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Germany: hand grenade thrown at asylum centre


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In other news (Daily Mail), a masked mob in Stockholm's main station set about immigrants last night. A mod might wish to consider opening a thread on the matter.

People are becoming dangerously, violently angry now...

I saw another of vigilante gangs in France, the powder keg is going to blow. Gun sales in Germany up threefold in some places, echoing what's happened already in Scandinavia.

I have been predicting for a long time, and especially on this site, that before this is over Europeans will be begging for guns. I have predicted that this will be in my lifetime. They had it so easy for so long that they forgot that the world is normally in chaos, at least somewhere. It can come to your doorstep even if you don't expect it.

It's not easy to foresee that your government, rather than protecting you, will actually turn against you in powerful but (they think) subtle ways. It is obvious in Europe right now that no one should ever rely on his government to protect him.

Semper paratus.

Absolute crap by you and some others. EU governments are rapidly rolling out new policies with supporting legislation to get on top of the illegal migrant population, criminality by registered asylum seekers, border control and so on.

It is sickening to see so many apologists for the far right on this forum, some of whom openly endorse neo-Nazism and applaud the drowning at sea of refugees etc.

Invoking the specter of Nazism in an attempt to silence those opposing Islamo-fascism is a cynical piece of inversion which is thankfully losing its potency rapidly.
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Absolute crap by you and some others. EU governments are rapidly rolling out new policies with supporting legislation to get on top of the illegal migrant population, criminality by registered asylum seekers, border control and so on.

It is sickening to see so many apologists for the far right on this forum, some of whom openly endorse neo-Nazism and applaud the drowning at sea of refugees etc.

To get on top on the immigrant population? I think you mean the Muslim Immigrant problem. I have not seen anyone endorsing Nazism on here, nobody has suggested putting them in concentration camps or gassing Them have they?


Yes a number of members have posted pro Nazi sentiment, including advocating genocide of Muslim populations - removed by Mods, but members not banned for such activity. Some have suggested armed military shooting unarmed refugees at borders - ring a bell?

Edited by simple1
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I dont want them to drown at sea , i want them to stay nice and safe in Turkey or some other nice safe muslim country .

Nations were very aware of the flood of refugees into countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iran etc yet took a complacent stance with policy development, pro-actively taking sufficient measures to assist with funding and resourcing and so on with the host countries, we now see some of the outcomes. There is an even larger population of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), you will know about Syria with 7 million+. Not often mentioned is other countries such as Iraq with around an additional 2 million+ during 2014 which also feeds into refugee movement.

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What the EU governments have done so far is to destroy borders and place citizens under laws brought by unelected people of the EU. Those laws have destroyed the sovereignty of countries and if recent events don't show you that then I sure can't.

It's true that gun sales are way up in Germany and soon people in other countries will be crying for guns. The only possible reason for the surge in gun sales is that the people want to be able to protect themselves. They see that the governments have endangered them and can't/won't protect them.

Your statement about what governments are doing comes a little late when the hordes have already come through the door. The governments have already destroyed the people's safety. This isn't 1950 1990 2000 2013 any more. It's 2015 and 2016 and it's going to hell in a handbasket in Europe.

BTW I'm not one who'd endorse neo-Nazism nor do I applaud when people drown at sea. I won't applaud when the traditional Europeans are being slaughtered in the streets, either.

"Inclusiveness is the liberal progressive left wingnut's code word for white genocide." If Europeans are to survive this they are going to have to defend themselves in their homes and in the streets.

The idea that there is an European government in Brussels with independent powers is nothing more than a myth.

Decisions are made by the Council of the European Union, to understand the membership and role go to the URL below, EU member States can separately enact legislation to defend their perceived national interest as has recently occurred with the likes of Sweden, Hungary etc etc.


EDIT: I did not accuse you personally of subscribing to neo-Nazi ideology and so on although I have just noted your comment in another topic...

"I doubt that the PC Europeans could stomach shooting someone who's invading their land. Hitler was only about 75 years too early or he'd own the joint"

He answered you better than I could so please just read this again.

Apparently a person is "as bad as Hitler" is they are against unchecked mass migration of unknown people from a culture/religion that has shown no sign of wanting to integrate into their host country, on the contrary, they want to change their host country to be more like the hell hole country they just fled because they didn't like it.

One is "as bad as Hitler" if they are against hundreds of thousands of young men swarming across their borders (used to be called an invading army), demanding local residents pay them, take care of them and allow them to sexually assault their females regardless of age (used to be called raping & pillaging)?

It's time the sane word untied against the "you're as bad as Hitler!" crowd who for whatever insane suicidal reason want to destroy their home country and culture while feeling somehow superior for it.

Instead of being shamed into staying quiet while all this happens, common-sense people need to put the shame where it belongs...on the idiots intent on committing national & cultural suicide.

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To get on top on the immigrant population? I think you mean the Muslim Immigrant problem. I have not seen anyone endorsing Nazism on here, nobody has suggested putting them in concentration camps or gassing Them have they?


Yes a number of members have posted pro Nazi sentiment, including advocating genocide of Muslim populations - removed by Mods, but members not banned for such activity. Some have suggested armed military shooting unarmed refugees at borders - ring a bell?

Which is existing German law, unarmed or not.

Can't shoot apparent children and only to incapacitate, but not stopping to be controlled, searched, registered, and possibly barred from entering after repeated hailings or warning shots warrants use of fire arms.

I already enlarged on this in another thread, post #28.

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What the EU governments have done so far is to destroy borders and place citizens under laws brought by unelected people of the EU. Those laws have destroyed the sovereignty of countries and if recent events don't show you that then I sure can't.

It's true that gun sales are way up in Germany and soon people in other countries will be crying for guns. The only possible reason for the surge in gun sales is that the people want to be able to protect themselves. They see that the governments have endangered them and can't/won't protect them.

Your statement about what governments are doing comes a little late when the hordes have already come through the door. The governments have already destroyed the people's safety. This isn't 1950 1990 2000 2013 any more. It's 2015 and 2016 and it's going to hell in a handbasket in Europe.

BTW I'm not one who'd endorse neo-Nazism nor do I applaud when people drown at sea. I won't applaud when the traditional Europeans are being slaughtered in the streets, either.

"Inclusiveness is the liberal progressive left wingnut's code word for white genocide." If Europeans are to survive this they are going to have to defend themselves in their homes and in the streets.

The idea that there is an European government in Brussels with independent powers is nothing more than a myth.

Decisions are made by the Council of the European Union, to understand the membership and role go to the URL below, EU member States can separately enact legislation to defend their perceived national interest as has recently occurred with the likes of Sweden, Hungary etc etc.


EDIT: I did not accuse you personally of subscribing to neo-Nazi ideology and so on although I have just noted your comment in another topic...

"I doubt that the PC Europeans could stomach shooting someone who's invading their land. Hitler was only about 75 years too early or he'd own the joint"

He answered you better than I could so please just read this again.

Apparently a person is "as bad as Hitler" is they are against unchecked mass migration of unknown people from a culture/religion that has shown no sign of wanting to integrate into their host country, on the contrary, they want to change their host country to be more like the hell hole country they just fled because they didn't like it.

One is "as bad as Hitler" if they are against hundreds of thousands of young men swarming across their borders (used to be called an invading army), demanding local residents pay them, take care of them and allow them to sexually assault their females regardless of age (used to be called raping & pillaging)?

It's time the sane word untied against the "you're as bad as Hitler!" crowd who for whatever insane suicidal reason want to destroy their home country and culture while feeling somehow superior for it.

Instead of being shamed into staying quiet while all this happens, common-sense people need to put the shame where it belongs...on the idiots intent on committing national & cultural suicide.

Seems to me some posters have their minds firmly closed in recognising that posts supporting / sympathises with Nazism / genocide / war crimes are the antithesis of acceptable personal ethics. An example in this very topic and of course your very own words.

"I thought Germans and Westerners were just mean when they ganged up on Serbia and supported Albania during Yugoslav Wars.

Now I realize they were just plain dumb."

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seems to me the odd Islamic apologist have their minds firmly closed to the evils of Islam and it's incompatibility with free western countries, you know the ones where tolerance,equal rights for woman and gays exist and where genital mutilation and baby marriages are actually illegal.

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seems to me the odd Islamic apologist have their minds firmly closed to the evils of Islam and it's incompatibility with free western countries, you know the ones where tolerance,equal rights for woman and gays exist and where genital mutilation and baby marriages are actually illegal.

Ooooooh, so you would be okay with refugees, that would be Christians?

Grenades are for Muslims, right!?

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