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Germany: AfD leader calls for right of border police to shoot at illegal migrants


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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

They are already calling them and anyone else not in line fascists and worse, so what's the difference?

Everybody not in line with the goddy two-shoes welcome-clappers is branded a racist, a facist, and at least a "Latent-Nazi, so his/her opinion can safely be kept out of the public discourse.

And I would not be surprised if AFD had a much higher result than the present 14%, a lot of people will keep their views hidden because they'd get ostracized,

so they wait until they can vote in the secrecy of a polling station.

I wager there's a good many people who will vote for them because they pledge a return to an orderly fashion at the border, and for that you obviously will need guns,

since those migrants will just swarm around the couple of border police as it happened in southern Austria where 4 police didn't even try holding up a swarm of 350 migrants.

They just walked on past them.

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Merkel should be shot - everything would pan out nicely after.

You are Trumped.

Neofascist mouth.

People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

I would phrase your last sentence differently:

In who's interest is it to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

Who profits from this orchestrated and planned situation? ...and profit doesn't have to mean money...

Germany will win. About 50% of refugees are instructed people..With intelligent integration policies (1 million$ are already admitted for schools for refugee childrens) Germany can

resove the problens of underaged Society (same Singapore).. Germany already integrated one million af economic refugees from East Germany.

Think about, the Trumped posters.

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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

They are already calling them and anyone else not in line fascists and worse, so what's the difference?

Everybody not in line with the goddy two-shoes welcome-clappers is branded a racist, a facist, and at least a "Latent-Nazi, so his/her opinion can safely be kept out of the public discourse.

And I would not be surprised if AFD had a much higher result than the present 14%, a lot of people will keep their views hidden because they'd get ostracized,

so they wait until they can vote in the secrecy of a polling station.

I wager there's a good many people who will vote for them because they pledge a return to an orderly fashion at the border, and for that you obviously will need guns,

since those migrants will just swarm around the couple of border police as it happened in southern Austria where 4 police didn't even try holding up a swarm of 350 migrants.

They just walked on past them.

Totally agree.....there was a 70 year old woman on one of the Pegida demonstrations asked by a reporter if she was a Nazi...obviously she wasnt..she was just scared to go out at night with a refugee camp just around her house and trying to make her piont...not being heard by our hiso politicians who are far away from

reality and save in their own guarded communities....not listening to the fears of your voters gets you into these situations...the big paries will get a wake up call in these elections...and then ask themselves "how could this have happenend?" Funny thing is..the big parties tried to discredit the Green Party many years ago and the Left Party..but to stay in power they mingle now in some states..just shows their greed for power...bah.gif

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10006 of the refugees camps have been attecked by rightright groups, with fire and the last with a hand granade. (Bundeskriminalamt)

The rightwing groups have more criminals inside than the immigrants (they have too, I admit.

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At present I'm reading a book titled "The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS" by Robert Spencer. This is a real eye opener to what is being planned not only for Europe but the rest of the world. It's already started with this so called refugee crisis. They plan on retaking all of the Muslim world that was lost over the years. They don't plan being nice either. Recommend reading this book, great history lesson.

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

I've only one point, Scott: not all [people] coming to the US are screened or even screened properly. I suspect during your experience with such things screening was the norm, and not compromised for political expediency. However, I do not think it is the same today. So, not only is the US not screening those that arrive the EU is not screening their own arrivals.




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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

Merkel and many other politicians in Europe living in their isolated, decadent, High Security ivory towers.

No one, for this madness responsible politicians, ever had to fight for there own bread.

This policy is treason and a slap in the face of many grandfathers.

In history we had the Turks at Vienna, now we have the Afghans, Ethiopians, Pakistanis, Moroccans, Tunisians,

Syrians and Arabs en masse in Berlin.

Millions of them.

They overran Europe now, and this unarmed.

Daily 7.000 - 10.000.

For Germany alone, are predicted again 2 million more this year.

How stupid is that?

There are not enough resources to take as many people.

These policies destabilized the whole of Europe.

The whole will again end in chaos, murder and manslaughter.

Next time, i will choose the party that clearly expresses to protect my country and the interests of my children.

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If the AfD wants to have a chance at the upcoming elections in the next weeks or so, they should refrain from such comments...it gives Merkel and her friends reasons to call them fascists...

The AtfD should also focus on other topics as well...and combine them with THE topic now so on the agender...I am not right winged but for this time i will vote for them because what Merkel did is Treason...Can not hear the sentence" Wir schaffen das" Who is we???and what is she doing???just wondering....crazy.gif

They are already calling them and anyone else not in line fascists and worse, so what's the difference?

Everybody not in line with the goddy two-shoes welcome-clappers is branded a racist, a facist, and at least a "Latent-Nazi, so his/her opinion can safely be kept out of the public discourse.

And I would not be surprised if AFD had a much higher result than the present 14%, a lot of people will keep their views hidden because they'd get ostracized,

so they wait until they can vote in the secrecy of a polling station.

I wager there's a good many people who will vote for them because they pledge a return to an orderly fashion at the border, and for that you obviously will need guns,

since those migrants will just swarm around the couple of border police as it happened in southern Austria where 4 police didn't even try holding up a swarm of 350 migrants.

They just walked on past them.

Migrants´ invasion - we´re taken for a fool.


The refugees from the WW2, all together German who looked different. That there are luxury refugees who really look like 'ne walking group! "Our" Refugees have eaten the dirt from the window cranny and the food and water thrown away carelessly not!

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At present I'm reading a book titled "The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS" by Robert Spencer. This is a real eye opener to what is being planned not only for Europe but the rest of the world. It's already started with this so called refugee crisis. They plan on retaking all of the Muslim world that was lost over the years. They don't plan being nice either. Recommend reading this book, great history lesson.

Muslims have been screaming from the roofs for 20 years that they will take over the entire world and turn it into muslim states. The UK has already been lost. The shariah patrols and shariah courts in the UK are still underground but they will emerge above ground very soon. Germany will fall next. And that is when the domino effect will start.

The stupidity and irresponsibility of those European politicians boggles the mind. Not only that, they are criminals as well. They need to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned as fast as possible.

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

I've only one point, Scott: not all [people] coming to the US are screened or even screened properly. I suspect during your experience with such things screening was the norm, and not compromised for political expediency. However, I do not think it is the same today. So, not only is the US not screening those that arrive the EU is not screening their own arrivals.




The links are primarily right-wing political sites and have little to do with refugees or screening.

All people, with the exception of unaccompanied minor children and those who are mentally ill, can and should be screened. Young children and those with mental issues may not be able to articulate a claim to refugee status. Even in those cases, they are usually screened, but the process becomes much longer and more complicated.

Screening is a legal process. Just as someone can be taken to court, they can be screened. If there is doubt, then they are not declared a refugee.

The US is in a reasonably enviable position because we can chose who to accept and we are under no obligation to accept people whose status can't be verified. Germany, and much of Europe are not so lucky, they have the unenviable task of screening people who are already in the country and who are going to be difficult if not impossible to repatriate.

If those who wish to politicize the issue, don't want Syrian refugees, then so be it. Countries should not be accepting people that they cannot resettle in reasonable comfort and safety. There are plenty of refugees from all over the world. Syrians are just the flavor of the month.

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The links are primarily right-wing political sites and have little to do with refugees or screening.

All people, with the exception of unaccompanied minor children and those who are mentally ill, can and should be screened. Young children and those with mental issues may not be able to articulate a claim to refugee status. Even in those cases, they are usually screened, but the process becomes much longer and more complicated.

Screening is a legal process. Just as someone can be taken to court, they can be screened. If there is doubt, then they are not declared a refugee.

The US is in a reasonably enviable position because we can chose who to accept and we are under no obligation to accept people whose status can't be verified. Germany, and much of Europe are not so lucky, they have the unenviable task of screening people who are already in the country and who are going to be difficult if not impossible to repatriate.

If those who wish to politicize the issue, don't want Syrian refugees, then so be it. Countries should not be accepting people that they cannot resettle in reasonable comfort and safety. There are plenty of refugees from all over the world. Syrians are just the flavor of the month.

C'mon Scott, be fair. There are countless Hispanics in the US who are totally unaccounted for. No one knows if or when they came in or what they are doing. There is little if any effort made to find out either.

I think I've made it clear that I don't have a problem with Hispanics as such and in fact I like them. I have a problem with unregulated and illegal immigration and we have lots of it.


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Unfortunately, it is not allowed here, to post in other languages than English.

Otherwise, I could deliver man first hand, eyewitness accounts by volunteers from all walks of life, about the reality (you know: the REAL reality...not the made up, right wing fringe reality, where 75% of all refugees are male...for example) of the refugee- camps in Germany and the violence, that goes on, on a daily basis. And I am NOT Talking about a little brawl between 2 guys inside the camps over whatever.

Hand grenades, arson, death threats against volunteers...you name it!

It is pretty well sumned up by a doctor, working in a camp near Cologne, where he is delivering first aid treatments to incoming refugees.

He said: The same people who are posting on FB about mistreated dogs, seem to have no problem, with letting refugees from war torn countries die, just outside the borders, they so eagerly want to shut down!

AfD, PEGIDA, LEGIDA and others are labeled fascist and Nazis, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

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Unfortunately, it is not allowed here, to post in other languages than English.

Otherwise, I could deliver man first hand, eyewitness accounts by volunteers from all walks of life, about the reality (you know: the REAL reality...not the made up, right wing fringe reality, where 75% of all refugees are male...for example) of the refugee- camps in Germany and the violence, that goes on, on a daily basis. And I am NOT Talking about a little brawl between 2 guys inside the camps over whatever.

Hand grenades, arson, death threats against volunteers...you name it!

It is pretty well sumned up by a doctor, working in a camp near Cologne, where he is delivering first aid treatments to incoming refugees.

He said: The same people who are posting on FB about mistreated dogs, seem to have no problem, with letting refugees from war torn countries die, just outside the borders, they so eagerly want to shut down!

AfD, PEGIDA, LEGIDA and others are labeled fascist and Nazis, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

75% of the refugees are male? Seriously? From the video evidence it appears to be at least 95% military age males. The official statistics will have to prove me right.The poor, young and vulnerable could never afford the approx 10,000 US dollar fee they must pay to the people smugglers to get them into Europe. This is the reason that the vast majority of the recent arrivals are pure criminal thugs.

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People coming to the US and declaring asylum are screened. If/when large numbers start coming they would likely be detained and screened. As it is now, some people can land, claim asylum and then disappear into the vastness of America, but that is not usual.

Europe has made the mistake of allowing them free entry and free passage throughout the continent. Before being turned loose, they should be cleared of any contagious medical conditions at a very minimum.

As it now stands, nobody knows how many there are for sure, where they are from, whether they are criminals or what their intentions are.

The UNHCR does not agree with the use of detention camps, but the UNHCR does not make any effort to prevent them. It is not in anybody's interest to allow a million+ people free and unfettered access to the continent.

I've only one point, Scott: not all [people] coming to the US are screened or even screened properly. I suspect during your experience with such things screening was the norm, and not compromised for political expediency. However, I do not think it is the same today. So, not only is the US not screening those that arrive the EU is not screening their own arrivals.




The links are primarily right-wing political sites and have little to do with refugees or screening.

All people, with the exception of unaccompanied minor children and those who are mentally ill, can and should be screened. Young children and those with mental issues may not be able to articulate a claim to refugee status. Even in those cases, they are usually screened, but the process becomes much longer and more complicated.

Screening is a legal process. Just as someone can be taken to court, they can be screened. If there is doubt, then they are not declared a refugee.

The US is in a reasonably enviable position because we can chose who to accept and we are under no obligation to accept people whose status can't be verified. Germany, and much of Europe are not so lucky, they have the unenviable task of screening people who are already in the country and who are going to be difficult if not impossible to repatriate.

If those who wish to politicize the issue, don't want Syrian refugees, then so be it. Countries should not be accepting people that they cannot resettle in reasonable comfort and safety. There are plenty of refugees from all over the world. Syrians are just the flavor of the month.

The US is very much as Germany in having less control than people think or demand. Left wing Washington Post- refugees and screening issue: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/federal-eye/wp/2015/11/17/senior-obama-officials-have-warned-of-challenges-in-screening-refugees-from-syria/

They can't be screened properly they should not enter.

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Unfortunately, it is not allowed here, to post in other languages than English.

Otherwise, I could deliver man first hand, eyewitness accounts by volunteers from all walks of life, about the reality (you know: the REAL reality...not the made up, right wing fringe reality, where 75% of all refugees are male...for example) of the refugee- camps in Germany and the violence, that goes on, on a daily basis. And I am NOT Talking about a little brawl between 2 guys inside the camps over whatever.

Hand grenades, arson, death threats against volunteers...you name it!

It is pretty well sumned up by a doctor, working in a camp near Cologne, where he is delivering first aid treatments to incoming refugees.

He said: The same people who are posting on FB about mistreated dogs, seem to have no problem, with letting refugees from war torn countries die, just outside the borders, they so eagerly want to shut down!

AfD, PEGIDA, LEGIDA and others are labeled fascist and Nazis, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

75% of the refugees are male? Seriously? From the video evidence it appears to be at least 95% military age males. The official statistics will have to prove me right.The poor, young and vulnerable could never afford the approx 10,000 US dollar fee they must pay to the people smugglers to get them into Europe. This is the reason that the vast majority of the recent arrivals are pure criminal thugs.

Don't be Trumped. The facts are different. 75% are male including the babies. A two year old boy has a miliitary age?

"This is the reason that the vast majority of the recent arrivals are pure criminal thugs",

You mean the European colonists who invaded Americ?

Edited by lungmi
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Merkel should be shot - everything would pan out nicely after.

You are Trumped.

Neofascist mouth.

Germany will win. About 50% of refugees are instructed people..With intelligent integration policies (1 million$ are already admitted for schools for refugee childrens) Germany can

resove the problens of underaged Society (same Singapore).. Germany already integrated one million af economic refugees from East Germany.

Think about, the Trumped posters.

I have no comment for legal reasons.

Germany will loose, big time. 1 million $ won't get you far, we are talking multiple billions. Which as such would not be the problem.

50% of Afghan and Pakistani migrants will be illiterate, 50% of all North-African and Georgian migrants are apparently criminal. 65% of Syrian refugees have schooling that according to PISA results is lagging five years after German results in 8th grade, Swedish statistics suggest 70% of what they have been taking in as refugees are unable to finish vocational training or school after 7y of living there. Motivation can make up for a lot, I had one experience with a child-soldier refugee from Sierra-Leone myself, but if that were to work on a broad scale, why don't we just take our German school-dropouts and qualify them for rocket-science?

East Germans were not refugees, they were citizens, and they were 16 millions. They spoke sorta German and East German schools had actually largely been doing a better job than West German with a view to maths, they just didn't learn any English. There have been some hick-ups with them fitting in and a lot of brain-drain from east to west, but I would not call that process integration. The term mainly refers to culture and socialization to my mind.

That is along the lines of the drivel (beg pardon) we are being fed by the press over here that a huge number of Germans had been taken in as refugees themselves in what is now West Germany after WW2 from the eastern parts that are now Polish, Russian, or Czech. Like you can compare an intake of own citizens with absolutely identical culture and language to what is now coming in from all over the world.

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Unfortunately, it is not allowed here, to post in other languages than English.

Otherwise, I could deliver man first hand, eyewitness accounts by volunteers from all walks of life, about the reality (you know: the REAL reality...not the made up, right wing fringe reality, where 75% of all refugees are male...for example) of the refugee- camps in Germany and the violence, that goes on, on a daily basis. And I am NOT Talking about a little brawl between 2 guys inside the camps over whatever.

Hand grenades, arson, death threats against volunteers...you name it!

It is pretty well sumned up by a doctor, working in a camp near Cologne, where he is delivering first aid treatments to incoming refugees.

He said: The same people who are posting on FB about mistreated dogs, seem to have no problem, with letting refugees from war torn countries die, just outside the borders, they so eagerly want to shut down!

AfD, PEGIDA, LEGIDA and others are labeled fascist and Nazis, because that is EXACTLY what they are!

As early as 17. October 2015 Green mayor of the southern German city of Tübingen, Boris Palmer, demanded the borders of Greece ought to be defended by a European corps of border police, as Greece could not be expected to manage. He explicitly demanded those border police should be armed. He said it was a normal thing for border police to carry firearms at almost every border in the world, German police were carrying firearms, too, after all.

As mayor of a town near the pointy end of the refugee-influx, Palmer has repeatedly made statements normally at odds with his leftist party’s views, apparently having had more than a brush with harsh realities trying to handle the flood of migrants. Already a day before he had publicly declared “We can not manage”, in contrast to Angela Merkel’s mantra from one month before.

Days after he was commended by ruling coalition party CDU, AFD, and German Home-Secretary Thomas DeMaiziere (CDU) for having a more realistic idea of the situation than his Green colleagues, especially those in Bundestag.

(Summary of a video from state television SWR (in German again))

As opposed to Dr. Petry from fascist, Nazi, evil xenophobic, and irredeemably undemocratic AFD he did not explicitly say, German, Greek, or European forces should/would/could be shooting refugees. I suppose that somehow made all the difference.

What those firearms would be for then can only be guessed at, people-smugglers at the Greek-Turkish land border are already being chased by armed Frontex/Greek joined forces.

Must be for foraging and more imposing looks.

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