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Ghosts spotted in Thailand (Video)


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Ghosts Spotted in Thailand (Video)


Are these really ghosts?

Thai people take ghostly sightings very seriously, and, if other Inspire stories in the UK are anything to go by, so do the Brits.

Surprisingly, there are very little actual images of ghosts captured in such a believing nation, but Inspire did unearth three interesting ones. Ghosts always evoke debate, so make your own conclusions on the following paranormal reports from Thailand.

Bloodied Man Caught on Video

The first was a video that went viral a couple of years ago. The ghost face that appears in this video is said to be the boyfriend of the girl in the red top, he had left with another friend to buy more alcohol for the group but sadly died in a fatal car crash. Take a look and see for yourself what you think, he can be seen to the left tucked behind the man sitting on the floor.

Ghost Captured alongside Child

The woman in this clip took a picture on her mobile phone of her daughter and was shocked to see this ghostly image appear on the photo. Her sister, upon seeing the picture, threw the phone away screaming in terror.

Tsunami Ghost

The man that took this swears there was nothing in front of him when clearing wreckage from the Tsunami. The image would suggest otherwise.


-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-01-28
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What a load of crap! this superstition thing is just escalating out of all proportion.Ghosts,spirits,dolls,seer's,fortune teller's etc.its like the mythical Greek Hydra,cut off one head,two appear to take its place.My I suspect that all this rubbish is either alcohol or yabba related. Ghosts indeed,more fodder for the uneducated to believe in.


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My neighbor heard a crying noise one night ,she looked outside to see if there was a cat there ,she didn't see a cat so it had to be a ghost . I said but did you see a ghost ? No was the answer ,so I said it must of been a cat I said ,the idiots walked away saying farang not believe so will never see

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My neighbor heard a crying noise one night ,she looked outside to see if there was a cat there ,she didn't see a cat so it had to be a ghost . I said but did you see a ghost ? No was the answer ,so I said it must of been a cat I said ,the idiots walked away saying farang not believe so will never see

My mates sister in Wales saw a feather on the lawn in her back garden. She said there were no birds to be seen so it had to be an angel's feather. She still has it by her bedside.

she is still convinced that her gaurdian angel was trying to give her a message. blink.png

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If you are full of spirits- there are ghosts everywhere. Will they burn virgins in the near future again, or are they too hard to find these days?

  • Forced marriage of 4 year old twins to prevent bad luck and early death
  • Ghosts in government house
  • The Luk Thep lunacy
  • Necromancy at Ministry of Technology
  • PM's asking fortuneteller for advise and monks to celebrate voodoo to prevent their bad dreams come true etc.etc.

Who can wholeheartedly deny this country's demand for a seat in the UN Security Council?

My advise: If you want the world to accept you as adult people- start acting accordingly!

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The 2nd video of the camera phone is probably fake as the image is centred between the little girl & the 'ghost', if I was taking a picture of someone the person would be in the centre. Looks like a longish exposure and someone moved.

There are a number of ghost hunting programmes shown now in the west and there seems to be more and more of them appearing. Obviously something has to happen or be seen otherwise there wouldn't be a programme. For me the worst is most haunted in the UK, it is obviously set up and the worst made up on the spot mediumship going with my favourite moment being Derek Acorah saying 'Mary likes Dick, Mary likes Dick!' and after the live tv transmission is stopped the presenters falling about laughing.

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Ghosts my ar$# No such thing.

After my accident, people were telling my wife that they saw my ghost at our home (5 people) saw my ghost.

Hello i am writing this not my bloody ghost. So they were all wrong.

You see my accident was so serious doctors told my wife prepare for the worst, he will not survive the night (WRONG) I AM STILL HERE.

Wifes family told people in the village what doctors said, so the stories started, and 5 people saw my ghost. Bloody fools.

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

From a scene in the I origins film. Made me think a little.

Sofi: How many senses do worms have?

Ian: They have two. Smell and touch. Why?

Sofi: So... they live without any ability to see or even know about light, right? The notion of light to them is unimaginable.

Ian: Yeah.

Sofi: But we humans... we know that light exists. All around them... right on top of them... they cannot sense it. But with a little mutation, they do. Right?

Ian: Correct.

Sofi: So... Doctor Eye... perhaps some humans, rare humans... have mutated to have another sense. A spirit sense. And can perceive a world that is right on top of us... everywhere. Just like the light on these worms.

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

From a scene in the I origins film. Made me think a little.

Sofi: How many senses do worms have?

Ian: They have two. Smell and touch. Why?

Sofi: So... they live without any ability to see or even know about light, right? The notion of light to them is unimaginable.

Ian: Yeah.

Sofi: But we humans... we know that light exists. All around them... right on top of them... they cannot sense it. But with a little mutation, they do. Right?

Ian: Correct.

Sofi: So... Doctor Eye... perhaps some humans, rare humans... have mutated to have another sense. A spirit sense. And can perceive a world that is right on top of us... everywhere. Just like the light on these worms.

Oh no, not another one. Just when I thought they can't come any dumber, up pops this rocket scientist

For your information: the "fi" in "scifi" stands for "fiction". need I explain more?

If you're gonna cite utter codswallop, do us all a favour, and save it for flat earth society

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

From a scene in the I origins film. Made me think a little.

Sofi: How many senses do worms have?

Ian: They have two. Smell and touch. Why?

Sofi: So... they live without any ability to see or even know about light, right? The notion of light to them is unimaginable.

Ian: Yeah.

Sofi: But we humans... we know that light exists. All around them... right on top of them... they cannot sense it. But with a little mutation, they do. Right?

Ian: Correct.

Sofi: So... Doctor Eye... perhaps some humans, rare humans... have mutated to have another sense. A spirit sense. And can perceive a world that is right on top of us... everywhere. Just like the light on these worms.

Oh no, not another one. Just when I thought they can't come any dumber, up pops this rocket scientist

For your information: the "fi" in "scifi" stands for "fiction". need I explain more?

If you're gonna cite utter codswallop, do us all a favour, and save it for flat earth society

I don't believe in ghosts but I'm open to the idea that I and the human race may not know everything which is why I cited from the film I watched last night. I thought was a nice way to show how we may not know everything . Clearly you know all oh great one.

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

Unlike dinosaurs who never existed at all according to the bible.

All this spirit/ghost/superstion malarkey is purely commercial.

Money is made from the stories

Money is made from the dolls

Money is made from amulets

Money is made from the lottery

Money is made from blessings

Money is made from merit

If there was no money to be made selling tat to counteract superstitions, there would be no spirits to cash in on.

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What's with all the "There is absolutely nothing going on except for what I can sense and what I know"
You are calling out BS left and right, but still you don't take your time to debunk what you claim is fake.
Now you may say "I don't have time to play around with ghost stories" or "why should I have to disprove something so utterly foolish as ghosts". Well sure, you don't have to, but many of you sound just as ignorant as the people citing the Bible and refuses to believe anything else...
Many of you like to speak about science this and science that, but science should treat every subject as something that must be debunked or proven wrong in order to see if it's right. Science can't just say "Well f-ck that, it's obviously not real". Even the flat Earth should be dealt with, and is dealt with over and over. But regarding that story the flat-earthers are very good at closing their eyes and ears for anything that doesn't fit their belief, pretty much like some of you do....

Some scientists and researchers have paid quite a lot of interest in near death experiences the last 10 years or so. And while there is no conclusion or solid proof, there is a lot pointing at people actually being aware while clinically dead, seeing themselves from outside the body.
For some of us who did LSD and DMT while young we might have quite an understanding of how that feels, that is for those of us who accidentally (or by purpose) took enough to experience a real ego-death.

There is a huge probability that these pictures and videos are fake, but since we don't know that it's better to take it for what it is or try to debunk it. Much like that star some astronomers found with something that looks like a huge alien mega-structure close to it. The scientists are not saying it's aliens, but they have yet to say it is not aliens, since they can't disprove it until they find what it actually is.... Isn't that how we should counter all things improbable that people claim are real, no matter how ridiculous we might find them? You shout out that the Thais are like children, but in the same time you act like you know everything, exactly like they do...

It seems very unlikely that there would be a lot of pee-graseu, pee bob and what have you. However, the story about pee-am is interesting since it's a well known phenomena for people who suffer from sleep paralysis, in the west it's known as "the old hag". In China the same phenomenon is known as gui ya shen, In Turkey karabasan, in Brazil pisadeira, Korea gawi nulim and so on and on and on... While the old hag, the hat man and other shadow people are thought of as 'spirits' rather than ghosts - if ghosts are people who have perished - it's still a very interesting subject closely related to the theories of ghosts, afterlife or if we are more than our brains.

It's way too easy to just call BS for everything that might seem ridiculous or even lunatic, but it's not really fair to the whole picture. If everyone would do like that we would probably still believe that the sun is spinning around the earth...

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

And UFOs .Get real

Laugh all you like, l don't care.

l have seen a UFO.

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What's with all the "There is absolutely nothing going on except for what I can sense and what I know"

You are calling out BS left and right, but still you don't take your time to debunk what you claim is fake.

Now you may say "I don't have time to play around with ghost stories" or "why should I have to disprove something so utterly foolish as ghosts". Well sure, you don't have to, but many of you sound just as ignorant as the people citing the Bible and refuses to believe anything else...

Many of you like to speak about science this and science that, but science should treat every subject as something that must be debunked or proven wrong in order to see if it's right. Science can't just say "Well f-ck that, it's obviously not real". Even the flat Earth should be dealt with, and is dealt with over and over. But regarding that story the flat-earthers are very good at closing their eyes and ears for anything that doesn't fit their belief, pretty much like some of you do....

Some scientists and researchers have paid quite a lot of interest in near death experiences the last 10 years or so. And while there is no conclusion or solid proof, there is a lot pointing at people actually being aware while clinically dead, seeing themselves from outside the body.

For some of us who did LSD and DMT while young we might have quite an understanding of how that feels, that is for those of us who accidentally (or by purpose) took enough to experience a real ego-death.

There is a huge probability that these pictures and videos are fake, but since we don't know that it's better to take it for what it is or try to debunk it. Much like that star some astronomers found with something that looks like a huge alien mega-structure close to it. The scientists are not saying it's aliens, but they have yet to say it is not aliens, since they can't disprove it until they find what it actually is.... Isn't that how we should counter all things improbable that people claim are real, no matter how ridiculous we might find them? You shout out that the Thais are like children, but in the same time you act like you know everything, exactly like they do...

It seems very unlikely that there would be a lot of pee-graseu, pee bob and what have you. However, the story about pee-am is interesting since it's a well known phenomena for people who suffer from sleep paralysis, in the west it's known as "the old hag". In China the same phenomenon is known as gui ya shen, In Turkey karabasan, in Brazil pisadeira, Korea gawi nulim and so on and on and on... While the old hag, the hat man and other shadow people are thought of as 'spirits' rather than ghosts - if ghosts are people who have perished - it's still a very interesting subject closely related to the theories of ghosts, afterlife or if we are more than our brains.

It's way too easy to just call BS for everything that might seem ridiculous or even lunatic, but it's not really fair to the whole picture. If everyone would do like that we would probably still believe that the sun is spinning around the earth...

I note how you invoke science in your attempt to try and legitimize bunkum. , Although your genre are not unique in this respect, having a BSc I find this laughable. Scientists on the whole would much rather say "I don't know" than make themselves appear totally void of rational thought, or even be considered prime asylum candidates

The difference between science and hocus pocus is that scientists don't jump to the first or easiest solution, rather they would investigate all possible reasons, often gaining fame by disproving scientific beliefs. Even when they fail to come up with a possible reason, they don't fall back on the supernatural as an all inclusive gap-fill. i.e. "I don't know, so it must be a ghost"

As in all such instances, at the time of filming, the photographers did not see anything untoward, only the camera did This itself offers a perfectly logical :explanation to the spook em high brigade's claims

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What's with all the "There is absolutely nothing going on except for what I can sense and what I know"

You are calling out BS left and right, but still you don't take your time to debunk what you claim is fake.

Now you may say "I don't have time to play around with ghost stories" or "why should I have to disprove something so utterly foolish as ghosts". Well sure, you don't have to, but many of you sound just as ignorant as the people citing the Bible and refuses to believe anything else...

Many of you like to speak about science this and science that, but science should treat every subject as something that must be debunked or proven wrong in order to see if it's right. Science can't just say "Well f-ck that, it's obviously not real". Even the flat Earth should be dealt with, and is dealt with over and over. But regarding that story the flat-earthers are very good at closing their eyes and ears for anything that doesn't fit their belief, pretty much like some of you do....

Some scientists and researchers have paid quite a lot of interest in near death experiences the last 10 years or so. And while there is no conclusion or solid proof, there is a lot pointing at people actually being aware while clinically dead, seeing themselves from outside the body.

For some of us who did LSD and DMT while young we might have quite an understanding of how that feels, that is for those of us who accidentally (or by purpose) took enough to experience a real ego-death.

There is a huge probability that these pictures and videos are fake, but since we don't know that it's better to take it for what it is or try to debunk it. Much like that star some astronomers found with something that looks like a huge alien mega-structure close to it. The scientists are not saying it's aliens, but they have yet to say it is not aliens, since they can't disprove it until they find what it actually is.... Isn't that how we should counter all things improbable that people claim are real, no matter how ridiculous we might find them? You shout out that the Thais are like children, but in the same time you act like you know everything, exactly like they do...

It seems very unlikely that there would be a lot of pee-graseu, pee bob and what have you. However, the story about pee-am is interesting since it's a well known phenomena for people who suffer from sleep paralysis, in the west it's known as "the old hag". In China the same phenomenon is known as gui ya shen, In Turkey karabasan, in Brazil pisadeira, Korea gawi nulim and so on and on and on... While the old hag, the hat man and other shadow people are thought of as 'spirits' rather than ghosts - if ghosts are people who have perished - it's still a very interesting subject closely related to the theories of ghosts, afterlife or if we are more than our brains.

It's way too easy to just call BS for everything that might seem ridiculous or even lunatic, but it's not really fair to the whole picture. If everyone would do like that we would probably still believe that the sun is spinning around the earth...

I note how you invoke science in your attempt to try and legitimize bunkum. , Although your genre are not unique in this respect, having a BSc I find this laughable. Scientists on the whole would much rather say "I don't know" than make themselves appear totally void of rational thought, or even be considered prime asylum candidates

The difference between science and hocus pocus is that scientists don't jump to the first or easiest solution, rather they would investigate all possible reasons, often gaining fame by disproving scientific beliefs. Even when they fail to come up with a possible reason, they don't fall back on the supernatural as an all inclusive gap-fill. i.e. "I don't know, so it must be a ghost"

As in all such instances, at the time of filming, the photographers did not see anything untoward, only the camera did This itself offers a perfectly logical :explanation to the spook em high brigade's claims

That's not completely true. First of all what is it you call bunkum? I didn't try to legitimize ghosts, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions before knowing what I am looking at. If you somehow interpret that as legitimizing ghosts then you obviously have problem with your objective thinking, no matter how many BSc you have or not. You as a former graduate should know that your way of approaching the subject is narrow at best.

"The difference between science and hocus pocus is that scientists don't jump to the first or easiest solution", well, sure! That was kind of the whole point of bringing up the "alien mega-structure". But most rational scientists don't sit back behind their screens shouting BS or hocus pocus without investigating the cause, either they simply don't care about the subject and focus on something else, or they try to debunk it.

But sure, you're right, there's a big hoop of scientists who focus on one area and are extremely unwilling to change their thinking, since it could destroy a theory they've been working on for years. The same kind of people that would laugh at so many things we take for granted today, although we might have real explanations for those things, and not just folklore tales since laymen weren't capable of understanding whatever the subject may have been that was seen as ridiculous.

Here's are a few good example of what I mean.

1. This is based on the original study with a pure rational, objecting and non-prejudice approach:


2. And this is what some people may have gotten out of it


3. While others came to this conclusion:


Note of the first one states many times that so far it's been impossible to prove or disprove what they are researching, and that they need further studies to come to any credible conclusion. Still you will always have those who will take what they are saying as proof for afterlife, and others who will take it as afterlife already has been disproved by the study although the final conclusion has yet to be stated...

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If you are full of spirits- there are ghosts everywhere. Will they burn virgins in the near future again, or are they too hard to find these days?

  • Forced marriage of 4 year old twins to prevent bad luck and early death
  • Ghosts in government house
  • The Luk Thep lunacy
  • Necromancy at Ministry of Technology
  • PM's asking fortuneteller for advise and monks to celebrate voodoo to prevent their bad dreams come true etc.etc.

Who can wholeheartedly deny this country's demand for a seat in the UN Security Council?

My advise: If you want the world to accept you as adult people- start acting accordingly!

...I think you mean 2 seats..one for the delegate and one for the doll..whistling.gif

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