new hotel..."New Spirit." You mentioned "Lost Spirit" in your post but "New Spirit" really might encapsulate the construction of a new hotel and pay homage to the wife's "soothsayer." A hotel called "Benign" just doesn't have much sizzle.

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I had to laugh to this topic. My wife is from Phu Waing District Khon Kaen. She believes in magic, phases of the moon, curses, fortune teller's, ghosts, you name it.

What I find so funny is that any time I tell her about a dream, she will interpret it. The interpretation has always reflected her point of view after we have had a discussion in the past, and have not seen eye to eye. She will say something like "You Dream Say, You Stay home Tonight" or " You No Playing Poker 6 Month then You Be Lucky", :o

Once I heard her talking to her friend about going to a fortune teller. My wife called the fortune teller lady and talked to her before they went. When they came back to the house, I'll be dogged if the foutune teller's vision, did not match my wifes advise to her friend word for word. :D

Anyway I love her for it. Makes life fun :D

Thanks all


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I had to laugh to this topic too. I went to a Catholic school for 11 yrs. I was made to read story books and was forced to believe that they were true. Even when they are telling things like dividing a sea into 2 parts or feeding thousands of people with a few breads and fishes or curing the blinds with a mere hand touch. And these teachers were very learned people but were suggesting that these things were true. Isn't that amazing?

By the way, I am still having a hard time understanding the differences between the words religious and superstitious. Why on earth do they need 2 different words for one meaning?

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