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Prison chief says Chuvit can adjust to life in prison


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Yes, he will adapt, as long as the wardens get looked after.

This guy is no Saint. When he had the best massage parlours in town he must have paid the boys in blue millions to

look the other way, so he is as corrupt as the rest.

But I agree that is good he stayed to face the music not like that snivelling coward in Dubai

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The same as the godfather of chonburi I guess.

Yes, am still waiting for a follow up story on him.

He ran the classic failing health scam , was

transferred to some luxury prison hospital in

Chonburi, and if I was a betting man is probably

back home by now. I suspect Chuwit will follow

the same path...

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Wow.I didn't think it possible that an irrelevant reference to Thaksin could be introduced to this topic.But there you go - no limit to some peoples ingenuity.

I can think of a few other prominent Thai politicians/generals who deserve to be in prison but then treason, sedition and murder probably aren't grave enough offences in the eyes of the Thaksinphobic crazies.

In the crazies' eyes Thaksin's main offence was having the nerve to be chosen time and time again by the Thai people - and for that there can be no forgiveness.

It seems like only a year ago when you and your compatriots were injecting Prayuts name into every topic, including the price of pizza, (sarcasm). Prayut is a result of Thaksin and his crooked band. This is not a post supporting Prayut, this is a post about respecting your fellow posters opinions, whether you agree with them or not. Puhleeease stay on topic.

My compatriots?! Do you know what this word means?

If your simpleminded comment that "Prayuth is the result of Thaksin" is anything to go by, you have some work to do on your comprehension.

In any case if I remember rightly a year ago Prayuth was - as he is today -the self appointed leader of a government seized illegally by force - and hence a legitimate and relevant object of comment.

I do respect fellow posters including those who disagree with me provided they can argue a reasoned case.I do not respect obsessive crazies who treat the Thai people's democratic aspirations with disdain.You are obviously not in the former category and I am not yet sure whether you belong to the second.

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"Prison chief says Chuvit can adjust to life in prison"

I wish he really was getting life in prison!!

"Chuwit is infamous in Bangkok for doing a total career about-turn; switching from being the proprietor of various large Bangkok massage parlours to becoming an MP and the leader of the Rak Prathet Thai Party."

How is becoming a politician a career turn-about from being a sleazy pimp? Sounds like a very similar job description to me.

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

Do you really believe that the coward in question is anything other than a snivelling coward. Of course this is only in the eyes of everyone except himself who considers himself to be the world's gift to mankind and would never ever require to be pointed anywhere.

Well that's a charming and perfectly lovely opinion but the posts you are quoting are not talking about a sniveling coward , we were talking about swiveling ones ...... completely different thing. But thank you anyway for your input , such as it is.

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

Do you really believe that the coward in question is anything other than a snivelling coward. Of course this is only in the eyes of everyone except himself who considers himself to be the world's gift to mankind and would never ever require to be pointed anywhere.

Well that's a charming and perfectly lovely opinion but the posts you are quoting are not talking about a sniveling coward , we were talking about swiveling ones ...... completely different thing. But thank you anyway for your input , such as it is.

And your politeness is only exceeded by your inability to read what was inferred in the post, or did you miss the Dubai reference which was quiet clear to most. Therefore my reference to the coward as being a snivelling coward stands.

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

What do you mean? Like bending over?

I am sure some of his former employees will have advised on the use of lubricants... gigglem.gif

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

Do you really believe that the coward in question is anything other than a snivelling coward. Of course this is only in the eyes of everyone except himself who considers himself to be the world's gift to mankind and would never ever require to be pointed anywhere.

Given how often he has boldly challenged those in power ... and under threat of retribution ... I'd say he is far from being a coward. I bet his cojones are far bigger and brassier than yours.

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

Do you really believe that the coward in question is anything other than a snivelling coward. Of course this is only in the eyes of everyone except himself who considers himself to be the world's gift to mankind and would never ever require to be pointed anywhere.

Well that's a charming and perfectly lovely opinion but the posts you are quoting are not talking about a sniveling coward , we were talking about swiveling ones ...... completely different thing. But thank you anyway for your input , such as it is.

P..lease! It seems obvious he meant to say/write "sniveling" ... but evidently can't now admit it. Look up the word "swiveling" and see for yourself.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Has he a choice to not adjust? Are there hiso prison cells with catered meals or something?

Actually there are....

The overcrowded squalid conditions are only for the prisoners who have nothing...

From what I understand, it's possible to rent a single room with a TV for 500 a day... Aircon and Mobile phone available too... when you are there you can order food from anywhere in the city...

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This a real man who accepts his wrongdoing and willingly face the consequences.

If he was a swiveling coward, he could be staying in a mansion in Dubai.

Ah yes , but at least a swiveling coward can be turned around and pointed in a different direction.

Do you really believe that the coward in question is anything other than a snivelling coward. Of course this is only in the eyes of everyone except himself who considers himself to be the world's gift to mankind and would never ever require to be pointed anywhere.

Given how often he has boldly challenged those in power ... and under threat of retribution ... I'd say he is far from being a coward. I bet his cojones are far bigger and brassier than yours.

Not sure we are on the same bus, I was referring to the Dubai connection ☺

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