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Complaints procedure at Bumrungrad


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Is there one besides the ineffective customer services?

I've tried to make an official complaint and I'm just being bounced from the CS people back to the doctor I'm unhappy with, then back to CS. CS just then apologize and all is well (NOT!)

It seems as though the doctors have zero accountability and go about their business with total impunity. Am I about right, or is there a procedure that they are resisting telling me about, whereby patient grievances are dealt with seriously and professionally?


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This is a great weakness in Thai hospitals. I have not been able to identify any sort of complaint process/ombudsman in any of them.

Depending on how much energy you want to invest in this, and how serious the matter was, you could:

1. Send a letter to their Chief Medical Officer. Name is Dr. Num Tanthuwanit. Suggest registered or EMS, soemthing that has to be signed for, to incerase chances he will actually see it (but still no guarantee he will).

2. Complain to the Thai Medical Council. This is only worth doing if there is clear cut malpractice/malfeasance of a very serious nature. And even then, no guarantee of action.

7th Floor, Office of the Permanent Secretary, The Ministry of Public Health,
Tiwanond Rd., Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand.

3. Complain to this civil organization. As above, only worth doing if the issue is pretty clear cut and major.

Thai Medical Error Network
Preyanan Lorsermvattana
[email protected]

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This is a great weakness in Thai hospitals. I have not been able to identify any sort of complaint process/ombudsman in any of them.

Depending on how much energy you want to invest in this, and how serious the matter was, you could:

1. Send a letter to their Chief Medical Officer. Name is Dr. Num Tanthuwanit. Suggest registered or EMS, soemthing that has to be signed for, to incerase chances he will actually see it (but still no guarantee he will).

2. Complain to the Thai Medical Council. This is only worth doing if there is clear cut malpractice/malfeasance of a very serious nature. And even then, no guarantee of action.

7th Floor, Office of the Permanent Secretary, The Ministry of Public Health,

Tiwanond Rd., Nonthaburi 11000, Thailand.

3. Complain to this civil organization. As above, only worth doing if the issue is pretty clear cut and major.

Thai Medical Error Network

Preyanan Lorsermvattana

[email protected]

Thank you Sheryl and as I expected. It's really not good enough is it given their 'international' credentials and reputation. Yes it's in Thailand but you don't see International Schools in Thailand aligning their standards with the local Thai schools do you?!

The complaint is essentially a failure to follow up with me regarding treatment options after initial tests were done. The first lapse was 2 months and only after I contacted them complaining did the doc. reply with a very nonchalant and contradictory response. I then requested the email (said dr. was sending results/readings to a specialist in Brazil for an expert opinion) sent to her from the dr. in Brazil. This again was ignored for a month until I recently informed the hospital I wanted to officially complain.

I then got the requested email only after threats and needless to say, the Bumrungrad dr. has also now said they would prefer not to go ahead with the procedure even though it was confirmed the 'best time has passed' but it can be done to delay LASIK treatment! How dare I criticize huh! Not once did she apologize either for keeping me waiting for months - without doubt forgetting about me.

So, there you go: complacent, arrogance and the ultimately predictable childish behavior in my eyes and they (she) just get away with it. Maybe I'll send that letter at least to inform them I'll be seeking future medical care somewhere else. You'd think they would at least show some concern when patients walk away from potential money making surgery. Amazing Thailand.

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In this case, I would certainly opt writing to the CMO at Bumrungrad. It is unlikely that you will get much of a response, other than the old "we are sorry that you feel this way". Heads will not roll immediately. But if your doc has poor work habits, the only way management will ever know, is through specific complaints. And they will act eventually, if there is a pattern emerging.

I would not expect that the doc in question will do the procedure you are looking for though. Individual MD's can and will decline performing elective procedures on patients they feel are "more trouble than they're worth".

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I think you've been very unlucky. I have been having lots of different treatment at Bumrungrad for many years and found most of the doctors there extremely professional. Far better than I've had in Singapore and Australia. But I did once get a bad one there and complained. They recommended another doctor who was absolutely superb and keeps in touch with me by email wanting to know how I am. I think that most big hospitals everywhere will have at least one bad "doctor". As far as complaining, I think there is often two sides to the story. The posters complaint seems a bit strange. I wonder whether it went to the right person, e.g.CRM Bungrungrad

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I think you've been very unlucky. I have been having lots of different treatment at Bumrungrad for many years and found most of the doctors there extremely professional. Far better than I've had in Singapore and Australia. But I did once get a bad one there and complained. They recommended another doctor who was absolutely superb and keeps in touch with me by email wanting to know how I am. I think that most big hospitals everywhere will have at least one bad "doctor". As far as complaining, I think there is often two sides to the story. The posters complaint seems a bit strange. I wonder whether it went to the right person, e.g.CRM Bungrungrad

I don't see what's strange about it?

It's quite straightforward: I visit dr. for tests/readings regarding suitability of procedure to treat an eye condition. Said dr. informs that she will send readings to a specialist in Brazil for their opinion. 2 months passes and nothing. I then contact CRM Bumrungrad and ask them to remind the dr. as it seems i've been forgotten about. Shortly after that I get a reply from the dr. (no explanation of the wait, no apology) stating that the 'best time has passed but we can give the procedure a try'. Pretty vague and hardly reassuring don't you think?

After having to prompt her into action I was unconvinced that the specialist in Brazil had been contacted (or a reply had been received) so I asked for that information to be passed to me. I'm well within my rights to do this as this is specialist opinion on my health issue. This was the end of Dec. CRM advised they would request this from the Bumrungrad dr. but it would be after New Years Eve as she had postponed that surgery for that day.

So, I waited all month till I decided that was enough and wrote informing I wanted to make an official complaint. Again, after complaining, I get the email from Brazil I requested along with a reply from my dr. that she would no longer be willing to carry out the procedure along with a lame excuse as to why. (Previously she said it could be done).

Ultimately, complacent from the off to say the least (some might say negligent). She then spat the dummy out like a child because I had the temerity to complain about her and demand the specialist information. There's plenty strange about all this but I don't think it's my dissatisfaction that's the strange element. I gave the dr. the opportunity to explain her side to the story ( twice) but it wasn't forth coming.

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Part of the international accreditation process is to demonstrate a functional system of handling complaints. Bumrungrad was accredited for several years by the JCI until 2014. It does not appear that the accreditation was renewed. However, some of the specialized treatment programs are currently accredited by JCI.

As part of the JCI accreditation process, Bumrungrad is obliged to post the following statement and information;

Submit your concerns about patient safety or quality of care

Quality and Safety Monitoring
151 West 22nd Street, Suite 1300W
Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA

Do not pursue a JCI complaint until you have first taken the matter up with the hospital. After you have gone to the hospital first, then approach JCI and declare to JCI that you attempted to resolve the issue with the hospital providing contact dates and the hospital response. JCI is unlikely to respond until a good faith effort has been made with the hospital.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I had a relative there for over three years. I wouldnt step foot in there again ever. I could write a book. Then get kicked out of Thailand.

That would be interesting. Generally it gets good feedback. I've always been pleased with their treatment and service, although so far I've not needed anything major done.

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I had an issue with a hospital in CM where I nearly died due to their incompetance.

The doctor that nearly killed me picked up the tab for my stay of 1 week.

I contacted a solicitor when I got out with a view to sue them, he told me I would be wasting my time and money.

I paid 4,000 baht for him to tell me that. There is no such thing as punative damages in Thailand, so don't waste your time, go to another hospital.

Good luck

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There is an official complaints procedure at the big B, it's shown on their web site. But the second you enter it you will quickly understand that the deck is loaded and that howling at the moon might be more productive, been there, done that.

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Time and again people are warned of this, but they are beguiled by price and fishtanks.........healthcare in Thailand is a lottery.........I know of one person suing Bumrungrad at present for millions but he and his legal team are having huge difficulties and he is settling in for the longhaul. unless you are prepared - mebtally and financially for a process that will take years, it is unlikely you will get very far.

this thread should be a sticky!

Edited by cumgranosalum
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When I had my surgery at Bumrungrad I had a problem. I asked information which floor the administrative offices where on then went to that nicely wooden paneled floor and asked for aid. I forget the woman's name then but she was a westerner and the #2 there. She remedied my problem immediately.

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Part of the international accreditation process is to demonstrate a functional system of handling complaints. Bumrungrad was accredited for several years by the JCI until 2014. It does not appear that the accreditation was renewed. However, some of the specialized treatment programs are currently accredited by JCI.

As part of the JCI accreditation process, Bumrungrad is obliged to post the following statement and information;

Submit your concerns about patient safety or quality of care

Quality and Safety Monitoring
151 West 22nd Street, Suite 1300W
Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA

Do not pursue a JCI complaint until you have first taken the matter up with the hospital. After you have gone to the hospital first, then approach JCI and declare to JCI that you attempted to resolve the issue with the hospital providing contact dates and the hospital response. JCI is unlikely to respond until a good faith effort has been made with the hospital.

JCI will not handle your complalnt they just reflect that the procedure is or isn't there. They seldom if ever have removed a hospital from their accreditation.

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A post has been removed as it contained defamatory content. Posters are reminded of Thailand's stringent defamation laws.

As this thread is only likely to stray further into such risky territory and I think we have already established the fact that there is not a robust complaint process in place (at any Thai hospital that I know of), thread is closed.

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