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Man arrested for sharing video mocking Prayut


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What I wanna know is, where are all those (and they were in the majority) TV members now who so wanted the coup, so wanted the military to take control because they actually believed that Thailand would be a better place? At the time their gullibility shocked me, it does so more now.

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Well, the courts did warn us. You can't show videos of the mentally ill.

rkidlad: If you hear someone knocking on your door at 2 am tonight, you will know who it is. smile.png

back in my (naughty) west african days such an event was known as "c'est l'amour qui frappe" ...


Happy memories ...

"Qui est la ?"

"C'est l'amour, cherie" wub.png

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I would really have to watch that video. If it is positively tasteless I could understand the measure. Keep in mind that this is Thailand. Repression in order to protect the institutions (not the person!) is expected from the leader even if in private he enjoys a good laugh. Seriously, as far as earthly leaders go, General Prayuth is quite amongst the better lot, is genuinely appreciated by his people and has nothing to fear from satire. I bet 5 dollars that the prosecution did not originate with him but rather with some zealous underling.

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"Dutch legend has it that there was once a small boy who upon passing a dyke on his way to school noticed a slight leak as the sea trickled in through a small hole. Knowing that he would be in trouble if he were to be late for school, the boy poked his finger into the hole and so stemmed the flow of water."

good luck this time.


There is also a story called 'The Emperors New Clothes'.

Small boy refuses to see what his elders say they see,

because they think it will benefit them.

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While I love to laugh, a junta is sometimes what is needed.

Augusto Pinochet was very much hated and reviled, but his free market reforms turned Chile into a 1st world country.

Lee Kuan Yew is another example of this w/ Singapore.

Whether General P is the man to do this or not remains to be seen.

So far I think he's hilarious at best.

It's needed in your country, speak for it...

Besides, it's not exactly true what you are saying.

Chile started booming AFTER it returned to democracy with patricio alwyn and Eduardo Frei later.

When the murderer and thief (100 millions USD stolen ) Pinochet stepped down, 42% of Chileans were poor,now they are 16%.

South Korea and Taiwan started booming AFTER their one party and military govts. were replaced by democratic governments.

South Korea under the army was of course 1000 times better than North Korea, but it was an EXTREMELY corrupt country with still lots of poor people.

Military govts like Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan have always sucked and destroyed their countries, it's true that democracy is not a guarantee of prosperity, but all the world's richest countries are all democracies except Singapore, which is not comparable anyway to Thailand.

It's not ruled by an army and its size and history are quite unique.

Edited by max72
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it might be time for thaivisa to upgrade to SHTTP. could be helpful for members posting inside Thailand without VPN.

Won't help. If a post is targeted by the authorities, they will require logs to be provided by the TV hoster and therefore they will have the IP address of the poster. Then the relevant Thai ISP will happily provide the name and address of the customer using this IP address at that point in time.

It's my understanding that TV isn't hosted in Thailand, so the logs can't be obtained by subpoena, however if the authorities give them a choice: either give us the requested log or get blacklisted, guess what will happen?

You will be Little Bo Peep on the bottom bunk of a two man cell...

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What a delicate, easily bruised and offended flower he is. One would think that as a former soldier he would've grown a thicker skin. But no.

A thicker skin on your botty from doing your soldiering behind a desk.

Just wondering if any of the usual brigade will have the chutzpah to come on here and tell us that this would happen in any other country...

Sure it would! North Korean, Russia, Zimbabwe and Iran all come to mind for starters...

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wow, this guy's probably gonna be made an example of..

but he deserves it for knowing about the strictness of this country and yet flouting it..

But, then again, on another note, why must a leader be actively protected against criticism if the criticism is well-founded.

Anyway, all leaders are criticised to some level. There is no perfect leader in this world, and our dear leader must come to terms with this and receive criticism with open arms and ears.. Only, this way, he will be able to make himself a better leader, to RETURN HAPPINESS TO THE PEOPLE, not take it away from them.

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What a delicate, easily bruised and offended flower he is. One would think that as a former soldier he would've grown a thicker skin. But no.

A thicker skin on your botty from doing your soldiering behind a desk.

Just wondering if any of the usual brigade will have the chutzpah to come on here and tell us that this would happen in any other country...

Sure it would! North Korean, Russia, Zimbabwe and Iran all come to mind for starters...

Keep going...
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Thats one good thing you can say about the Junta they love a good laugh every time they speak or give a statement it just cracks me up, they are all as funny as each other if its not some fictitious dream figures regarding instant tourist numbers, or tell Google not to mention Zika virus to Thais because no babies will be born in Thailand with a small head and a small brain as the mosquitos would not dare defy a Junta instruction and bite anyone, or heads will roll the ones with the large brains in them.

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This will probably get worse before things get better. This kind of censorship hardly ever ends well no matter where in the world it happens. I don't care about Thai politics and have no opinion as long as I don't get caught in a crossfire in Nakorn Nowhere. If that kind of stuff begins to happen, I and thousands of other farangs who pour money into Thailand will be taking our business elsewhere.

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Thats one good thing you can say about the Junta they love a good laugh every time they speak or give a statement it just cracks me up, they are all as funny as each other if its not some fictitious dream figures regarding instant tourist numbers, or tell Google not to mention Zika virus to Thais because no babies will be born in Thailand with a small head and a small brain as the mosquitos would not dare defy a Junta instruction and bite anyone, or heads will roll the ones with the large brains in them.

If only he knew how much self inflicted ridicule he brings on himself, surely he wouldn't do this. Sadly, the man has no sense of genuine humour, and thinks he's a perfect specimen of the human race. I notice he's gushing with the reconciliation agenda, bearing in mind the political persuation of the person(s) arrested.

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Are Thailand's lesser pop idols also now free to use this blanket legislation to prevent the circulation of any humorously derogatory comments about their performances?

If not, this means we are not all equal under the same law – and, by implication, that the road map to Thai-style democracy is leading us down a dark and dangerous cul-de-sac.

At present, only one group of individuals and a single institution is accepted by the Thai people as being above criticism, via les majeste, which shields the Thai Monarchy and members of the Royal Family from any criticism.

If Thailand’s self-appointed caretaker Prime Minister feels he merits similar protection, he should ask for it in the draft Constitution.

With his 99 per cent-plus popularity rating, what has he got to lose?

Edited by Krataiboy
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