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Fatal stabbing at asylum centre shocks Sweden


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Fatal stabbing at asylum centre shocks Sweden

GOTHENBURG: -- Sweden's prime minister has described as a "terrible crime" the stabbing of a female employee at a centre for young asylum seekers.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven visited the centre for unaccompanied migrants in Molndal, near Gothenburg, hours after the killing.

The suspect, an asylum seeker aged 15, has been arrested for the killing of the employee, who was 22.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35406072

-- BBC 2016-01-26

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Another one of the "unaccompied minors" who in reality is young,grown up men and in the insanity of the asylum insistute are guaranteed to stay in the West and after some years can bring in their extended "families" who in the future will be a burden in our societies bah.gif !!

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All the political parties and the police have become extremely politicised over this issue and will do anything to prevent the rise in popularity of the Christian Democrats, who are anti-immigration.

First the news is suppressed if possible. Then, if that is not possible, it is never described as a racist attack if the victim is white. Key details are left out of any release of information to the press. Then the government plays it as an isolated, unfortunate incident.

The result will be negative for the taxpayers of Sweden who will have to fund this lot, for the residents who live near or come into contact with whilst on their way to work, say, these migrants but most of all for the women of Sweden who now have to unbelievably accept sexual assault and violence as the new normal way of life.

Edited by Briggsy
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The Politicians/Do Gooders still fail to understand that the 'people' they have invited into Europe bear allegiance to a violent, misogynistic cult who are sworn to enslave or kill the kufr in a bid to establish a world wide Caliphate.

The atrocities have only just begun-------more will follow unless these intruders are pushed back into their countries of origin.

Edited by sunnyjim5
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No no no, only 0,001% of these "migrants" are problematic.

Note however that less than 100m from my Belgian home there is a very welcomed unaccompanied minors refugee center housing 22 Syrians and Afghans so far, room for 70 of them awaiting sufficient staffing to pamper them. In the meantime 80 volunteers drive in/out 7/7 to help them finding our culture. The nearest shop/ school is 4 km away. Luckily they have all been given bicycles so they can ride to the swimming pool to observe real females in bikini, and they are charged only 1 euro iso 3.5 for the locals. Way to go Belgium!

Note my house is in an isolated "moo ban" of 35 houses, we had 40 years of tranquility, that is history now. The entrance o the center is next to my house!

I will keep y'all posted on what goes on in MY asylum center.

Edited by tartempion
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No no no, only 0,001% of these "migrants" are problematic.

Note however that less than 100m from my Belgian home there is a very welcomed unaccompanied minors refugee center housing 22 Syrians and Afghans so far, room for 70 of them awaiting sufficient staffing to pamper them. In the meantime 80 volunteers drive in/out 7/7 to help them finding our culture. The nearest shop/ school is 4 km away. Luckily they have all been given bicycles so they can ride to the swimming pool to observe real females in bikini, and they are charged only 1 euro iso 3.5 for the locals. Way to go Belgium!

Note my house is in an isolated "moo ban" of 35 houses, we had 40 years of tranquility, that is history now. The entrance o the center is next to my house!

I will keep y'all posted on what goes on in MY asylum center.

Wouldn't expect it to be next to some left-wing politician"s house.

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They come to the west and all they want is to make it the same as the sh-tholes they left .

True. I don't recall the Vietnamese boat people causing this much destruction. Different culture/mentality/religion I guess.

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I'm shocked too, that they can actually still be shocked by the behavior of the culture enrichers they have allowed to ruin their Country.

Honestly, are we really "shocked?" Aghast that such a thing could happen? Of course not. You and others have noted for a very long time consistent and specific charges that this is exactly what would be happening in Sweden and the EU; and increasingly worsen. Frankly, I am not shocked and as these abuses of the Western world continue no one will even be "aghast" any longer, because the numbness is setting in. This is the disintegration of the West. We are watching it in real time. "Peak Civilization" has passed for the West. The parallels to the Roman Empire are inescapable.

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No no no, only 0,001% of these "migrants" are problematic.

Note however that less than 100m from my Belgian home there is a very welcomed unaccompanied minors refugee center housing 22 Syrians and Afghans so far, room for 70 of them awaiting sufficient staffing to pamper them. In the meantime 80 volunteers drive in/out 7/7 to help them finding our culture. The nearest shop/ school is 4 km away. Luckily they have all been given bicycles so they can ride to the swimming pool to observe real females in bikini, and they are charged only 1 euro iso 3.5 for the locals. Way to go Belgium!

Note my house is in an isolated "moo ban" of 35 houses, we had 40 years of tranquility, that is history now. The entrance o the center is next to my house!

I will keep y'all posted on what goes on in MY asylum center.

It won't be long before they are banned from the local pool, like a town in Germany where they were banned because they couldn't keep their hands to themselves and they also defecated in the children's pools and the showers.
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