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Sweden to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers


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Sweden to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers

STOCKHOLM: -- Sweden expects to expel up to 80,000 asylum-seekers whose applications have been rejected, the country's interior minister has announced.

Anders Ygeman said that charter aircraft would be used to deport the migrants over several years.

"We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000," Mr Ygeman told Swedish media.

Some 163,000 migrants applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015, the highest per capita number in Europe.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35425735

-- BBC 2016-01-28

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With Germany, Sweden and Denmark waking up to the knowledge that this refugees issue is

more of a scam perpetrated by all sorts of people taking advantage of the situation and took

a ride on the coat tail on the misery of the genuine Syrian refugees, maybe now

more countries will follow suit and put an to this mega scam by undeservedly groups of people

to resettle in EU and other countries for free...

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Not that simple. If they are genuine asylum-seekers, they cannot be returned to a worn-torn country, under the UN convention of human rights.

Sweden and Germany made a huge mistake by opening up the flood-gates, and took the lead by inviting everyone to come to their country.

Now they must pay the price, at the expense of the tax-payer.

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This is another one of those "feel-good" announcements by the current Swedish government to try and placate the justifiable public dismay at their government's actions and to try to stem the rise in popularity of the anti-immigration Christian Democrats.

However look at the details!

80,000 over several years. How many more will make their way to Sweden in that time?

How will you deport to countries like Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Eritrea or Nigeria? They are not accepting their citizens back.

How will you deport migrants who have destroyed their travel documents?

How will you deal with the endless legal challenges, the violent non-compliant migrants, those who move around and change identity?

How much will it all cost? Who will pay?

The deal is done. Once in, these people ain't never gonna leave. Never. Sweden might deport a handful but this announcement should not be taken at face value.

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Not that simple. If they are genuine asylum-seekers, they cannot be returned to a worn-torn country, under the UN convention of human rights.

Sweden and Germany made a huge mistake by opening up the flood-gates, and took the lead by inviting everyone to come to their country.

Now they must pay the price, at the expense of the tax-payer.

None of them are genuine asylum seekers. Unless, you can tell me which war-zone Sweden shares a common border with?

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Sweden and all of the west is living in la la land if they really believe that these economic migrants can be deported , its only by keeping them out in the first place you can get rid of them

None of them will be deported. Ever. It's just a little missive to placate the rowdy natives. This 80,000 will eventually be given a Swedish passport, and import their extended family and friends to feast on the Swedish welfare system. Don't rush to celebrate this news, it is another lie.

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According to the UNHCR, 18,173 migrants arrived in Greece from 17 January to 26 January or, in other words, the last 10 days. That's 1,817 migrants per day in the middle of winter! If the flow continues unabated, we will see about 700,000 arrivals this year. Of course the flow will probably double in summer, so another 1 million is a good conservative estimate. This figure does not include arrivals from the North African coast, which will increase the total by 10 - 20%, if last year's trends continue.

Now, they are saying that 1/2 of the current arrivals in Sweden will be deported.... over the course of several years. They are basically acting like King Canute commanding the tide to stop!

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There are now a million and a half registered guns in Sweden and those who don't want to live in multicultural cloud cuckoo land are on the verge of insurrection. I suspect a few migrants may repatriate themselves voluntarily, which is quite fitting considering how the Middle East has been engaging in religious cleansing of its no -Muslim population for decades.

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The solution to the refugees that come from Syria, and the trash that accompanies them, is to set aside a 'safe area' in the section of Syria that borders Turkey. Make that a 'no fly zone' and keep it safe. Then return all those people back to Syria, whether they came from there or not! Let the Arabs sort out the Arabs.

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I am giving up. This asylum Bullshit is out of control,,,,,Self inflicted Disasters in all the countries,Taken away all the peoples money ,,,,It's a lost Cause ,F,,,,k the Governments who stuff it up for their own people ,who they suppose to look after and help. bah.gif

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There are now a million and a half registered guns in Sweden and those who don't want to live in multicultural cloud cuckoo land are on the verge of insurrection. I suspect a few migrants may repatriate themselves voluntarily, which is quite fitting considering how the Middle East has been engaging in religious cleansing of its no -Muslim population for decades.

Oh oh the gun people are out!

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The solution to the refugees that come from Syria, and the trash that accompanies them, is to set aside a 'safe area' in the section of Syria that borders Turkey. Make that a 'no fly zone' and keep it safe. Then return all those people back to Syria, whether they came from there or not! Let the Arabs sort out the Arabs.

Well, that's a positive idea. Makes a change from all the negativity on here. Instead of pointing to the obvious problem, what is to be done?

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Well that should lower the the rape rates.

Why wait for years? why fly them out on charter airplanes?

Put them on trains or buses now and get them out!!!

Other countries should learn now and just don't let them in!!!

I hate Trump but he was right when he said there should be camps set up in their own countries where they can stay until they can go back to their lives there.

even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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There are now a million and a half registered guns in Sweden and those who don't want to live in multicultural cloud cuckoo land are on the verge of insurrection. I suspect a few migrants may repatriate themselves voluntarily, which is quite fitting considering how the Middle East has been engaging in religious cleansing of its no -Muslim population for decades.

Same as in my home country.........................let`s hope the new EU gun regulations doesn`t change that fact,although Im sure it unfortunately will.

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I am giving up. This asylum Bullshit is out of control,,,,,Self inflicted Disasters in all the countries,Taken away all the peoples money ,,,,It's a lost Cause ,F,,,,k the Governments who stuff it up for their own people ,who they suppose to look after and help. bah.gif

Socialism doesnt work.

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yeah yeah. and Arab countries are eager to take back all these losers who spent so much time money and efforts to cling to European welfare. they didn't succeed at home, were not able to get a good job and make a normal life. and now in Europe they were spoiled even more - by the idea that everybody owe them and that it's possible, acceptable and normal to live and not to work.

Arab governments are anything but stupid to accept all these welfare freaks back.

Edited by TimmyT
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I can save them the time, the usual excuses:

what about Christianity?

what about the crusades?

what about Catholic priests?

it's all a Jewish conspiracy

lots of Muslims protest- so their appalling behavior is OK whistling.gif

Edited by jacky54
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