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Lawyers Council to appeal Koh Tao convicts’ death sentence


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That same hoe that didn't have DNA or fingerprints of the supposed killers on. But still had DNA of as yet unidentified people on. So surely wouldn't the next step be trying to find out if there are any ways to check whose DNA / prints could be on the hoe.

And also interesting to note that the british docs / coroner specifically stated that the body was dragged / moved at some point. I wonder by who exactly? I am not sure if there was ever a video of the re enactment, does anybody know if the B2 claimed they dragged the body during their dubious confession / re enactment

That would be the hoe that, when Montrivet Tuvichien turned up at the crime scene to 'assist' the attending police officers, Mon noticed was missing (huh???), and instructed the gardener to find and return it to it's correct position at the scene.

If ten year olds were making up a school play they would more convincing.

Who photagraphed the hoe in the vegatable garden ,

More importantly, how did Mon know it had been moved back to the vegetable garden?

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That same hoe that didn't have DNA or fingerprints of the supposed killers on. But still had DNA of as yet unidentified people on. So surely wouldn't the next step be trying to find out if there are any ways to check whose DNA / prints could be on the hoe.

And also interesting to note that the british docs / coroner specifically stated that the body was dragged / moved at some point. I wonder by who exactly? I am not sure if there was ever a video of the re enactment, does anybody know if the B2 claimed they dragged the body during their dubious confession / re enactment

That would be the hoe that, when Montrivet Tuvichien turned up at the crime scene to 'assist' the attending police officers, Mon noticed was missing (huh???), and instructed the gardener to find and return it to it's correct position at the scene.

If ten year olds were making up a school play they would more convincing.

Who photagraphed the hoe in the vegatable garden ,

More importantly, how did Mon know it had been moved back to the vegetable garden?

The beach cleaner during the hours of darkness

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Who photagraphed the hoe in the vegatable garden ,

More importantly, how did Mon know it had been moved back to the vegetable garden?

The beach cleaner during the hours of darkness

So the only way Mon could have known that the hoe was a part of the crime scene was if he'd been at the crime scene before sunrise (which would have been about 6AM or earlier)?

Edited by Khun Han
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Who photagraphed the hoe in the vegatable garden ,

More importantly, how did Mon know it had been moved back to the vegetable garden?

The beach cleaner during the hours of darkness

So the only way Mon could have known that the hoe was a part of the crime scene was if he'd been at the crime scene before sunrise (which would have been about 6AM or earlier)?

Correct Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so horrific.

But I also read that he was their with another person possible off duty cop like the one that chased sean.

If they had nothing to hide why didn't they call the duty police at the first minute they saw the horrific crime scenes not 50 minutes later.

Maybe they were giving the real killers a chance to escape.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club AC

1.56am Returns to Club AC

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.

3.44am running man

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV

4.49 am Running Man

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.

6.10 am O was approached by the resort’s boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer.

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area.

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so horrifi

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. “photo’s show different.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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"They"..."put their dongers"....?!

Who are "they"?

There are at least 2 different versions, if rape occurred ...or not!

One version by the RTP, who also want(ed) us to believe, that David and Hannah had sex, took off their clothes, folded them neatly...

...and another version, that claims, rape was highly unlikely!

But even better: a person, who complains about how "lightly" the fate of poor Hannah is taken here, says "they"..."put their dongers, where they were not welcome"!

What is this?

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Trial Report:

According to the CCTV footage, the Second Deceased was found walking into the AC Bar with her friends at 00.15 hrs, whereas the Second Deceased walked into the AC Bar at 02.08.37 hrs. Thereafter, both Deceased were never found walking out of the Bar until their bodies were found.

Coroner Findings Hannah Inquest:

There was evidence of dragging

Paints a picture.

'Friends said Hannah and David left the AC bar between 3 and 4am'.

What friends?

Who made this statement?

Close travelling friends? Or Matt Barratt or Tom Wood - the two men that say they met Hannah and Emma in a pub that night?

Or could it have been a convenient lie for the police.

Vital that that statement can be verified.

Maung Maung was seen on CCTV around the time of the crimes. He was also not seen around the time of the crimes because he took a route that did not have CCTV.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am[/size][/font]

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club

1.56am Returns to Club AC[/size][/font]

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.[/size][/

3.44am running man[/size]

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes [/size]

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV [/size]

4.49 am Running

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon[/size]

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.[/size]

6.10 am O was approached by the resorts boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.[/size]

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer. [/size

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.[/size]

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene[/size]

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color]

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. photos show different.[/size][/font][/color]

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

I thought this was a very informative post .I just don't understand why you are going on about the policeman. In events like this memories and people accounts are almost always distorted quite substantially from the actual event. 3 people in the same high stress situation will narrate 3 completely different accounts of events. That's why in courts although testimony is listened to for an overall picture, it must be backed up by concrete evidence. What stands out for me is mm wants us to believe that in his drunken state he left the b2 at 1am to go to girlfriend. Then is seen again at 1.56. Then after presumably sleeping with his girlfriend wakes up and decides to take wp to find his clothes at 4 am. Wp and mm are right in the midst of the area of crime through out the entire estimation of time of death. Both their explanations of why they were there is feeble at best.

I do understand that upon discovering the bodies Mr O would see his hoe and take (gardeners are not that bright) telling him to put on gloves and put it back for police does push any alarm bells for me at all.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am[/size][/font]

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club

1.56am Returns to Club AC[/size][/font]

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.[/size][/

3.44am running man[/size]

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes [/size]

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV [/size]

4.49 am Running

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon[/size]

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.[/size]

6.10 am O was approached by the resorts boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.[/size]

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer. [/size

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.[/size]

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene[/size]

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.[/font][/color][/size][/font][/color]

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. photos show different.[/size][/font][/color]

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

I thought this was a very informative post .I just don't understand why you are going on about the policeman. In events like this memories and people accounts are almost always distorted quite substantially from the actual event. 3 people in the same high stress situation will narrate 3 completely different accounts of events. That's why in courts although testimony is listened to for an overall picture, it must be backed up by concrete evidence. What stands out for me is mm wants us to believe that in his drunken state he left the b2 at 1am to go to girlfriend. Then is seen again at 1.56. Then after presumably sleeping with his girlfriend wakes up and decides to take wp to find his clothes at 4 am. Wp and mm are right in the midst of the area of crime through out the entire estimation of time of death. Both their explanations of why they were there is feeble at best.

I do understand that upon discovering the bodies Mr O would see his hoe and take (gardeners are not that bright) telling him to put on gloves and put it back for police does push any alarm bells for me at all.

Greenchair I have given up replying to your posts, but you really need to do yourself a favour and stop posting for a while. You are making yourself a laughing stock. Over the last few weeks you have become a joke. Go back and read some of the stuff you have posted. Seriously.

Edited by berybert
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Greenchair - I find your most recent post relating to the discussion as to whether Hannah Witheridge was raped or not most disgusting.

You ask posters on this thread to be respectful to the late Hannah Witheridge. It appears the only person showing disrespect to the deceased lady is yourself. Hopefully the moderators here will see sense and have a quiet word.

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No, I'm not aware at all.

What is the difference between sexual assault and rape.


Make that what is the substantial difference?, because that's how it was sold to the public by the defense, that there were substantial differences.

"“It was a great opportunity to raise doubts about the prosecutions case. I raised significant doubts on the validity of the Thai autopsy report. The person running on the CCTV footage, which is one of the crucial parts of evidence for the prosecution, is not the defendant [Win Zaw Htun], according to the gait analysis by a UK expert.

“There were substantial differences between the Thai autopsy report, and the British autopsy report,” said Andy Hall."

The UK report also agrees that the injuries were caused by the hoe, so what were this supposed "substantial differences"? Not holding my breath to get an answer on that one.

Also worth pointing there that the "gait analysis UK expert" was not a gait analysis expert and the company that did the "analysis" doesn't provide such service:

"The gait analysis was conducted by Mr. Stephen Cole, Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (MCSFS), and owner of Acumé Forensics Ltd in Leeds, United Kingdom. [1]

While it is true that Mr. Cole is a MCSFS, he is not an Accredited Forensic Practitioner (AcFP) in Forensic Gait Analysis, and does not hold the Society’s certificate of professional competence in this area of practice. [1,2]

It should also be noted that the ‘Forensic Science Regulator’ (FSR) in the UK considers gait comparison to be a subjective process and “therefore the opinion given by the expert will be based upon their competency, training and study of the specialist subject, rather than objective measurements”. Mr. Stephen Cole lacks professional competency in the area of gait analysis, and has appeared to have neither trained nor studied in this area of practice. Futhermore, Acumé Forensics does not list gait analysis as one of their main services offered. The FSR also notes that the analysis must be documented in detail, follow a structured methodology, and that overall the reliability and quality of the interpretation can be difficult to determine, due to its subjective nature. [1,2,3,4]"

When are they going to wake up to the fact they've been mislead?

Nobody has been mislead I don't think. The most in depth report i've seen is here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12146786/Hannah-Witheridges-mother-reveals-she-pleaded-with-her-daughter-not-to-go-to-Thailand.html

Certainly doesn't seem to allude to anything supporting a rape having taken place, ie not resisting.

Nothing alluding to rape? so when the article says in the title "Backpacker Hannah Witheridge was raped and murdered on the Thai island of Koh Tao" and then adds "Dr Cary also said there were signs that Miss Witheridge had been dragged and sexually assaulted." you are right, they are not alluding anything, they spell it out explicitly.

In their confession her killers admitted of knocking her unconscious before raping her, that is why there are no defensive injuries.

She was dragged from where ? Wasn't she about to have sex on the beach with David ?

Don't you remember the Burmese smashed him on the head from behind with the hoe ? you know the hoe that David was holding ?

So where was she dragged from.

Oh and no one has disputed she was killed by a hoe. You might remember it is David we don't believe was killed by a hoe.

Mind you it was over a year ago so your memory might have slipped a bit, tho you do seemed to have spent all that time defending the RTP on their roll in the case.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club AC

1.56am Returns to Club AC

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.

3.44am running man

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV

4.49 am Running Man

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.

6.10 am O was approached by the resort’s boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer.

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area.

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so horrifi

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. “photo’s show different.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

"Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

One knows things are desperate when the distortions are blatant, from your own timeline:

"5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer."

5:40 to 6:10 is 30 minutes, not "almost one hour", and in those 30 minutes another officer had already been called, who in turn called the person you are quoting., or is the chain of events described in "he said he received a call at 6:30am on September 15, 2014 by a fellow officer" too hard to follow?

Then of course nowhere in what you have quoted does it say that Mon was there "for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

That's all that there is left, spin, misinformation, obfuscation and falsehoods.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club AC

1.56am Returns to Club AC

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.

3.44am running man

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV

4.49 am Running Man

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.

6.10 am O was approached by the resort’s boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer.

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area.

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so horrifi

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. “photo’s show different.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

"Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

One knows things are desperate when the distortions are blatant, from your own timeline:

"5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer."

5:40 to 6:10 is 30 minutes, not "almost one hour", and in those 30 minutes another officer had already been called, who in turn called the person you are quoting., or is the chain of events described in "he said he received a call at 6:30am on September 15, 2014 by a fellow officer" too hard to follow?

Then of course nowhere in what you have quoted does it say that Mon was there "for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

That's all that there is left, spin, misinformation, obfuscation and falsehoods.

Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao was the first officer at the scene that testified.

If you know that there was another officer at the scene show me where he testified and any links as I have not seen his name .

​Until then l Mon was at the scene almost 1 hour before police arrived.

Maybe that policeman was the same one that chased after Sean .


Edited by StealthEnergiser
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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club AC

1.56am Returns to Club AC

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.

3.44am running man

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV

4.49 am Running Man

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.

6.10 am O was approached by the resort’s boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer.

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area.

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted.

What was he doing for all this time as we all know the first thing innocent people do is call the police when they see something so horrifi

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. “photo’s show different.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.theguardi...packer-killings

"Mon was at the crime scene for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

One knows things are desperate when the distortions are blatant, from your own timeline:

"5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer."

5:40 to 6:10 is 30 minutes, not "almost one hour", and in those 30 minutes another officer had already been called, who in turn called the person you are quoting., or is the chain of events described in "he said he received a call at 6:30am on September 15, 2014 by a fellow officer" too hard to follow?

Then of course nowhere in what you have quoted does it say that Mon was there "for almost 1 hour before the police were contacted."

That's all that there is left, spin, misinformation, obfuscation and falsehoods.

That's all that there is left, spin, misinformation, obfuscation and falsehoods.

Straight from the horses mouth. Thanks for the reality check.

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Obviously berry Bert you have not given up reposting me lol.

Almost all of my posts have received many likes, so although you are entitled to your opinion, there are many on here that disagree with you and enjoy my posts.

Now these 2 "lads" committed a horrendous crime and the Thai have had to put up with no end of unsubstantiated accusations, for doing nothing more than bringing highly suspicious individuals to answer to discrepancies in the court.

They may or may not have won in a western court, but with the video footage of them in the early hours, the possession of David's phone, the dna ,their strange story of the events of the evening, as Hannah's mother said, they had a lot of explaining to do.

The judge thought their explanations were not enough and I thought so too. They may well come up with the holy grail to win on appeal. But I don't think so. They were there at 2am. They were back at 4am. Their ciggerette, wine bottle, and dna on the hoe were there .

They had the victims phone.

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Greenchair - I find your most recent post relating to the discussion as to whether Hannah Witheridge was raped or not most disgusting.

You ask posters on this thread to be respectful to the late Hannah Witheridge. It appears the only person showing disrespect to the deceased lady is yourself. Hopefully the moderators here will see sense and have a quiet word.

Having looked at the recent flood of posts, those that think the B2 are innocent are acting in just the same way as Greenchair when it comes to discussing Hannah (and the sexual assault/rape) - just from different sides of the fence. Why don't you stop in your crude attempts to get him a suspension just to keep him quiet so that you lot can take over the thread.

Let the mods decide whether Greenchair is breaking the rules and cease the intimidation and veiled threats on him.

I think that it is disrespectful to Hannah and her memory to question whether it was rape or not as nobody knows the real answer. Everyone is discussing this aspect at the moment and it is not accomplishing anything at all. Surely, the 2 murders and who carried them out is more important and relevant.

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Greenchair - I find your most recent post relating to the discussion as to whether Hannah Witheridge was raped or not most disgusting.

You ask posters on this thread to be respectful to the late Hannah Witheridge. It appears the only person showing disrespect to the deceased lady is yourself. Hopefully the moderators here will see sense and have a quiet word.

I agree with you C&D that post is disgraceful hopefully something can be done about it.

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Greenchair - I find your most recent post relating to the discussion as to whether Hannah Witheridge was raped or not most disgusting.

You ask posters on this thread to be respectful to the late Hannah Witheridge. It appears the only person showing disrespect to the deceased lady is yourself. Hopefully the moderators here will see sense and have a quiet word.

Having looked at the recent flood of posts, those that think the B2 are innocent are acting in just the same way as Greenchair when it comes to discussing Hannah (and the sexual assault/rape) - just from different sides of the fence. Why don't you stop in your crude attempts to get him a suspension just to keep him quiet so that you lot can take over the thread.

Let the mods decide whether Greenchair is breaking the rules and cease the intimidation and veiled threats on him.

I think that it is disrespectful to Hannah and her memory to question whether it was rape or not as nobody knows the real answer. Everyone is discussing this aspect at the moment and it is not accomplishing anything at all. Surely, the 2 murders and who carried them out is more important and relevant.

Well said, lucky.

And we all know who carried it out.

Though the way the events unfolded that evening shall forever remain a mystery, because they are not talking.

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rockingrobin, on 08 Feb 2016 - 13:35, said:rockingrobin, on 08 Feb 2016 - 13:35, said:
lucky11, on 08 Feb 2016 - 13:01, said:lucky11, on 08 Feb 2016 - 13:01, said:
catsanddogs, on 08 Feb 2016 - 12:49, said:catsanddogs, on 08 Feb 2016 - 12:49, said:
greenchair, on 08 Feb 2016 - 06:09, said:greenchair, on 08 Feb 2016 - 06:09, said:

It will certainly be sad but interesting to see if they back up andys claim that Hannah was not raped.

The Norfolk coroner has ruled that Hannah was sexually assaulted. She did not say she was raped, and as you will likely be aware, not all sexual assault is rape.

.......but you wouldn't disagree that it can be!!

No defensive injuries, leaves a question mark about the blond hair in Hannahs hand

No evidence of restraint marks either. That seems odd when the prosecution alleged that the B2 held her down and brutally raped her.

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DM07, on 08 Feb 2016 - 16:08, said:
greenchair, on 08 Feb 2016 - 15:49, said:

It also depends if it was a single hair or a clump of hair. A clump of hair would have been pulled out. But a single hair could have fallen. Anyway, what does the hair have to do with being raped or not.

We will never know, because it got "lost", remember!

So it might as well have mattered a lot!

But why don't you go back, asking "interesting" questions about shoes?!

Don't you mean jandals?


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In regards to above post island.

The posters have informed us the victim was most probably unconscious during the ordeal and that is possibly why there are no defense wounds.

If you would just show us the picture, we could establish if it was a jandal or shoe, though I distinctly remember it being a jandal. I imagine the word shoe and jandal are synonymous in burmese language. So let's just say Wei Phyo went back at 4 am to retrieve the footwear that he left at the tree next to the bloody hoe that was used to bash the victim.

Bless ?

Edited by greenchair
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greenchair, on 09 Feb 2016 - 03:01, said:

Obviously berry Bert you have not given up reposting me lol.

Almost all of my posts have received many likes, so although you are entitled to your opinion, there are many on here that disagree with you and enjoy my posts.

Now these 2 "lads" committed a horrendous crime and the Thai have had to put up with no end of unsubstantiated accusations, for doing nothing more than bringing highly suspicious individuals to answer to discrepancies in the court.

They may or may not have won in a western court, but with the video footage of them in the early hours, the possession of David's phone, the dna ,their strange story of the events of the evening, as Hannah's mother said, they had a lot of explaining to do.

The judge thought their explanations were not enough and I thought so too. They may well come up with the holy grail to win on appeal. But I don't think so. They were there at 2am. They were back at 4am. Their ciggerette, wine bottle, and dna on the hoe were there .

They had the victims phone.

The only one liking your posts, greenchair, is lucky11. Why am I not surprised?

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lucky11, on 09 Feb 2016 - 03:05, said:
catsanddogs, on 09 Feb 2016 - 02:02, said:

Greenchair - I find your most recent post relating to the discussion as to whether Hannah Witheridge was raped or not most disgusting.

You ask posters on this thread to be respectful to the late Hannah Witheridge. It appears the only person showing disrespect to the deceased lady is yourself. Hopefully the moderators here will see sense and have a quiet word.

Having looked at the recent flood of posts, those that think the B2 are innocent are acting in just the same way as Greenchair when it comes to discussing Hannah (and the sexual assault/rape) - just from different sides of the fence. Why don't you stop in your crude attempts to get him a suspension just to keep him quiet so that you lot can take over the thread.

Let the mods decide whether Greenchair is breaking the rules and cease the intimidation and veiled threats on him.

I think that it is disrespectful to Hannah and her memory to question whether it was rape or not as nobody knows the real answer. Everyone is discussing this aspect at the moment and it is not accomplishing anything at all. Surely, the 2 murders and who carried them out is more important and relevant.

Sorry to disappoint you, lucky11, but greenchair is a her, which makes her comments about the alleged rape of Hannah all the more disgusting IMO.

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greenchair, on 09 Feb 2016 - 03:48, said:

In regards to above post island.

The posters have informed us the victim was most probably unconscious during the ordeal and that is possibly why there are no defense wounds.

If you would just show us the picture, we could establish if it was a jandal or shoe, though I distinctly remember it being a jandal. I imagine the word shoe and jandal are synonymous in burmese language. So let's just say Wei Phyo went back at 4 am to retrieve the footwear that he left at the tree next to the bloody hoe that was used to bash the victim.

Bless ?

Where I come from it's called a flip-flop. And yes, it was a flip-flop that was at the base of the tree. Of course there was another shoe found near to where the bodies were located, but that was more of a sandal, a bit like the ones Matt Barratt was wearing that night. But as no DNA was found on these "shoes" to link them to the accused, they were discounted as evidence.

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