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2015 was hottest year on record, say some scientists


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People who say/think that nothing humans do can affect weather or global temps are off the mark. Our one species has a large affect on warming. Saying people have no effect may be an attempt at modesty - or perhaps it's a way of saying that Earth is far too large to be affected by things that people do. We're all less than 2 meters tall, and the earth is immensely bigger. But look again. A person dumping a liter of toxic fluid in a river can affect the cleanliness of that river. One person named Saddam, who ordered the torching of oil wells in Kuwait, can foul the world's atmosphere. If one person can do so much, .....what about the combined toxic output of 6.5 billion people and their animals.

As for trees and other plants: yes they absorb CO2, but they don't have a limitless capacity to do so. Humans produce a whole lot more than plants can absorb. Humans also produce millions of tons of plastic (another fossil fuel product) which doesn't completely decompose. Much of that winds up in oceans virtually forever. google: 'Pacific Trash Vortex'

Edited by boomerangutang
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Well put. Humans are having a massive impact on the environment. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are 2 biggies. I remember flying over the Andes a few years ago and seeing in amazement how much of the mountainsides in these remote regions had been totally cleared. Unreal.

Interesting article:


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I guess when you can't refute the findings of thousands of scientists, you're left with...., wait for it, .....a whale fart.

Pretty much, or a foolish MEME or dredge some dead carcass up from a Climate Denier blogg site. If all else fails then Fox News drivel. Or Inoffe throwing snowballs in Congress. All gets a little childish for me 'boomer'.

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I guess when you can't refute the findings of thousands of scientists, you're left with...., wait for it, .....a whale fart.

Pretty much, or a foolish MEME or dredge some dead carcass up from a Climate Denier blogg site. If all else fails then Fox News drivel. Or Inoffe throwing snowballs in Congress. All gets a little childish for me 'boomer'.

You two 'believers' do know there is a feature on the forum called...wait for it..."Ignore"

Just enter my name and, viola, you won't have to read my posts ever again.

Meanwhile, as you both revel in your self appointed righteousness, here's a little read for you, straight from the 97%.


Dinosaur farts may have caused prehistoric global warming
by Tafline Laylin
We know that today’s cows are responsible for producing staggering amounts of heat-trapping methane gas, a major driver of climate change, but British scientists now claim that dinosaurs with vegetarian diets may have contributed to prehistoric global warming simply by passing gas. Dr. Dave Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moores University led the study, which was published in the journal Current Biology. He told The Telegraph “Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources.”
Edited by chuckd
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I guess when you can't refute the findings of thousands of scientists, you're left with...., wait for it, .....a whale fart.

Pretty much, or a foolish MEME or dredge some dead carcass up from a Climate Denier blogg site. If all else fails then Fox News drivel. Or Inoffe throwing snowballs in Congress. All gets a little childish for me 'boomer'.

You two 'believers' do know there is a feature on the forum called...wait for it..."Ignore"

Just enter my name and, viola, you won't have to read my posts ever again.

Meanwhile, as you both revel in your self appointed righteousness, here's a little read for you, straight from the 97%.


Dinosaur farts may have caused prehistoric global warming
by Tafline Laylin
We know that today’s cows are responsible for producing staggering amounts of heat-trapping methane gas, a major driver of climate change, but British scientists now claim that dinosaurs with vegetarian diets may have contributed to prehistoric global warming simply by passing gas. Dr. Dave Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moores University led the study, which was published in the journal Current Biology. He told The Telegraph “Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources.”

I am surprised you believe in Dinosaurs, it goes against all the beliefs you re fond of

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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I guess when you can't refute the findings of thousands of scientists, you're left with...., wait for it, .....a whale fart.

Pretty much, or a foolish MEME or dredge some dead carcass up from a Climate Denier blogg site. If all else fails then Fox News drivel. Or Inoffe throwing snowballs in Congress. All gets a little childish for me 'boomer'.

You two 'believers' do know there is a feature on the forum called...wait for it..."Ignore"

Just enter my name and, viola, you won't have to read my posts ever again.

Meanwhile, as you both revel in your self appointed righteousness, here's a little read for you, straight from the 97%.


Dinosaur farts may have caused prehistoric global warming
by Tafline Laylin
We know that today’s cows are responsible for producing staggering amounts of heat-trapping methane gas, a major driver of climate change, but British scientists now claim that dinosaurs with vegetarian diets may have contributed to prehistoric global warming simply by passing gas. Dr. Dave Wilkinson from Liverpool John Moores University led the study, which was published in the journal Current Biology. He told The Telegraph “Indeed, our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources.”

I am surprised you believe in Dinosaurs, it goes against all the beliefs you re fond of

And how do you know what my beliefs are? I might still believe in Santa Claus and French superiority.

Stranger things have been known to happen.

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I got offspring of dinosaurs skitting around my yard; a.k.a. birds. However, it's not always easy to get to listen to their songs because there's so much noise pollution here in northern Thailand; dogs barking, temple noise blaring, machinery, women yelling, to name a few. I never thought I could get driven crazy by anything (that's why I'm not married) but incessant noise in Thailand may be what finally unglues me. Sorry to get off-topic, but just had to rant a bit.

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The oceans are rising faster than at any point in the last 28 centuries, and human emissions of greenhouse gases are primarily responsible, scientists reported Monday.

This one is quite interesting:


Why do people question climate change?
Hint: ideology.

Most of the attacks on climate science are coming from libertarians and other political conservatives who do not like the policies that have been proposed to fight global warming. Instead of negotiating over those policies and trying to make them more subject to free-market principles, they have taken the approach of blocking them by trying to undermine the science.

This ideological position has been propped up by money from fossil-fuel interests, which have paid to create organizations, fund conferences and the like. The scientific arguments made by these groups usually involve cherry-picking data, such as focusing on short-term blips in the temperature record or in sea ice, while ignoring the long-term trends.

The most extreme version of climate denialism is to claim that scientists are engaged in a worldwide hoax to fool the public so that the government can gain greater control over people’s lives. As the arguments have become more strained, many oil and coal companies have begun to distance themselves publicly from climate denialism, but some are still helping to finance the campaigns of politicians who espouse such views.

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This is typical Leftist whining which tries to answer the question "How can we lose when we're so sincere?"
They just can't get it. They claim to have on their side all the scientists, all the governments, Leonardo di Caprio, all the banks and insurance companies, the World Association of Girl Guides and all the unelected bureaucrats. How come there are people not bowing down before their mighty wisdom?
Ah, that's right, there must be something wrong with them. Those poor wretches suffer from 'an ideological position'. Brainwashed no doubt, by Fox News, the Internet and the Koch Brothers. Yes, that must be it.
Having established that, we noble fellows of the Green/Left, can relax back into our smug superiority, blissfully liberated from an 'ideological position'.
After all, we know the truth. “I am gorilla, I am flowers, animals, I am nature… Man Koko love… but man… man stupid… Koko cry, time hurry, fix Earth…
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This is typical Leftist whining which tries to answer the question "How can we lose when we're so sincere?"
They just can't get it. They claim to have on their side all the scientists, all the governments, Leonardo di Caprio, all the banks and insurance companies, the World Association of Girl Guides and all the unelected bureaucrats. How come there are people not bowing down before their mighty wisdom?
Ah, that's right, there must be something wrong with them. Those poor wretches suffer from 'an ideological position'. Brainwashed no doubt, by Fox News, the Internet and the Koch Brothers. Yes, that must be it.
Having established that, we noble fellows of the Green/Left, can relax back into our smug superiority, blissfully liberated from an 'ideological position'.
After all, we know the truth. “I am gorilla, I am flowers, animals, I am nature… Man Koko love… but man… man stupid… Koko cry, time hurry, fix Earth…

"Those poor wretches suffer from 'an ideological position'. Brainwashed no doubt, by Fox News, the Internet and the Koch Brothers. Yes, that must be it."

That's pretty accurate..

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This is typical Leftist whining which tries to answer the question "How can we lose when we're so sincere?"
They just can't get it. They claim to have on their side all the scientists, all the governments, Leonardo di Caprio, all the banks and insurance companies, the World Association of Girl Guides and all the unelected bureaucrats. How come there are people not bowing down before their mighty wisdom?
Ah, that's right, there must be something wrong with them. Those poor wretches suffer from 'an ideological position'. Brainwashed no doubt, by Fox News, the Internet and the Koch Brothers. Yes, that must be it.
Having established that, we noble fellows of the Green/Left, can relax back into our smug superiority, blissfully liberated from an 'ideological position'.
After all, we know the truth. “I am gorilla, I am flowers, animals, I am nature… Man Koko love… but man… man stupid… Koko cry, time hurry, fix Earth…

"Those poor wretches suffer from 'an ideological position'. Brainwashed no doubt, by Fox News, the Internet and the Koch Brothers. Yes, that must be it."

That's pretty accurate..

Followed immediately by this...

"Having established that, we noble fellows of the Green/Left, can relax back into our smug superiority, blissfully liberated from an 'ideological position'."

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Why? I quite frankly don't care what the weather is doing where you are located. Rain or shine makes not one bit of difference to me.

All I know for certain is the weather will change as it has done for millions of years and there is not one blessed thing you or I can do about it.

Again confusing weather with GW / CC

No, he's not. The planet will cool or get hotter, and there's nothing that all the king's horses and all the king's men can do about it- or you, or I, or the "scientists" wobbling on that we face catastrophe unless we drive hybrid cars and pay lots of tax on cows farting. However, flying thousands of scientists to exotic locations around the world to produce a load of pointless hot air is OK, as they don't produce "real" CO2, as opposed to the stuff we produce, so we should go back to living in caves and walking.


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Well put. Humans are having a massive impact on the environment. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are 2 biggies. I remember flying over the Andes a few years ago and seeing in amazement how much of the mountainsides in these remote regions had been totally cleared. Unreal.

Interesting article:


True. Humans are a pestilential plague on the planet, but it hasn't been proven they cause climate change.

The only thing that would make a real difference would be to eliminate all humans- but how would that be accomplished? It is my belief that Gaia has decided to remove the human parasites by various means. The Zika virus would seem to be a start in that direction. Otherwise, humans will multiply to the point that there are no other significant life forms on the planet and we survive by eating seaweed as all the land is occupied by people and all the fish have been eaten or died of pollution sad.png .

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Why? I quite frankly don't care what the weather is doing where you are located. Rain or shine makes not one bit of difference to me.

All I know for certain is the weather will change as it has done for millions of years and there is not one blessed thing you or I can do about it.

Again confusing weather with GW / CC

No, he's not. The planet will cool or get hotter, and there's nothing that all the king's horses and all the king's men can do about it- or you, or I, or the "scientists" wobbling on that we face catastrophe unless we drive hybrid cars and pay lots of tax on cows farting. However, flying thousands of scientists to exotic locations around the world to produce a load of pointless hot air is OK, as they don't produce "real" CO2, as opposed to the stuff we produce, so we should go back to living in caves and walking.


He is actually. Weather is just weather. Of course man can reverse the effects of polluting the atmosphere with CO2. Fully electric powered cars would be a huge step in the right direction. The technology is getting there. A lot of research has been done on reducing Methane levels from ruminant cattle. It all helps. Scientists flying about the world has no effect on CO2 levels so I wouldn't worry about that. COP2 was actually Carbon negative. You can go live in a cave. No need for anyone else too. Walking is good for your health. It will not effect CO2 levels though.

Your not really a 'can do' type personality are you TBL. Just kind of sit there and moan it's all too hard.

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Well put. Humans are having a massive impact on the environment. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are 2 biggies. I remember flying over the Andes a few years ago and seeing in amazement how much of the mountainsides in these remote regions had been totally cleared. Unreal.

Interesting article:


True. Humans are a pestilential plague on the planet, but it hasn't been proven they cause climate change.

The only thing that would make a real difference would be to eliminate all humans- but how would that be accomplished? It is my belief that Gaia has decided to remove the human parasites by various means. The Zika virus would seem to be a start in that direction. Otherwise, humans will multiply to the point that there are no other significant life forms on the planet and we survive by eating seaweed as all the land is occupied by people and all the fish have been eaten or died of pollution sad.png .

Humans indirectly cause Climate Change. By burning fossil fuels they emit CO2 into the atmosphere. Excess CO2 greenhouse gas causes the Earth to heat up. As the Earth warms Climates Shift, Polar Caps melt, sea levels rise, extreme weather events develop. Pretty simple stuff. That basic science has been around for some 120 years.

The primal Greek goddess of earth is the cause. Well there you go.

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Well put. Humans are having a massive impact on the environment. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are 2 biggies. I remember flying over the Andes a few years ago and seeing in amazement how much of the mountainsides in these remote regions had been totally cleared. Unreal.

Interesting article:


True. Humans are a pestilential plague on the planet, but it hasn't been proven they cause climate change.

The only thing that would make a real difference would be to eliminate all humans- but how would that be accomplished? It is my belief that Gaia has decided to remove the human parasites by various means. The Zika virus would seem to be a start in that direction. Otherwise, humans will multiply to the point that there are no other significant life forms on the planet and we survive by eating seaweed as all the land is occupied by people and all the fish have been eaten or died of pollution sad.png .

Impossible to say we have no impact on the climate. How and how much is the question.

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Well put. Humans are having a massive impact on the environment. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels are 2 biggies. I remember flying over the Andes a few years ago and seeing in amazement how much of the mountainsides in these remote regions had been totally cleared. Unreal.

Interesting article:


True. Humans are a pestilential plague on the planet, but it hasn't been proven they cause climate change.

The only thing that would make a real difference would be to eliminate all humans- but how would that be accomplished? It is my belief that Gaia has decided to remove the human parasites by various means. The Zika virus would seem to be a start in that direction. Otherwise, humans will multiply to the point that there are no other significant life forms on the planet and we survive by eating seaweed as all the land is occupied by people and all the fish have been eaten or died of pollution sad.png .

Impossible to say we have no impact on the climate. How and how much is the question.

It isn't actually. How has been known for over 100 years, how much is easily measured and modelled quite accurately.

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How has been known for over 100 years.....

Part of 'how' has been known for a long time; we have a good idea that extra CO2 in the atmosphere has a warming effect. We believe that aerosols may have a cooling effect. We know much less about the effect of cosmic rays, Milankovich cycles, NOx, the oceans, Earth's albedo, planetary orbits, soot, the ozone layer, the ENSO, the AMO, solar activity, even the Earth's core.

But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Scientists who look at CO2 as the only relevant factor will find, surprise surprise, that it is the only relevant factor.

... how much is easily measured and modelled quite accurately.

You can model anything accurately. That's trivial. The key question is: "Does the model have any predictive ability?" In the case of hundreds of different climate models, the answer is "Absolutely none."

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How has been known for over 100 years.....

Part of 'how' has been known for a long time; we have a good idea that extra CO2 in the atmosphere has a warming effect. We believe that aerosols may have a cooling effect. We know much less about the effect of cosmic rays, Milankovich cycles, NOx, the oceans, Earth's albedo, planetary orbits, soot, the ozone layer, the ENSO, the AMO, solar activity, even the Earth's core.

But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Scientists who look at CO2 as the only relevant factor will find, surprise surprise, that it is the only relevant factor.

... how much is easily measured and modelled quite accurately.

You can model anything accurately. That's trivial. The key question is: "Does the model have any predictive ability?" In the case of hundreds of different climate models, the answer is "Absolutely none."

Not correct. You are looking at the end point ignoring 100 years of research and evidence that reached a final conclusion. The points you mentioned are understood and measured and researched in detail and ruled out for no other reason than they simply do not fit.

It is unimportant a Model can forecast. What is essential is that a Model can hind-cast. If it is not able to hind-cast it is not able to forecast.

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It is unimportant a Model can forecast.

What's the point of creating a model if it can't tell us anything about the future?

To waste billions of dollars on a system that can tell you what happened yesterday but that it is "unimportant" that it can tell us what will happen tomorrow, or next year, or ten years out, is about the dumbest idea which could conceivably be floated.

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2015 was hottest year on record, say some scientists

2016 was hottest year on record

2017 was hottest year on record

2018 was hottest year on record

2019 was hottest year on record

2020 record player broke

No, the record player melted!

Remember records?

Damn, we are old!

2016 is predicted to be the hottest and driest year in Thailand in 20 years.

Our rice farms are lying barren these days...no water.

My pond is dry and my fish are dead.

The River Mun, in our village has dried up.

and all the farmers who have converted from rice to mon sarpong ( cassava) as advised by the government since it requires no irrigation, have just been advised not to harvest, since the market is now flooded and the price is too low to even break even.

But this does not fool the big corporations and Republicans who denie that things like fossil fuels are changing the climate.

They know we are just a bunch of anti-business liberals trying to reduce their profits.

Edited by willyumiii
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"2015 was hottest year on record, say some scientists"

"Some scientists"..those would be all of the scientist not on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry.

Edited by willyumiii
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It is unimportant a Model can forecast.

What's the point of creating a model if it can't tell us anything about the future?

To waste billions of dollars on a system that can tell you what happened yesterday but that it is "unimportant" that it can tell us what will happen tomorrow, or next year, or ten years out, is about the dumbest idea which could conceivably be floated.

You miss the point.

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The point is that the entire trillion-dollar climate scare has been built upon computer models and their forecasts for the future of Earth's climate system.

These models have been shown, over a period of two decades, to be utterly useless in their predictive ability. Climate modelling represents the zenith of the GIGO principle - garbage in, garbage out.

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How has been known for over 100 years.....

Part of 'how' has been known for a long time; we have a good idea that extra CO2 in the atmosphere has a warming effect. We believe that aerosols may have a cooling effect. We know much less about the effect of cosmic rays, Milankovich cycles, NOx, the oceans, Earth's albedo, planetary orbits, soot, the ozone layer, the ENSO, the AMO, solar activity, even the Earth's core.

But when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Scientists who look at CO2 as the only relevant factor will find, surprise surprise, that it is the only relevant factor.

... how much is easily measured and modelled quite accurately.

You can model anything accurately. That's trivial. The key question is: "Does the model have any predictive ability?" In the case of hundreds of different climate models, the answer is "Absolutely none."

Not correct. You are looking at the end point ignoring 100 years of research and evidence that reached a final conclusion. The points you mentioned are understood and measured and researched in detail and ruled out for no other reason than they simply do not fit.

It is unimportant a Model can forecast. What is essential is that a Model can hind-cast. If it is not able to hind-cast it is not able to forecast.

I think you need another shot at explaining this because, as it stands, it appears to be the dumbest thing you have said to date. And that is quite an achievement.

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The point is that the entire trillion-dollar climate scare has been built upon computer models and their forecasts for the future of Earth's climate system.

These models have been shown, over a period of two decades, to be utterly useless in their predictive ability. Climate modelling represents the zenith of the GIGO principle - garbage in, garbage out.

Not correct. If you can't figure out what happened in the past, you can't forecast the future. I use to create financial forecast models for a living. Actually have a masters in Corporate Planning and Futures Research. We created and worked with the some fantastic forecasting programs. Created by the brightest minds in the industry. All were based on historical data used to predict the future.

But you are right. Forecasting is not an exact science. They are not perfect, but they are, a great source of info for predicting the future and help people plan for various outcomes.

Please quit referring to this as a climate scare. That reduces the significance of what's going on...and borders on trolling...

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