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Hillary Clinton’s emails contained highly classified intelligence – top inspector


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Classified, secret classified, double secret classified, what???

we can never know...as they are super double secret!!!

and they can never show us they are harmless, because that would violate something....

i'm not too worried about this.......

it's not like some joker can build a bomb based off these emails...

and......(shhhhh).......this was a CIA ploy to send off bad information!!!!!!

you sheep will never learn!!!!


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As predicted. Hillary's campaign now attacks Intelligence Community Inspector General


Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Intel IG Of Coordinating With GOP On Damning Email Reports
10:00 PM 01/19/2016
Hillary Clinton’s top campaign spokesman believes a vast right-wing conspiracy of sorts is behind Tuesday’s explosive report about the discovery of emails on the former secretary of state’s server that are classified at levels higher than previously known.
According to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Brian Fallon, Clinton’s communications director, believes that the Intelligence Community’s inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, is “selectively” leaking information in coordination with Republicans.
The accusation is a throwback to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s complaints that a cabal of conservatives were involved in a “vast right-wing conspiracy” to take them down.

Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy comes to mind in his Faux interview in which he spilled the beans. He said straight out the ad infinitum and ad nauseam Republican Benghazi committees in the Republican controlled US House had been succeeding in driving down Mrs. Clinton polling numbers through most of last year. She has of course been recovering from the ongoing Republican concocted Benghazi inquisition.

By the way, it's the vast right wing conspicuously. and this is another instance of it right down to the link in the post, the fringe right Daily Caller.

Nobody in the USA knows who this Intelligence Community Inspector General is, this guy I. Charles McCullough III. I'd Googled him a long time ago and only came up with a guy who's been in government and politics yet with nothing specific or identified in his bios or profiles, to include the official one especially.

It could seem Irving Charles McCullough III has made his political self and his appointments to government positions to be as anonymous as possible. One can also suspect we'll be hearing more about his background beyond the fact he was nominated to this position by President Obama (in 2011).

Edited by Publicus
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This, as with Benghazi, is yet another non-issue except at the extreme far out rightwing fringes.

Maybe you should contact the FBI. I'm sure they will be interested in you and Hillary's wild conspiracy theories. wacko.png

The links here are to the well funded and well financed mass of right wing media who put their own warped and stale take to anything and everything.

The sever and processes are being looked into as are the classification systems, not former SecState Clinton. Still however, it does not matter to the rightwhingenuts what the facts are, as evidenced by de judge at Faux in the linked propaganda piece, and which the poster had tried to present as pure of partisan politics. laugh.png

Further evidence of the bent nature of this campaign of innuendo, slander, character assassination.

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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

You'd prefer a media in the pocket of a single political party and which buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad? Move to Russia.

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This has nothing to do with being a Liberal or Republican or any other preferences. In any state of law she is (will be) a criminal.

Before she was entrusted with any state secrets — indeed, on her first full day as secretary of state — Clinton received instruction from FBI agents on how to safeguard them; and she signed an oath swearing to comply with the laws commanding the safekeeping of these secrets. She was warned that the failure to safeguard secrets — known as espionage — would most likely result in aggressive prosecution.


The evidence of Clinton’s negligence is overwhelming. The FBI now has more than 1,300 protected emails that she received on her insecure server and sent to others — some to their insecure servers. These emails contained confidential, secret or top-secret information, the negligent exposure of which is a criminal act.

Full article: Two Smoking Guns

And why is she still on the campaign trail and not in jail?? coffee1.gif

The MSM and journalists & editors are about 85% registered Democrats. If Hillary were a Republican, this story would lead the nightly network news almost every night. It would be all over the front pages of major newspapers across the country and she wouldn't be running for office, she'd be running from jail.

Think I'm exaggerating? There is a long list of minor scandals featuring Republicans that the media doesn't let go of until the person resigns (caught tapping your foot in an airport bathroom? Resign!) But a major scandal with a Democrat at the center most often gets buried until people forget about it (caught running a brothel out of your Senatorial flat or dancing naked in a fountain? Rape a woman? Fail to pay your taxes? Nothing to see, move on). There's a long list, but you'll have to Google yourself because it is a lot to write just to have removed for being too far off topic.

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What difference does it make?

I wonder how HRC will redecorate the Oval Office.

No, I don't care about emails or Benghazi.

I care about having a democrat in charge of the upcoming supreme court picks, etc.

That pretty much sums up what is wrong with our country.

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Compare to blowhard Trump who serves up garish towers and casinos and attracts the most despicable aspects of American people, the racists, the war mongerers, the homophobes, the xenophobes, the misogynists, the Islamophobes, and yes even American FASCISTS openly support him,

Just in case anyone asks you to prove that outrageous statement... ;)


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What difference does it make?

I wonder how HRC will redecorate the Oval Office.

No, I don't care about emails or Benghazi.

I care about having a democrat in charge of the upcoming supreme court picks, etc.

That pretty much sums up what is wrong with our country.

The country is very divided, yes, so what is else is new?

The thing is, the republicans in their current form BAT SHEIT CRAZY FAR RIGHT WING, can't be allowed to take the presidency again.

Anything, anything, to avoid that disaster.

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I don't know.

Maybe she (still) has very strong political connections? Maybe these connections are (still) stronger than the ones of Gen. David Petraeus, Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden ever were?

At least I haven't read anywhere - Except from Mrs. Clinton - that everything done regarding the use of her private email server during her time as Secretary of State was A-ok.

So let's see how this whole mess evolves coffee1.gif .

EDIT: If you read the article to the link in my initial post, you would see that:

"There are now more than 100 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton. Her denial that she is at the core of their work is political claptrap with no connection to reality. It is inconceivable that the FBI would send such vast resources in the present dangerous era on a wild-goose chase."

Full article: Two Smoking Guns

The link and the quotes are from the Faux rightwingnut Andrew Napolitano, noted lunar orbiter of the dark side and compulsive junk salesman;

Two Smoking Guns

By Andrew P. Napolitano

January 14, 2016

The host site from where comes de judge is of another figure from the Faux dark side, Lew Rockwell.com

These guys and others who write this half-baked mooncake are political trolls who feed other political trolls.

This, as with Benghazi, is yet another non-issue except at the extreme far out rightwing fringes.

Andrew Napolitano is a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey and a staunch defender of individual liberties ("rightwing"?????). He opposes collectivists, be they "rightwing" or "leftwing".

Please elaborate a little bit about your findings that make him an "extreme far out rightwing <fill in whatever you want>".

Please show the readers (or at least to me) something that makes him unqualified for his analysis above. Where does he in this analysis exaggerate or even report wrong information or conclusions, in your opinion?

If he should be correct with his analysis in this specific case (use of a private email server of HRC during her time as Secretary of State), where else then was he wrong in your opinion? Or where did he show his "extreme far out rightwing fringes", whatever that is?

Edited by Andreas2
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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

You'd prefer a media in the pocket of a single political party and which buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad? Move to Russia.

Fox news is in the pocket of a single political party and buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad.

It couldn't be more biased if it was part of Pravda.

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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

You'd prefer a media in the pocket of a single political party and which buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad? Move to Russia.

Fox News is just the propaganda media arm of the Republican Party it is absolutely no different to the top 9 State owned TV media in Russia. American's don't have to move to Russia just turn on Fox News and they are there. Absolute tripe from start to finish.

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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

You'd prefer a media in the pocket of a single political party and which buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad? Move to Russia.

Fox News is just the propaganda media arm of the Republican Party it is absolutely no different to the top 9 State owned TV media in Russia. American's don't have to move to Russia just turn on Fox News and they are there. Absolute tripe from start to finish.

Russian TV media is under total Kremlin control (with the possible exception of Dozhd TV but that is changing). There is no comparison in the USA. Americans on the left or right wouldn't tune in to watch a news channel which was basically White House News Network where everything was approved by the president or his admin first.

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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

You'd prefer a media in the pocket of a single political party and which buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad? Move to Russia.

Fox news is in the pocket of a single political party and buries/ignores stories that make their preferred candidate look bad.

It couldn't be more biased if it was part of Pravda.

Yes, Fox plays favorites with Republican conservatives, but there are plenty of clips on YouTube showing them criticizing many Republicans such as Romney, Trump, McCain etc, etc.

Other major TV media in the USA never goes after a Democrat until the story becomes too big to fail...like Monica Lewinsky. That was the biggest White House scandal since Watergate but the media willfully ignored it until some blogger named Matt Drudge brought it to the public's attention.

THAT was the moment liberal-controlled mass media lost its place as gatekeeper deciding what the People should know.

Fox News is another media which has challenged the liberal MSM control of what is or isn't news and the left still hates it with a passion. Because as everyone knows, the Left loves free speech but only when it is speech they agree with.

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And NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, PBS, CNBC and Univision, to name only a few, live in the pocket of the DNC.

What's your point?

Refusing to follow Fox in broadcasting salacious, invented scandals and howls of fake derision does not make them "in the pocket of the DNC".

It simply makes them sensible broadcasters.

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Yes, Fox plays favorites with Republican conservatives, but there are plenty of clips on YouTube showing them criticizing many Republicans such as Romney, Trump, McCain etc, etc.

Other major TV media in the USA never goes after a Democrat until the story becomes too big to fail...like Monica Lewinsky. That was the biggest White House scandal since Watergate but the media willfully ignored it until some blogger named Matt Drudge brought it to the public's attention.

THAT was the moment liberal-controlled mass media lost its place as gatekeeper deciding what the People should know.

Fox News is another media which has challenged the liberal MSM control of what is or isn't news and the left still hates it with a passion. Because as everyone knows, the Left loves free speech but only when it is speech they agree with.

Look at Fox, for years they have Benghazi and Emails on continuous rotation and have built up this idiotic vilification of Hillary. Absolutely ZERO wrong doing or criminal activity but still they spoon feed this never ending drivel to the lunatic Right Wingers who just lap it up day after day year after year.

The problem with Fox News is EVERY dirt campaign turns out to be rubbish. Political trolls

There is a good reason why other news media don't bang on endlessly about Benghazi and the Emails is because neither are actually a News story unless you are a Right Wing nutter.

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And NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, PBS, CNBC and Univision, to name only a few, live in the pocket of the DNC.

What's your point?

Refusing to follow Fox in broadcasting salacious, invented scandals and howls of fake derision does not make them "in the pocket of the DNC".

It simply makes them sensible broadcasters.


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"according to Fox News" They seem to get an issue and it is like herpes it just never goes away. Of course next week it will be Benghazi in an endless loop.

So they actually HAVE turned a page! The defense is no longer the "vast right-wing conspuracy" thing; NOW it's all "FOXNEWS"!!! Lol. No end to the lameness.

Dems: 'Time to wake up & smell the ... well let's just say the odor of actual coffee would be far more pleasant. Really.

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In an earlier post, somebody made this rather questionable claim:


"Nobody in the USA knows who this Intelligence Community Inspector General is, this guy I. Charles McCullough III. I'd Googled him a long time ago and only came up with a guy who's been in government and politics yet with nothing specific or identified in his bios or profiles, to include the official one especially.

It could seem Irving Charles McCullough III has made his political self and his appointments to government positions to be as anonymous as possible. One can also suspect we'll be hearing more about his background beyond the fact he was nominated to this position by President Obama (in 2011)."
I decided to take it upon myself to find out who this Inspector General really is and what his qualifications are.
Bear with me:
1. I. Charles McCullough, III was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the Democrat controlled Senate as the first Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) on November 7, 2011.
2. His immediate position prior to this appointment was as the Deputy Inspector General at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
3. He came to that position after serving as a member of the Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service for eight years as the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations at the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) Office of Inspector General (OIG).
4. Prior to joining the NSA/CSS OIG, Mr. McCullough served as the Senior Counsel for Law Enforcement and Intelligence in the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
5. Before joining the Treasury Department, he had a ten-year career in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he served as a Special Agent, Supervisory Special Agent, Associate Division Counsel, and Special Assistant United States Attorney.
6. IG McCullough holds a Juris Doctor degree from the Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Kentucky.
In addition to these accomplishments, Mr. McCullough has been able to accomplish something neither of the last two Democrat Presidents have been able to accomplish.
He is still licensed to practice law in his home state.
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So now are we supposed to believe that an Obama appointee was a 'right wing nut' , to use the diversionary invective used by diehard HRC fans. Considering the highly classified nature of the emails Clinton jeopardized it makes you wonder just what it would take for the Clintonites to throw in the towel a la Watergate. Yes this should indeed be a criminal investigation.


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So now are we supposed to believe that an Obama appointee was a 'right wing nut' , to use the diversionary invective used by diehard HRC fans. Considering the highly classified nature of the emails Clinton jeopardized it makes you wonder just what it would take for the Clintonites to throw in the towel a la Watergate. Yes this should indeed be a criminal investigation.


Nobody's called the IG a "right wing nut." Only a rightwhinger himself has thrown the term into the mix. A most militant and stridently obsessive one besides.

What is pointed out is that all of the IG's bio's or public accounts omit the dates of his offices or the time period he held the various offices. His bio data is all officialese of government positions held in which government department or government agency.

The only appointing official we know throughout all of his government career is that he was appointed to his present government position by President Obama.

The specific dates of the guy's government offices to which he was appointed, and the inclusive dates his government positions were held, and the appointing authority, are on the government record somewhere. It's just unusual to have to hunt high and low for such information in respect of a government career official and to still come up dry.

We know the backgrounds and histories of James Clapper, Jeh Johnson, the SecDef, head of CIA, NSA and all the other federal government bean soup but no one knows anything about his guy except the stellar and stunningly impressive offices he has presented himself as having held. He may be the most anonymous official of the government.

We also know the Republican Counsel Ken Starr wasted $40 million on nothing, that Whitewater was nothing, the six Ben Ghazi committees of the Republican House have wasted time and expense in their pursuits, all of this and more as an ongoing anti-Clinton vast right wing conspicuously.

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There are in fact a few things on the public record about the Intelligence Community Inspector General, I. Charles McCullough III, but only if one digs deeply enough. (Irving Charles McCullough III.)

In 2008 for instance, McCullough III refused to take an FBI requested polygraph examination. FBI had requested it after McCullough had re-applied to be an FBI agent once again.

The consequence was that FBI advised McCullough that if he were re-employed by FBI, he would take a reduction of pay and grade from his previous position. So McCullough said he terminated his application process.

McCullough was at the time employed by the NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland (nearby to Washington). McCullough said at the time that he did not approve of the type of polygraph FBI had asked him to take. So McCullough summarily left the room rather than take the test.

In 2004 McCullough contributed a cash donation to Bush for President ($1000). McCullough got his first government job in 1991 while another Bush had been POTUS.

During his employment at the Treasury Department, which was from 2001 into 2003 he represented the SecTreas in the drafting of what became the Patriot Act.

During this time at Treasury, McCullough also spent additional time assigned to the Executive Office of the President GW Bush.

In 2008 while McCullough was at NSA he was charged in a formal complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal anti-discrimination agency, by a NSA employee who alleged age and gender discrimination as the cause of McCullough passing over the employee for promotion. The charge was settled confidentially.

Back to FBI for a moment. While McCullough was at the New York FBI Office from 1997-99 he was responsible for approving electronic surveillance.

There are a lot of indications here that the guy has Republican party leanings. Leanings at the least. It seems he may indeed be strongly Republican party in his political leanings.

That he may be pursuing any such leanings, as alleged by the HR Clinton campaign, would be a betrayal of the trust awarded to him by the appointing authority to his present position, President Barack Obama.


U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Pre-Hearing Questionaire



None of this was raised or discussed during McCullough's successful confirmation hearing in the Senate. No information available concerning the White House vetting processes in selecting McCullough for the position of IC IG.

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I don't know.

Maybe she (still) has very strong political connections? Maybe these connections are (still) stronger than the ones of Gen. David Petraeus, Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden ever were?

At least I haven't read anywhere - Except from Mrs. Clinton - that everything done regarding the use of her private email server during her time as Secretary of State was A-ok.

So let's see how this whole mess evolves coffee1.gif .

EDIT: If you read the article to the link in my initial post, you would see that:

"There are now more than 100 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton. Her denial that she is at the core of their work is political claptrap with no connection to reality. It is inconceivable that the FBI would send such vast resources in the present dangerous era on a wild-goose chase."

Full article: Two Smoking Guns

The link and the quotes are from the Faux rightwingnut Andrew Napolitano, noted lunar orbiter of the dark side and compulsive junk salesman;

Two Smoking Guns

By Andrew P. Napolitano

January 14, 2016

The host site from where comes de judge is of another figure from the Faux dark side, Lew Rockwell.com

These guys and others who write this half-baked mooncake are political trolls who feed other political trolls.

This, as with Benghazi, is yet another non-issue except at the extreme far out rightwing fringes.

Andrew Napolitano is a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey and a staunch defender of individual liberties ("rightwing"?????). He opposes collectivists, be they "rightwing" or "leftwing".

Please elaborate a little bit about your findings that make him an "extreme far out rightwing <fill in whatever you want>".

Please show the readers (or at least to me) something that makes him unqualified for his analysis above. Where does he in this analysis exaggerate or even report wrong information or conclusions, in your opinion?

If he should be correct with his analysis in this specific case (use of a private email server of HRC during her time as Secretary of State), where else then was he wrong in your opinion? Or where did he show his "extreme far out rightwing fringes", whatever that is?

The opinions stated in the post are interesting but they are mostly amusing.

For instance, Napolitano is a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey. A state superior court is not the state supreme court. It is a notch above only a county district court which is the lowest level of the state courts.

So which governor of New Jersey appointed the Faux legal beagle Andrew Napolitano to his judgeship? I dunno but the burden of information is on you as to whether Nappy was appointed by a Democrat or a Republican. In a state such as New Jersey, a state judgeship costs an arm and a leg in addition to kissing the don's ring, so how much did Nappy have to cough up to get to wear the black robe and sit on a bench.

How much is Nappy paid by Roger Ailes to spout the Republican rightwhinge line. Nap truly believes it all so I must say he's a lucky guy to be able to be paid for speaking his political opinions, as rightwhinge as they are. So in my choosing to respond in certain ways to your inquiries, the guy can be summarised as a rightwhinger by the fact he spouts the stuff regularly and consistently on Faux.

If that in itself is not enough evidence or proof positive, then you'd need to listen to him more often and regularly. You see, the more you agree with him, the more rightwhinge he is and the more far out rightwhinge you are. wink.png

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It is also rumored IG McCullough was affiliated with an extremely conservative Boy Scout Troop at age 11 whose Troop Leader was a Republican Town Council Member.

Following is the transcript of the Senate nomination hearing of IG McCullough.

Read it and make up your own minds. You can't trust most of the BS being uploaded on this forum.


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This, as with Benghazi, is yet another non-issue except at the extreme far out rightwing fringes.

Maybe you should contact the FBI. I'm sure they will be interested in you and Hillary's wild conspiracy theories. wacko.png

He IS the FBI!

Yours truly has never refused or declined to take a polygraph.

Never been asked or required.

Neither is the FBI investigating HR Clinton. It's instead the rightwingers at it yet again. The long running and ongoing vast right wing conspicuously.

Ever so conspicuously.

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