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Am I being a dick to my thai gf?


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Perfectly ok to stay with x. Put your tgf in her place. This is not farang world. Buy the T shirt with OBEY or I'M THE BOSS

555 ... Jack, even if you do have a "girlfriend' for more than a few hours at a time...a few evenings week ...

Trust me on this ...

She is either butt ugly ...

Or truly truly loves her king and want to collect as many pocket sized pictures of him that she can ... from YOU.

"OBEY or I'M THE BOSS" Truly laughing out loud... thanks.

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OP, you've made the mistake of giving out too much information. Expecting a 23 yo Thai woman to react the same way as your older Western ex-GF is unrealistic.

Sometimes in life, mistakes are made which can't be rectified. Accept it and move on.

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My ex Thai g/f and myself still talk occasionally she called today to see if I had enough blankets, with the 8 degree weather. We have both moved on.... But nice of her to think of me.

Are you quite sure she wasn't volunteering to be an extra blanket?

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Me thinks at 40...you still have a lot to learn about women...

Make hotel reservations...show the Thai lady...cancel the reservations...stay with ex-gf...

You will be loved more for giving the appearance that you care what the Thai gf thinks...

Next time...try to be a little more sensitive and smarter...

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If I were in that position travelling back to USA, then I'd like to think my current partner trusted me.

I think I'd ask what could be done to show her that you're being straight with her, and reassure her about her concerns, and maybe even get a skype call going and give her contact details so that she has direct access (though she likely won't use it) and doesn't feel out of the loop. If she's going to be jealous then there's probably not much you can do, but it would be an alarm bell for marriage if she doesn't feel she can trust you.

My GF asks me who sent me a birthday card (my aunty from UK - the only person that does). I offer more information but she loses interest if there's no secret plot, and I get the 'up to you' type response then it's forgotten 5 seconds later.

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My friendships with my ex-wife and ex-girlfriends has caused me so many problems with new thai gf(s), that now I just lie, smile and drink a beer... soooo much easier.

Edited by Nowisee
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Perfectly ok to stay with x. Put your tgf in her place. This is not farang world. Buy the T shirt with OBEY or I'M THE BOSS

555 ... Jack, even if you do have a "girlfriend' for more than a few hours at a time...a few evenings week ...

Trust me on this ...

She is either butt ugly ...

Or truly truly loves her king and want to collect as many pocket sized pictures of him that she can ... from YOU.

"OBEY or I'M THE BOSS" Truly laughing out loud... thanks.

Your ignorance of relationships in los you have just demonstrated very well. Everything here is an arrangement. Don't kid yourself. You take care of her andvisa versa. On farang side iit's providing financial support. BTW my live in tgf of 4 years is far from butt ugly. My guess is you don't live here or if you do and tell me your happily in love. I hope your money doesn't run out

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Your too honest, what she don't know won't hurt her, you also don't know much about Thai women, they are very jealous, it's obvious isn't it, tell her your changed your mind about staying with old gf, then do what every you like.

And yes I'd be pissed off to if I knew my partner was going to stay with an ex, you might find the majority of people would be too.

No way,then you start playing their games,telling lies.Honesty is the best policy.The green eyed monster will kill a relationship.

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How would you feel is she went and stayed at her Thai exboyfriends house while you were away

and claimed too they to were brother and sister ???

Double standards in los is the norm. If you want to think that farang world works same here then get ready to be surprised and shed tears

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....the whole thing is wrong.....

...and don't expect it to get miraculously better.....

....holding a grudge.....making you guilty.....they are expert at this.....

...and you have no idea what goes on in your absence either.....

...but one thing is for sure....

...she will make you pay........and pay....and pay..........

...good luck.....

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If you had true feelings for your girlfriend you would not consider staying with your ex.

full stop period sad.png

Rubbish,so your gf/wife vets your friends does she,doesn't matter if they are female.If that's the case you might as well hand your gonads over right now.

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....the whole thing is wrong.....

...and don't expect it to get miraculously better.....

....holding a grudge.....making you guilty.....they are expert at this.....

...and you have no idea what goes on in your absence either.....

...but one thing is for sure....

...she will make you pay........and pay....and pay..........

...good luck.....

If the girl can't handle the OP'S life,better to find out now.You don't pay,you move on.

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Find someone closer to your age period... Especially with someone with exposure outside of Thailand.

More pearls of rubbish. Did you get burnt. If he wants a farang thai woman he can find one in farang world at a thai restaurant

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I know what you are saying and I really can understand that it's possible that your not having intimate relations with your ex. What you can be sure of though is that your current GF will extract revenge when you least expect it and you won't like it. If I were you I would be exiting the relationship it's likely buggered already

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Thanks Alex I know man and i know thai girls well enough I have lived in LOS 6 years already...I just always figured the truth is a way to demonstrate sincerity and nothing to hide...but it seems lose lose situation...gotta be more thai and white lie it up I guess

Not my way. I prefer the truth almost all the time. Insecurity is what it is. She either trusts or doesn't. You're apart for 3 months. Does staying in a hotel in your ex's city guarantee anything? You could still spend the night. What about other opportunities you might have? Who has betrayed her in the past? She's 23 and has plenty to learn about relationships. I'd ask her what you could do to help her thru this? A call each evening or so? How about meeting sme of your friends via Skype as you share your time back home. Maybe even with the ex...

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I can see where you are coming from OP. I am going back to aussie next month for my daughters wedding. Of course my ex wife of 6-7 years is going to be there. We are still friends for the sake of the kids. OMG the Thai missus is not too happy. But what can I do? Tell the daughter I will not be there. Taking my Thai missus is not an option. My daughter wants the day to obviously be about her wedding not other distractions. Also I have to sort out divorce papers and such with ex wife. I guess just have to cop the snide remarks and jealousy from thai missus and soon it will be over and we can be normal again. I guess I will have to take her there in a couple of months time and that will please her. Peace at any price as they say. facepalm.gif

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D!ckhead oops sorry fireplug

Please explain this line

"She is acting like it is the end of the world...I think her jealousy is childish and this is exactly why i wont marry her until she comes to the USA to meet my family and friends and experience my culture."

If that is the case and you are being frugal with your money HOW THE F@#k is she going to meet your family.

I agree if you are going to stay at an Ex GF place and it seems that she is a winner. "bf bought her a 1.5 mil condo sounds like she sort of works on her back for a living. Sorry had to be said

Based on what you say you need to man up and take her with you. First to see your family and meet and talk to your gf (oops EX) (damn forgot sister)

Then you get to be the hero and save her a lot of face. I can just see her talking to her parents and friends that will ask why he is not taking her and her saying

I can not go because he stay with Girlfriend!

I think you know what is going to be waiting for you when you come back and it will not be her.

Trust me mate there is no win in your situation unless you take her with you and possibly change your plan.

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