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Davos and divisions – WEF warns against growing gap between rich and poor


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Davos and divisions – WEF warns against growing gap between rich and poor


SWITZERLAND -- On the eve of the official opening of the World Economic Forum in Davos there were warnings about the growing gap between rich and poor. It’s just one issue participants including heads of state and leading businessmen will be focusing upon.

Already anti-poverty charity Oxfam has raised the point that the world’s richest 1 percent own more than the other 99 percent combined. It’s got several CEOs such as Richard Edelmen thinking:

“The consequence of this (inequality in the world) is actually populism. You start to see the rise of politicians such as (US Republican front-runner Donald) Trump, (National Front leader Marine) Le Pen in France; you see it in Hungary with (right-wing Hungarian prime minister Viktor) Orban. And I believe you’re going to start to see this on the Left as well.You start to see (Democrat candidate) Bernie Sanders in the US; you see this with (Labour opposition leader Jeremy) Corbyn in the UK.”

Evidently the well known talking shop in the Swiss Alps has much to discuss, but fundamentally for any attempt at solving problems, Davos chairman Klaus Schwab said there must be dialogue, collaboration and cooperation.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/01/20/davos-and-divisions-wef-warns-against-growing-gap-between-rich-and-poor/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-20

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The accompanying photo is sort of symbolic of the fact that only the rich and shameless have any real role into defining pesky abstracts like 'equality' and 'inequality'.

Anticipate the results of this genteel gathering will produce little more than familiar cliches, catchy collections of buzzwords, politically correct "feel good' jargon, and lofty, yet hollow resolutions.

Oh yeah...and a staggering bar tab.

Edited by Hayduke
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There needs to be some really deep and thoughtful analysis of this continuing trend. Communism has gone and what do we get, another version of the old Russian aristocracy that caused it. No wonder older working people are going crazy when their share of the pie is stagnant (in many countries) whilst we see shameless displays of uber wealth by a small segment of society. Someone once remarked that if you developed a cure for cancer you would be unlikely to receive as much as a soccer player, rap artist or film star, let alone members of the 1%. I would welcome an equitable solution to this mess. I don't envy people who have come up with something really beneficial making a quid; I am less happy about financial engineers and stock traders benefitting from manipulation and expecting a bailout when it goes wrong.

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There needs to be some really deep and thoughtful analysis of this continuing trend. Communism has gone and what do we get, another version of the old Russian aristocracy that caused it. No wonder older working people are going crazy when their share of the pie is stagnant (in many countries) whilst we see shameless displays of uber wealth by a small segment of society. Someone once remarked that if you developed a cure for cancer you would be unlikely to receive as much as a soccer player, rap artist or film star, let alone members of the 1%. I would welcome an equitable solution to this mess. I don't envy people who have come up with something really beneficial making a quid; I am less happy about financial engineers and stock traders benefitting from manipulation and expecting a bailout when it goes wrong.

The 1%, the elite, the celebrities - sport and entertainment, those engaged in banking and finance, will not give up their very wealthy, wonderful life style.

How many bankers of financiers were held responsible for the 2008 crash that caused millions to suffer? How much pay do CEO, directors, in private and public sectors reward themselves compared to the workers?

Communism doesn't work because of man's greed. Capitalism rewards the greedy but can also make them more greedy.

Billions live an impoverished life with little expectation of real change in future generations whilst a the select few will make sure their future generations continue the opulence they enjoy.

Unfair, but the answer will never be found by the rich elite enjoying a luxurious back slapping affair whilst stating the obvious.

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