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Pattaya Police Officers hurt as Russians speed through checkpoint

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They will get a very hard time before even they see the court room. May these Russians suffer and be locked up for life. Hope for full recovering of the police officer.

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I was in a car with a Thai lady driving when we came upon a check point. The cop waived her over and she ignored him and kept on going. Does this tell you something. He was looking for a payday and she was unwilling to participate. Its like a game here you take your chances sometimes you win sometimes you lose. I am sure they could have copied her license number or like the west have a guy further down the street to stop runners. Maybe its like fishing if a fish wriggles off of the hook throw your line back in there are lots more.


Lot of knocking Pattaya's finest for not doing their job, but when they do their job and this happens I hope the Russian get locked up for a long time before being kicked out the Kingdom.

I hope the Police Officers does fully recover and his get the proper compensation he deserves.

Though there is merit to these checkpoints, they are primarily about money. Pay your fine (big) and you are free to drive home. Still drunk.

So. nobody is going to court for drink driving. Do get your facts straight.

Many are, but not all. And going to court has nothing to do with being taken to the police station, paying your fine, then being allowed to go home.

Where are the statistics published?


Not sure if this cop was actually trying to do an honest good job (although I really have my doubts as I see many others here do) but I really have trouble having any sympathy for anything bad that happens to any cop in Thailand after living here for 13 years.

I really try not to paint everyone with the same brush but honestly the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was sum num na.


So, a policeman doing his job gets run down by a drunk and some here feel somehow the police are at fault due to pure greed and not a legitimate reason like checking licences, whether bikes are stolen, or drugs or drunkeness ? If everything is in order, these checkpoints allow you on your way in seconds. If anyone has been fined then there was likely a reason for it so have never understood the aggro about these check points. It is unclear just how the policeman was hit by the bike but, yes, if he was standing out in the road that is not ideal procedure.

You are correct.

The thing is the checkpoints all have lights and cones with warnings to slow down (in thai). The cops are standing on the side and they never step in front of cars when I go through checkpoints. They put their hand out to wave me to stop.

And I've never been "shaken down" in a single checkpoint here except once in the sticks. But in Bangkok and Pattaya NEVER.


So, a policeman doing his job gets run down by a drunk and some here feel somehow the police are at fault due to pure greed and not a legitimate reason like checking licences, whether bikes are stolen, or drugs or drunkeness ? If everything is in order, these checkpoints allow you on your way in seconds. If anyone has been fined then there was likely a reason for it so have never understood the aggro about these check points. It is unclear just how the policeman was hit by the bike but, yes, if he was standing out in the road that is not ideal procedure.

You are correct.

The thing is the checkpoints all have lights and cones with warnings to slow down (in thai). The cops are standing on the side and they never step in front of cars when I go through checkpoints. They put their hand out to wave me to stop.

And I've never been "shaken down" in a single checkpoint here except once in the sticks. But in Bangkok and Pattaya NEVER.

I've been through a lot of check points also. Some have lights, many don't. I rarely see one with warnings to slow down. I had one run out into the highway to stop the car in front of me who was speeding. Almost ran the guy over!

Interesting video:

And of course there was the riot in Phuket last year after the cops knocked two guys off a bike, killing them:


Easy to go on and on with stories like this....unfortunately...


Lot of knocking Pattaya's finest for not doing their job, but when they do their job and this happens I hope the Russian get locked up for a long time before being kicked out the Kingdom.

I hope the Police Officers does fully recover and his get the proper compensation he deserves.

Though there is merit to these checkpoints, they are primarily about money. Pay your fine (big) and you are free to drive home. Still drunk.

So. nobody is going to court for drink driving. Do get your facts straight.

It's pretty easy to figure it out without directly saying it.

There was a post in this forum by a "white guy" during the Christmas drink driving blitz. They tested him 3 times in an effort to get a sufficiently high reading (they didn't succeed) while giving all Thais at that particular road block a free pass.

I have to make it clear, this seems to be the MO at road blocks that can net a large number of foreigners. The police out at Sukhumvit and beyond are probably more honest, or collecting smaller backhanders.

The going rate for a "get out of jail free" pass is around 10K. The price could go up a bit on Friday night, but 10K is a nice round number. It's a good month's income for honest, hard working Thais.


Have read (on another website) how a well known American bribed his way out after blowing red, at the farange rate of 20K...

Sorry but until the police become effective there will be no let up of the carnage on the the roads that put Thailand nearly at the top of the WHO list, if bribing a cop is not illegal then it should be and lets see some prosecutions for giving and receiving...

Maybe a organised core of well intentioned volunteer observers to observe, investigate and recommend improvements would be in a good start.


Have read (on another website) how a well known American bribed his way out after blowing red, at the farange rate of 20K...

Sorry but until the police become effective there will be no let up of the carnage on the the roads that put Thailand nearly at the top of the WHO list, if bribing a cop is not illegal then it should be and lets see some prosecutions for giving and receiving...

Maybe a organised core of well intentioned volunteer observers to observe, investigate and recommend improvements would be in a good start.

This type of corruption is not about the odd cop breaking the rules and pocketing bribes. This is organised and runs deep. Volunteer observers could be risking their lives.

Everyone know what must be done, but who's going to do it?


And of course this doesn't help:


BANGKOK: -- An inspection of the Bangkok police force’s breathalyzers, conducted by the Department of Medical Sciences, has revealed that almost half of the breathalyzers being carried around by Bangkok cops don’t actually work.

Niphon Popattanacha, director general of the Department of Medical Sciences, said that of the 2,558 devices his department surveyed, only 1,338, or 52.3%, functioned normally. The remaining 1,220 were either malfunctioning, or just broke

Whilst in no way condoning the actions of the speeding motorcyclist, I have on many occasions been stopped by the police at checkpoints by them literally jumping into the middle of a highway, often jumping out from a concealed position behind stationary vehicles.

It is a ridiculous and stupid to way to act and causes accidents. They have been doing this for years. You might think they would have designed better checkpoints by now. Completely unnecessary brainlessness. No thought process occurring.


The Police should have assault rifles set up in the direction these idiots are heading. So when they drive through the check point and dont stop the Police shoot them.

Thats what they do here in Afghanistan.


The general opinion is Russian tourists act like uncontrolled animals, but jump in front of a speeding bike to shake down 200 baht is also not a good idea.

My very first thought....


I have been stopped twice in Pattaya and the police never asked any money from me, but then all my papers are up to date, taxes paid etc.

Stop bashing the police every time there is a tragic incident like this.


The Police should have assault rifles set up in the direction these idiots are heading. So when they drive through the check point and dont stop the Police shoot them.

Thats what they do here in Afghanistan.

Not such a good idea, the last time the Pattaya Police shot at a car that wouldn't stop they ended up shooting one of their colleagues on the opposite side of the soi.


I have been stopped twice in Pattaya and the police never asked any money from me, but then all my papers are up to date, taxes paid etc.

Stop bashing the police every time there is a tragic incident like this.

Agree balo, if requested to stop at an official check point, there is a sign written in Thai asking you to lower your drivers window, and switch on the interior light at night, this makes sense with so many "Black Film" glass vehicles here.

I drive Pattaya to Chaing Mai with my Thai partner about once a month, and have been stopped on many occasions, followed the above mentioned rules and have never been asked for any bribe. however, being waved down by a single policeman by the roadside, needs further consideration.


I have been stopped twice in Pattaya and the police never asked any money from me, but then all my papers are up to date, taxes paid etc.

Stop bashing the police every time there is a tragic incident like this.

Agree balo, if requested to stop at an official check point, there is a sign written in Thai asking you to lower your drivers window, and switch on the interior light at night, this makes sense with so many "Black Film" glass vehicles here.

I drive Pattaya to Chaing Mai with my Thai partner about once a month, and have been stopped on many occasions, followed the above mentioned rules and have never been asked for any bribe. however, being waved down by a single policeman by the roadside, needs further consideration.

There's a standard police stop near Phi Mai on the way to Khon Kaen. We got pulled over because we were in the fast lane. I wasn't speeding, just going around a slow moving truck. They wanted 100B. Granny was in the car. She was about 85 at the time. She got out and gave them an ear full! It was funny to see them back away. Finally, they asked if we could give them 20B for tea. My wife was pissed. Granny was saying how she was friends with the big army general there, etc. I was laughing. Finally, to end it all, we gave them 20B. Pure corruption. But what can you do.

Another time, I caught a ride back with a relative. He was in the fast lane and the cops came out into the road and waved him over. He just kept going. They didn't come after us. But I was afraid they would! Crazy times here.

Sorry Balo, hard not to bash the police here. They're such an easy target! LOL But you are right. These people hurt an individual because they were drunk and wanted to get away. NO excuse for that and now somebody is going to have to deal with the health issues of this for a long time. They should be put in jail.


The general opinion is Russian tourists act like uncontrolled animals, but jump in front of a speeding bike to shake down 200 baht is also not a good idea.

I will give anyone the benefit of doubt. Please tell me how you know this was a "shakedown".

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