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Palestinians banned from West Bank settlements after stabbings


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Palestinians banned from West Bank settlements after stabbings


JERUSALEM: -- Israel decided on Tuesday (January 19) to temporarily ban Palestinian workers from Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, following two anti-Israeli stabbings there in two days.

The Israeli military said the move would be reviewed on a daily basis and was necessary to maintain security.

Israeli forces said earlier they had arrested a 16-year-old Palestinian suspected of stabbing to death an Israeli woman in her home inside a settlement near Hebron on Sunday. Video footage distributed by the Israeli military showed a dozen soldiers carrying out a pre-dawn raid on the suspect’s house.

According to Israeli police, the 38 year-old hospital nurse was stabbed to death as she tried to fend off an attacker who broke into her home. Three of her six children reportedly witnessed the scene.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu visited her family on Tuesday, in the Jewish settlement of Otniel. Most of the world considers such settlements are illegal and an obstacle to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Israel disputes this.

While a spate of stabbing, shooting and car-ramming attacks committed by Palestinians have killed 25 Israelis since October 1, such attacks rarely take place within settlements, which are usually heavily guarded. In the same period, at least 148 Palestinians have been killed, 94 of whom Israel has described as assailants. Most of the others died during violent demonstrations and clashes.

Violence in the area continued on Monday when another Palestinian teenager reportedly stabbed a pregnant Israeli woman at a settlement near Bethlehem. The woman was in a stable condition, her fetus unharmed. Her 17-year-old attacker was wounded and captured, according to the Israeli military.

The wave of Palestinian violence, now in its fourth month, has been fueled by various factors including frustration over the 2014 collapse of peace talks and the growth of Jewish settlements on land Palestinians seek for a future state.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-20

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"The wave of Palestinian violence, now in its fourth month, has been fueled by various factors including frustration over the 2014 collapse of peace talks and the growth of Jewish settlements on land Palestinians seek for a future state."

Possibly semantics but this is at the root of the problem. The Palestinians do not need to seek land that is already their's. Whoever prepared the OP didn't seem to know this.

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Here's a comment from that notorious anti-semite, the American Ambassador to Israel. His name is Daniel Shapiro

“settler outposts are being legalized despite earlier pledges to the United States not to do so, while routine, administrative demolition of Palestinian structures continues. Again, the question we ask is a simple one: What is Israel’s strategy?”


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The prime minister [Netanyahu] said: “Whoever wants to see the truth about the roots of the conflict between us and the Palestinians should come to Otniel and see here a wonderful family who only wants coexistence and peace."

It's a pity the family had not coexisted in peace on the Israeli side of the 67 green line, and not voted with their feet to occupy the West Bank displacing Palestinians there making them refugees, some for the 3rd time in their lives.

End the occupation,Israel, make peace with your neighbors, and make the OP incidents history.

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The prime minister [Netanyahu] said: “Whoever wants to see the truth about the roots of the conflict between us and the Palestinians should come to Otniel and see here a wonderful family who only wants coexistence and peace."
It's a pity the family had not coexisted in peace on the Israeli side of the 67 green line, and not voted with their feet to occupy the West Bank displacing Palestinians there making them refugees, some for the 3rd time in their lives.
End the occupation,Israel, make peace with your neighbors, and make the OP incidents history.

I fully and entirely agree. However allow me to add that murderous activities against innocent civilians, by whoever, against whoever, anywhere should be sharply condemned. I really and fully support the Palestinian cause, but this does not justify such murderous activities, on BOTH SIDES. These do not help either side.

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The news article is very biased. It fails to mention the question of the fabricated belief that Israel intends to change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Recent stabbing intifada terrorists usually mention that as their main motivation, when they're still alive to talk about it. This has been incited by Palestinian leadership.

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If anybody tries to ban the Israelis, then they will be labelled "Nazi's".

Interesting you mention that.

Check out the charter of Hamas -- totally genocidal towards Jews. Infected with Nazi style Jew hatred.

Research the intentions of a potential state of Palestine. NO Jews allowed. That is very Nazi like.

Israel on the other hand, while quite flawed, includes about 20 percent Arab citizens.

These settlements, illegal or not, are just trying to protect their residents from terrorist attacks.

Seems quite reasonable considering recent events.

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The news article is very biased. It fails to mention the question of the fabricated belief that Israel intends to change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Recent stabbing intifada terrorists usually mention that as their main motivation, when they're still alive to talk about it. This has been incited by Palestinian leadership.

This is the standard Israeli apologist response to attempt to label all these incidents as simply religious fanaticism, while ignoring the huge elephant in the room...almost 50 years of brutal Israeli occupation and the daily suffering, humiliations, land thefts and murders that Palestinians are subjected to by the IDF and Zionist colonists.
There comes a breaking point for some, and actions beget reactions.
The illegal colonies, the Zionists, who know full well what they are doing and risks they are taking by living on stolen Palestinian land, and the IDF who protect them are the root cause of the problem.
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Nonsense. The Palestinians Arabs - who started the violence in the first place - are the root of the problem. They went on to refuse a deal that would have given them their own country and assured peace and then declared war on Israel when they accepted it. After losing over and over again, they followed up with almost 70 years of terrorism against innocents, which failed as well.

The Palestinians are in a purgatory of their own making and seem incapable of making peace. Building walls stopped the suicide bombs and banning Palestinians from the West Bank will stop stabbings. Israel should do whatever it takes.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Nonsense. The Palestinians Arabs - who started the violence in the first place - are the root of the problem. They went on to refuse a deal that would have given them their own country and assured peace and then declared war on Israel when they accepted it. After losing over and over again, they followed up with almost 70 years of terrorism against innocents, which failed as well.

The Palestinians are in a purgatory of their own making and seem incapable of making peace. Building walls stopped the suicide bombs and banning Palestinians from the West Bank will stop stabbings. Israel should do whatever it takes.

I disagree with you competely. I would love to debate the events of 1948 which you repeatedly regurgitate as a deflection, but I feel we would be off topic.

Look to the future not the past...achievable solutions to the current cycle of violence and retaliation. How to restore calm and trust. You don't do it by further repression and collective punishment.

The US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, has said the same.

"He said it was becoming increasingly hard for the United States to defend Israel in international forums, especially in the absence of peace negotiations. “What is Israel’s plan for resolving the conflict?” Shapiro asked. “For remaining a Jewish and democratic state? And if it judges a political solution to be out of reach for the time being, then what is its plan for managing and stabilizing the conflict in the short and medium term?”"


Edited by dexterm
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The news article is very biased. It fails to mention the question of the fabricated belief that Israel intends to change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Recent stabbing intifada terrorists usually mention that as their main motivation, when they're still alive to talk about it. This has been incited by Palestinian leadership.

Absolute nonsense. This is no more than repeating the Israeli propaganda. Having said this, I really consider the murderous activities as unjustified under any circumstances. As I said earlier I sharply condemn any such murderous activities by whoever, against whoever, anywhere. Such activities are criminal and damage the cause of the Palestinians, the same way as the Israeli activities in the occupied territories, which damage the future of the Israeli state, or at least its nature.

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The news article is very biased. It fails to mention the question of the fabricated belief that Israel intends to change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Recent stabbing intifada terrorists usually mention that as their main motivation, when they're still alive to talk about it. This has been incited by Palestinian leadership.

Absolute nonsense. This is no more than repeating the Israeli propaganda. Having said this, I really consider the murderous activities as unjustified under any circumstances. As I said earlier I sharply condemn any such murderous activities by whoever, against whoever, anywhere. Such activities are criminal and damage the cause of the Palestinians, the same way as the Israeli activities in the occupied territories, which damage the future of the Israeli state, or at least its nature.

It's extremely disingenuous to assert the recent "Knife Intifada" isn't largely about the fake charge of change of status quo at the Temple Mount. Just saying it's Israeli propaganda doesn't change the truth of it. There is ample evidence of the Islamist motivations behind much of the recent terrorism against Jews and it's so incredibly STUPID as there is no change of status quo.

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The main problem is ,Muslims cannot even live in peace with each other, the only thing they do agree on is either killing or converting any faith that is not theirs, they are a scourge on the planet and that is from someone who has lived amongst them and had to deal with them for nearly 20 years

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The news article is very biased. It fails to mention the question of the fabricated belief that Israel intends to change the status quo of the Temple Mount. Recent stabbing intifada terrorists usually mention that as their main motivation, when they're still alive to talk about it. This has been incited by Palestinian leadership.

Absolute nonsense. This is no more than repeating the Israeli propaganda. Having said this, I really consider the murderous activities as unjustified under any circumstances. As I said earlier I sharply condemn any such murderous activities by whoever, against whoever, anywhere. Such activities are criminal and damage the cause of the Palestinians, the same way as the Israeli activities in the occupied territories, which damage the future of the Israeli state, or at least its nature.

It's extremely disingenuous to assert the recent "Knife Intifada" isn't largely about the fake charge of change of status quo at the Temple Mount. Just saying it's Israeli propaganda doesn't change the truth of it. There is ample evidence of the Islamist motivations behind much of the recent terrorism against Jews and it's so incredibly STUPID as there is no change of status quo.

Please quote any of your ample evidence that the stabbings in the OP are concerned with mooted changes at Al Aqsa as you claim.

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