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What Would You Do?


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How much did the police say he had to give you 20000 you sayI would go to police let them have 4000 T money they get your 20000 of him your 140000 up can see the logic here.

If you read your post again, you will see no logic...140,000? Hahaha
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What would I do?

Offer you my sympathy. And suggest maybe 1st class insurance next time?

Thanks man I'm just so glad nobody was hurt. At the time this rolling wreak of a Corolla came into our possession I considered the insurance options. But this car was truly a mess. The engine was shot, the transmission slipped and the lights barely worked (I believe it was a floater in some Bangkok flood), and every panel on it was covered in bondo... but it had good tires and stopped on demand. Honestly I would value it a about 1000 dollars salvage. So I opted for the minimum insurance .... hummm.

You need 1st class insurance for liability if nothing else. Good news that you weren't hurt.

You made a big mistake - unless you couldn't get 1st class insurance then it is frustrating and you have my sympathy.

If you can find the money behind the accident and the time involved is worth it go for it if not as others have posted move on as you are now losing energy over this and it is not worth it.

Two months ago an unlicensed guy in a truck delivering water rear ended my car and he admitted fault but had no license or insurance - he claimed.

One call to our insurance agent and 20 minutes later the report was filled out followed up by a visit to the local police station as a formality.

Next stop the dealer and a brand new bumper with an exact paint match. A big headache for me but no out of pocket money certainly not to the police.

One interesting note the insurance company wanted to do a repair I said no, and my insurance agent took care of it and we received a new bumper about 12,000 baht bill for the insurance company and it doesn't raise our rates.

So not only do you need good insurance but you need a good agent.

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If you had 1st class insurance you simply contact them. In case of any accident whether your fault or not, the first thing you do is ask the other party for their licence and insurance. If they don't have it is automatically their fault as they shouldn't be on the road without a licence. Never pay the police or anyone else, not even 1 baht. That is why you have insurance, they pay whether your fault or not.

I mentioned an accident we had in a post previously in this thread. The party we hit were asking for 3000 baht for a table and chairs that they'd just bought and were in transit in the back of their truck (not really new by anyone's assessment from what I saw). Said "talk to the hand" (how you say that in Thai I might never know) and then said wait for police and the Insurance assessor. That issue dissolved on its own with no further intervention. They say god loves a trier, but I'm not sure if that applies to a lying chancer that chose to accept some table & chairs 2nd hand from family for a somtam and a glass cola as more important than getting insurance.

Actually, a couple of gauging experiences aside, most road issues I have to say have been dealt with here in a casual and no BS kind of way, quite efficiently. I'd prefer they didn't have to happen of course if everyone on the road played nicely, but quick a response, a couple of photos, chalk lines on the ground and you're on your way.

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At least the police sided with you. I got rear ended while stopped on a wide but quiet side street in a small town Sikhoraphum. The police conspired with the other driver and made my life a living hell. Filed a false report saying the accident occurred in another place, (conveniently the location they chose was in front of a shop owned by a friend of the other driver, who stated I backed in to him). The police impounded my truck, and tried to put me in jail 4 times, ( I managed to hide from them each time they came to arrest me).

I ended up paying a fine, (500 baht) and 60,000 baht to the <deleted> that drove into me instead of going around me.

Welcome to Thailand! Their opinion is it is always our fault(farang) because if we had not come here, it never would have happened

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It is the job of your insurer to go after them.

I had an uninsured motorbike hit my car 50,000 in damages. The rider was drunk as a skunk. It was lunchtime.

The guy had to pay the insurance agent 5k on the spot and sign to pay an additional 5k a month.

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At least the police sided with you. I got rear ended while stopped on a wide but quiet side street in a small town Sikhoraphum. The police conspired with the other driver and made my life a living hell. Filed a false report saying the accident occurred in another place, (conveniently the location they chose was in front of a shop owned by a friend of the other driver, who stated I backed in to him). The police impounded my truck, and tried to put me in jail 4 times, ( I managed to hide from them each time they came to arrest me).

I ended up paying a fine, (500 baht) and 60,000 baht to the <deleted> that drove into me instead of going around me.

Welcome to Thailand! Their opinion is it is always our fault(farang) because if we had not come here, it never would have happened

Did you file a complaint with the Police DSI? If you didn't then you were a patsy. There are means to address police corruption, but you have to use them.

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