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Ghosts spotted in Thailand (Video)


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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

Only in your mind. You cannot prove that what is written in the Bible didn't exist. But the holier-than-thou athiests are always correct right? Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history.

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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

And UFOs .Get real

It's funny how the athiests always come out with rubbish comments such as "lacking the mental capacity to think" etc. for religious people. If anything, athiests are too stubborn/arrogant/stupid to admit that there is a superior being to themselves. Look up at the night sky. Do you think the Universe formed by itself?

Edited by CoreanoOzzie
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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

Only in your mind. You cannot prove that what is written in the Bible didn't exist. But the holier-than-thou athiests are always correct right? Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history.

CoreanoOzzie what an absolutely stupid comment. Firstly ou have assumed the poster is an athiest and secondly religious people don't commit genocide and mass killings.
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Spirits exist for sure....there's way too much proof and people experiencing things for there not to be. They even exist in the Bible.

There is not one iota of proof, except for that which exists within the minds of those who lack the mental capacity to think, and if the best you can do is reference the Bible, your case falls at the first fence. That is unless you expect us all to believe the Earth to be 6,000 years old and was more recently repopulated by a 600 year old super boat builder and his incestuous family.

Only in your mind. You cannot prove that what is written in the Bible didn't exist. But the holier-than-thou athiests are always correct right? Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history.

CoreanoOzzie what an absolutely stupid comment. Firstly ou have assumed the poster is an athiest and secondly religious people don't commit genocide and mass killings.

How is it an "absolutely stupid comment"? I never said that religion hasn't caused wars and massive amounts of deaths. Of course, the poster is an athiest, read his post again. Sometimes, the truth hurts...

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Well I have reread your post and your own words stated "Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history". I just wanted to point out that religious people have just as bad a record when it comes to Genocide. thats why i said it's a stupid comment.


You are engaging an unarmed man in a battle of wits. Shooting fish in a barrel would probably more intellectually challenging

Evidence, if any were needed, lies in his claim that you can't disprove what is said in the Bible. It is up to those making such absurd claims as "a talking snake convinced a rib woman to eat the forbidden fruit", to provide evidence, not for us rationally minded people to disprove.

And let's not forget that their only book of reference was written by men who thought the earth was flat, didn't know what stars were, didn't know where the sun went at night, and supposedly dictated to them by the great wizard in the sky who advised them from where they are allowed to harvest their slaves.

Two reasons that make me doubt he has actually read the "good book" are;

(i) Reading the Bible is probably the best way of becoming an atheist

(ii) Actually opening a book requires at least some degree of intelligence

Let's not even get started on evolution

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Well I have reread your post and your own words stated "Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history". I just wanted to point out that religious people have just as bad a record when it comes to Genocide. thats why i said it's a stupid comment.


You are engaging an unarmed man in a battle of wits. Shooting fish in a barrel would probably more intellectually challenging

Evidence, if any were needed, lies in his claim that you can't disprove what is said in the Bible. It is up to those making such absurd claims as "a talking snake convinced a rib woman to eat the forbidden fruit", to provide evidence, not for us rationally minded people to disprove.

And let's not forget that their only book of reference was written by men who thought the earth was flat, didn't know what stars were, didn't know where the sun went at night, and supposedly dictated to them by the great wizard in the sky who advised them from where they are allowed to harvest their slaves.

Two reasons that make me doubt he has actually read the "good book" are;

(i) Reading the Bible is probably the best way of becoming an atheist

(ii) Actually opening a book requires at least some degree of intelligence

Let's not even get started on evolution

Safe to say that your words clearly depict a severe lack of intelligence, but Thailand never attracted the brightest minds did it?

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Well I have reread your post and your own words stated "Athiests have committed the worst atrocities in human history". I just wanted to point out that religious people have just as bad a record when it comes to Genocide. thats why i said it's a stupid comment.


You are engaging an unarmed man in a battle of wits. Shooting fish in a barrel would probably more intellectually challenging

Evidence, if any were needed, lies in his claim that you can't disprove what is said in the Bible. It is up to those making such absurd claims as "a talking snake convinced a rib woman to eat the forbidden fruit", to provide evidence, not for us rationally minded people to disprove.

And let's not forget that their only book of reference was written by men who thought the earth was flat, didn't know what stars were, didn't know where the sun went at night, and supposedly dictated to them by the great wizard in the sky who advised them from where they are allowed to harvest their slaves.

Two reasons that make me doubt he has actually read the "good book" are;

(i) Reading the Bible is probably the best way of becoming an atheist

(ii) Actually opening a book requires at least some degree of intelligence

Let's not even get started on evolution

Safe to say that your words clearly depict a severe lack of intelligence, but Thailand never attracted the brightest minds did it?

Unlike the God Squad, I have the mental capacity to think for myself, and not be told what to think.

For example, you believe:

God came down to earth as his son to give himself to us to sacrifice to himself so as to free us from a curse he put on us in the first place - even if it were true you've gotta admit, it wasn't the best thought out plan. And considering that 2 thirds of the planet don't believe it, not the most successful.

As both our answers exemplify, when arguing with atheists, even about the Bible, Christians are out of their depth. Something that smart Bible thumpers, if that is not an oxymoron, will often avoid doing.

Now run along and go and brainwash some children, obviously undeveloped minds are more in your league

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Either they are ghosts or Photoshop has been used.

I don't believe in ghosts, that doesn't mean I don't totally rule out their existence. If I see it, I will believe it.

Aliens, on the other hand, are different. I have seen life on Earth and I expect life exists somewhere else (in some form), since there are more planets in the universe than grains of sand on Earth. And if there isn't life on another planet yet, that will change when conditions are suitable, which is likely, isn't it?

Ghosts, though. I ain't buying it yet.

Edited by FruitPudding
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