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Rage woman returns in new video


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On the incident last week, the court spokesman said that if you share the video and comment on the behavior, you may be liable for criminal charges, as the person is a protected species. The spokesman said nothing at all about the justice system's responsibility towards protecting the public from this endangering species, by for example revoking the license to drive a vehicle which might become a lethal weapon whenever that person feels the urge.

So, my post is in no way judging the person's actions, nor identifying the professional history, gender or standing in society. It also doesn't say anything judgmental about the court spokesman, his comments, or the Thai justice system. Actually, my post says nothing at all about anyone or anything. You should stop reading it, now. wai.gif

And no trees were cut down, animals either hurt or used for medical testing and no religious comments either referenced or inferred, etc etc

monkees are protected species but they are still messy!

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A continuing generation of the privileged who are or think they are above the law. There will be no respect in Thai society (except the HiSo's and the "connected" ones) or from abroad with this attitude!

Maybe one day the country will aspire to become a first world nation for the benefit of ALL Thai peoples. coffee1.gif

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Saw another video of her on my facebook feed today. I don't know if this is a new one or an old one but she is again in some sort of civil office shouting at people and waving a blue sign around. She finishes her rant and goes outside and kicks a traffic cone over, she then toddles off into her Toyota again.....

She is clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. I hope these shared videos spring the people around her into action. She clearly needs treatment.

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again, this woman has a mental health issue, as stated by a Thai government official, but is still able to drive a car around.

As most of us who drive on Thai roads understand, insane Thai drivers are the norm. No chance that this 'woman' will never have her driving privileges revoked.

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It's a very bad case of HISO. It can only be cured by eating humble pie.

If that is her toyota altis, change it to "wannabe hiso" ....I guess she didn't get the returning happiness message....a bit of attitude adjustment is called for laugh.png

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