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Lawyers Council to appeal Koh Tao convicts’ death sentence


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To the overly-nested quote above: But they do not hire themselves as independent non-pro bono forensic consultants and maybe available for appearances on the international lecture circuit.

So what?

People want to learn from the best in their field.

No problem at all -- but my original post here was in response to a comment containing a series of twitter posts that was subsequently deleted.

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So what?

People want to learn from the best in their field.

Leave him to it Scorcher, he's entertaining himself with innuendos against the defense a favourite tactic of some on here. Stir him too much and he'll come along with a movie to post

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So what?

People want to learn from the best in their field.

Leave him to it Scorcher, he's entertaining himself with innuendos against the defense a favourite tactic of some on here. Stir him too much and he'll come along with a movie to post

Yes -- it certainly is entertaining to get the tag-team from esteemed Thaivisa Members one who joined 3 weeks ago and one who joined yesterday. As for the movie, you'll have to wait because FX is finalizing their 10 part series on the OJ Simpson trial.

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So what?

People want to learn from the best in their field.

Leave him to it Scorcher, he's entertaining himself with innuendos against the defense a favourite tactic of some on here. Stir him too much and he'll come along with a movie to post

Yes -- it certainly is entertaining to get the tag-team from esteemed Thaivisa Members one who joined 3 weeks ago and one who joined yesterday. As for the movie, you'll have to wait because FX is finalizing their 10 part series on the OJ Simpson trial.

Thanks but I'll reserve my real life movie watching to the new TVF topic in March when Channel 4 releases its documentary.

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So what?

People want to learn from the best in their field.

Leave him to it Scorcher, he's entertaining himself with innuendos against the defense a favourite tactic of some on here. Stir him too much and he'll come along with a movie to post

Yes -- it certainly is entertaining to get the tag-team from esteemed Thaivisa Members one who joined 3 weeks ago and one who joined yesterday. As for the movie, you'll have to wait because FX is finalizing their 10 part series on the OJ Simpson trial.

Thanks but I'll reserve my real life movie watching to the new TVF topic in March when Channel 4 releases its documentary.

Yes -- the build up on ThaiVisa is it's to be 'hard hitting' else why would they have bothered.


Maybe like with '60 Minutes' in the USA there will be a Gotcha! moment.

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Well well, knew it wouldn't be long before one of the 'Blind Justice' group starting having a stab at Ian Yarword defaming him for his work behind the scenes on the appeal.


Solicitor Yarwood's and Ms. Taupin's pro bono work is noted. However, had you ever heard of Mr. Yarwood or Ms. Taupin before this trial?

I think Yarwood is a barrister JLC?

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Well well, knew it wouldn't be long before one of the 'Blind Justice' group starting having a stab at Ian Yarword defaming him for his work behind the scenes on the appeal.


Solicitor Yarwood's and Ms. Taupin's pro bono work is noted. However, had you ever heard of Mr. Yarwood or Ms. Taupin before this trial?

I think Yarwood is a barrister JLC?

Maybe -- but he thinks he is a Solicitor:

Ian Yarwood

Lawyers & Solicitors - Floreat, WA

1st Floor Kirwan House 41A Kirwan St, Floreat WA 6014

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ZNhO3gEk_bigger.jpgIan Yarwood@IanYarwood_Law

"Koh Tao murder case poised to become a watershed. I for one, am optimistic of an acquittal for Zaw Lin & Wai Phyo - and I'm not the only one."


The Hang 'em High crew was fervently assuring everyone, in a very assertive way, that the appeal was only for the death sentence.

I'm wondering, on what, did they base their claims?


The scribbled DNA "document"? It had no Official stamps of accreditation on it.

If Thailand wants to be taken seriously by the international community with this case (and I'm not sure if they are bothered), they have to stop using their corrupt, lying police forece as the sole basis of evidence, and start allowing International experts to testify. And they need to take on board those international experts' testimonies, ant treat them with the respect and gravitas that they are due. Anything less will see the case forever being viewed internationally as it is now: a stitch up of two scapegoats in order to protect the 'connected' real culprits. And Thailand will continue to be treated as a third world country that dishes out third world justice.

You obviously didn't read well.

The judge did consider the report from the UK. He found it matched what the Thai report said. Only andy hall put in a different view that the girl was not raped. The judge did not accept it. The judge also listened to the defense dna expert, who said there was 25 percent match to 1 defendant. It was the defense that denied Jane taupin testimony about dna.

The judge also expressed willingNess to listen to testimony from an international about gaet analysis. Andy in his wisdom presented that himself with no expert provided to cross examine. Therefore the judge could not accept andy testimony.

I could go on. The court, police and government have shown enormous willingness to work with international experts in thus case.

Please get facts right Kun Han.

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Well well, knew it wouldn't be long before one of the 'Blind Justice' group starting having a stab at Ian Yarword defaming him for his work behind the scenes on the appeal.

Andy Hall was the target first now they have a new justice seeker in their sights. Shame the mods removed the post it would have shown the lengths that this group will go to to discredit any form of an effective appeal.

But I have a suggestion for them, your https://twitter.com/samui_csi twitter account has your normal uneducated spelling mistakes, its quite amusing though so by all means leave it there

Working pro bonio to discover the truth


I went to Google. Could not find " Pro Bonio" anywhere, I guess it is something quite new. It looks like Latin, but it is not Latin. I think it may be derived from the original indigenous languages used in the Samui Archipelago. If it discovers the truth I'm all for it. Because then the B2 will be set free.

Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service (From Google, search term Pro Bonio with out the "i")

I think you got a bit off topic there Basil .

" pro Bonio " in this case refers to Samui _ CSI on Twitter who is working for the prosecution of the B2, it is the defense specialists who are working pro bono. " Pro Bonio" is clearly a different concept altogether and definitely not Latin. Samui laguage, I think used as a code by the prosecution supporter. Check Twitter a/c samui_CSI ( or refer JayJay's post above). You will find more there. In all likelihood it means people or person working for money and quite the opposite of pro bono publico. Hope this is helpful to you and back on topic. It is common practice in Thailand for people to do services for money as opposed to the pro bono work you refer to as being without financial consideration.

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Well well, knew it wouldn't be long before one of the 'Blind Justice' group starting having a stab at Ian Yarword defaming him for his work behind the scenes on the appeal.


Solicitor Yarwood's and Ms. Taupin's pro bono work is noted. However, had you ever heard of Mr. Yarwood or Ms. Taupin before this trial?

I think Yarwood is a barrister JLC?

Maybe -- but he thinks he is a Solicitor:

Ian Yarwood

Lawyers & Solicitors - Floreat, WA

1st Floor Kirwan House 41A Kirwan St, Floreat WA 6014

No, lawyer is a collective term for a barrister and/or solicitor.

And note it states solicitors, not solicitor. So that is the name of the firm. One can be both a barrister and a solicitor.

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Ian's a solicitor I think, who specializes in humanitarian work, so an obvious target for trolls on here


Troll this and troll that. Don't you ever get tired of using that troll pejorative Mr. 3-week member?

Its quite difficult to think otherwise when all you seem concerned with is whether someone is a barrister and/or solicitor or feign concern one of the world's most emminent dna specialist may give a lecture.

Kind of paints yourself into that tight corner when you are on about those things instead of the topic at hand.

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Ian's a solicitor I think, who specializes in humanitarian work, so an obvious target for trolls on here


Troll this and troll that. Don't you ever get tired of using that troll pejorative Mr. 3-week member?

& when all else fails use a posters length of membership, can you quote where I've mentioned a troll before.............................coffee1.gif

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I deal with world-class NGO's on a daily basis. I have an NGO registered in USA which deals with humanitarian A2K causes and works with other NGOs who have UN Observer status. Many have full time Pubic Relations and lobbying agents and staff let alone funding staff and support.

Someone else raised the Barrister-Solicitor issue, not me. I just saw his listing that said 'Solicitor' BTW as long as you decided to put in Sollicitor Yarwwood's website, here is the page where you can make contributions to his humanitarian causes:


BTW I fund my NGO out of my own personal resources. In my NGO work, I might get 100 persons who will dump on me for every one that says I'm doing great work, but as long as that one person is the right person, I don't really care about what he others may predictably say.

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I deal with world-class NGO's on a daily basis. I have an NGO registered in USA which deals with humanitarian A2K causes and works with other NGOs who have UN Observer status. Many have full time Pubic Relations and lobbying agents and staff let alone funding staff and support.

Someone else raised the Barrister-Solicitor issue, not me. I just saw his listing that said 'Solicitor' BTW as long as you decided to put in Sollicitor Yarwwood's website, here is the page where you can make contributions to his humanitarian causes:

http://www.imprintsolutionsltd.com/how-you-can-help.htm BTW I fund my NGO out of my own personal resources.

Perhaps you should start your own thread about yourself. This thread is not about you and I dont think anyone asked for your resume.

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I deal with world-class NGO's on a daily basis. I have an NGO registered in USA which deals with humanitarian A2K causes and works with other NGOs who have UN Observer status. Many have full time Pubic Relations and lobbying agents and staff let alone funding staff and support.

Someone else raised the Barrister-Solicitor issue, not me. I just saw his listing that said 'Solicitor' BTW as long as you decided to put in Sollicitor Yarwwood's website, here is the page where you can make contributions to his humanitarian causes:

http://www.imprintsolutionsltd.com/how-you-can-help.htm BTW I fund my NGO out of my own personal resources.

Perhaps you should start your own thread about yourself. This thread is not about you and I dont think anyone asked for your resume.

If someone chooses to call me a troll all bets are off. All I said was that for all their pro bono efforts and I believe genuinely so those who would do say are getting a fair amount of general press publicity that they would otherwise not get. And that opened of the sh&&^%tload tag-team flood gates.

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"Imprint Solutions Ltd was founded in August 2014 and in October 2014 Imprint Solutions Ltd was approved as a Not for Profit Charity by the Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission (ACNC)."

"Imprint Solutions Ltd prides itself on our openness and accountability, we have high ethical values and our accounts are audited annually by qualified Australian Chartered Accountants and our Annual Financial Reports are posted to our website in our Annual Report at the end of each year."

A true Humanitarian organization.

Thanks for the excellent link.


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It amazes me the amount of humanitarian agencies and individuals, that use the b2 case as a means to promote their cause and drum up donations.

This case is not about human rights. It is about 2 brutally murdered British citizens and the guilt or innocence of the 2 accused. People on the forum, should stay focused.

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Oct 29th 2014

"If the DNA results turn out to match with the samples taken from the crime scene, Mr Warot will become an accomplice. If the DNA doesn't match, then society must give justice to Mr Warot's family too," the national police chief said - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-koh-tao-murder-suspects-offered-2nd-dna-tests-49403.php#sthash.Kr0ApNo9.dpuf

The investigation is already closed , and Nomsods alibi proven

Therefore how could he become an accomplice

Nomsods alibi was not proven. Rtp refused to release his dna results. Name anyone that has proved his alibi?

How can you prove an alibi when a Thai official release a statement , or DNA results. If they did we would still hear allegations about it had been faked. Since you are not willing to believe a word of what RTP tells you it's almost impossible to prove anything,

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Oct 29th 2014

"If the DNA results turn out to match with the samples taken from the crime scene, Mr Warot will become an accomplice. If the DNA doesn't match, then society must give justice to Mr Warot's family too," the national police chief said - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-koh-tao-murder-suspects-offered-2nd-dna-tests-49403.php#sthash.Kr0ApNo9.dpuf

The investigation is already closed , and Nomsods alibi proven

Therefore how could he become an accomplice

Nomsods alibi was not proven. Rtp refused to release his dna results. Name anyone that has proved his alibi?

How can you prove an alibi when a Thai official release a statement , or DNA results. If they did we would still hear allegations about it had been faked. Since you are not willing to believe a word of what RTP tells you it's almost impossible to prove anything,

Au contraire.

Rtp were asked to release nomsods dna test. They refused. So they expect people to just believe them. Another high ranking officer disputed it was even taken. So even the rtp has questioned the results...but they still refuse to release them, maybe there is nothing to release.

That also seems to be the case with evidence in court. Provide no evidence, just say it is so.

Well that just doesnt cut it.

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"This case is not about human rights"


"It amazes me the amount of humanitarian agencies and individuals, that use the b2 case as a means to promote their cause and drum up donations."

What is even more amazing, is that outrageous, completely specious drivel.

Cheap, tawdry character assassination based on absolutely nothing.

Truly despicable.

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It amazes me the amount of humanitarian agencies and individuals, that use the b2 case as a means to promote their cause and drum up donations.

This case is not about human rights. It is about 2 brutally murdered British citizens and the guilt or innocence of the 2 accused. People on the forum, should stay focused.

Oh...it is not?

I thought, that confession under torture, interrogation without lawyers present etc. are human rights issues?

I must be mistaken!

Good Lord, I hope, you will never be in any situation like that, but then again...

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It amazes me the amount of humanitarian agencies and individuals, that use the b2 case as a means to promote their cause and drum up donations.

This case is not about human rights. It is about 2 brutally murdered British citizens and the guilt or innocence of the 2 accused. People on the forum, should stay focused.

An unnecessary cheap shot at people trying to help these men to give them access to rights that every human being on this planet is entitled to.

You are a disgrace .

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