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Photocopy of Passport, is that good enough?


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I do not carry my passport with me when I go out for fear of losing it.

However, I had a colour laminated copy of the photo page of my passport made. It is reduced in size so it fits in my wallet.

Is this enough? Do I need to carry a copy of the page where my visa was stamped when I entered the country, which clearly shows when I have to leave. Or even worse, do I have to take the original passport out with me?

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Include emergency contact numbers as well as any medications you are on. An accident or health breakdown(heart attack, discovery it's a ladyboy) more of a worry than interaction with police. I prefer to carry it loose in my pocket vs. in my wallet because obviously you are more likely to lose your wallet or have it stolen. If you take viagra, be sure and list that. It can impact what treatment they employ for heart attacks.

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Sir Paul your assumptions seem to be correct for the local Pattaya Police The only addition you might need on the backside is your visa stamp copy if one applies. The unknown factor of late is what will the Army boys require if they should detain you..I have Walking Shorts with Zip pocket and if i go to walking street I will take my actual passport.

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I have nether been asked to produce my passport by the police or military...

But nearly lost passport twice... also had two wallets stolen in the Kingdom, I will always advocate going with a copy of Bio page, entry stamp and TM card, would prefer to spend a few hours in the nick sorting it out and a small fine than go through the trouble of getting an ETD and then getting a new passport.

The immigration system is improving and I am sure it is not that difficult for the police to verify someone's identity and status in the Kingdom if they have access to the immigration database.

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Before we go off the deep end...again...this is Thailand. What one person has experienced can, and probably will, be completely different from what another person will experience. Sometimes you can get away with a photocopy. Sometimes you can't. It's rare that you can't, but it does happen. I have a laminated copy of my passport AND current visa page in my wallet. I've got images of them also on my phone. If I leave Pattaya, I always take my passport. Here in town, I've got somebody who can bring my passport to me within an hour. 24x7. I also know I may have to pay a fine someday for not having my passport on me. Normally 2,000 Baht or less. But not always.


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