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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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You are correct, or should one just say "right" about one thing, the party of grumpy, old, racist, bigoted, misogynist, right wing religious wacko white men cannot win against Bernie in the general and probably not even against Hillary.

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Wrong! There is NO voter fraud, none, nada, zip, zero! This is only to stop those that might vote Democratic from voting. Even the Republicans admit it. It only was enabled by the lifting of the Voters Right Act by the right wing federalist/corporate "gang of 5". If minorities, poor people, college students, and others who tend to vote with their brains, i.e. Democrat, cannot vote then what would have been a win for a Democrat candidate is now a loss. There IS voter suppression, all coming from the Republican right wingnut traitor extremists, the same as gerrymandering and electronic voter machine fraud. Poor people can't afford a voter ID and especially when they have to travel to a place they are unable to travel to because of funds. Can you say "Jim Crow", poll tax?

No doubt the Republicans want to restrict minority voting But.......let's get real, poor people can make the trip to access services available to them but can not to get a proper ID??

and how you say there is no voter fraud? if the person voting has no ID, how can one confirm that the person voting is indeed who he/she say they are?

When I voted today it was at Democratic primary not a Republican Primary and yes.. They require ID and that is as it should be.

It is ridiculous to say that 'smart voters' can't get picture ID.. That some how voters that prefer Democrats are some how unable to do something as simple as getting voter ID

And that some how Only the stupid voters are able to get picture ID?

See the below plse....

The reality is that no drivers ID is not expensive and many sites have reduced fees for those that qualify

Either 28 or those that qualify only 8 dollars

It seems to me that most of these ID complaints are really just a way to try and find a way for non US citizens to vote, which is illegal

If you want non citizens to have re right to vote, just come out and say it.


It will cost you $28 for a:

Original California ID.

CA ID card renewal.

Replacement CA ID card (for a lost or stolen card or a name change).

This ID Card valid for 6 years.

There is no cost:

For a senior citizen card if you're 62 years old or older. This card is valid for 10 years.

To change your address.

To exchange your driver's license for a CA ID card if you're no longer able to drive due to a physical or mental condition. Contact your local CA DMV office for more information.

Reduced Fee CA ID Card

If you meet income requirements from a government or public assistance program, you may be eligible to receive a CA ID for a reduced fee of $8.

You will need to obtain a Verification for Reduced Fee Identification Card form (Form DL 937) from the government or from a non-profit agency giving you assistance, and bring the completed form with you to the CA DMV when you apply for your CA ID card.


There is virtually no voter fraud in the United States -- only in Florida in 2000.

Present the case for voter fraud in the United States.

Present it.

There is no case.

It is a Republican and rightwhinge Bogey Man the only purpose of which is to prevent Democrats from, well, voting for Democrats.


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I thought Bernie would take Michigan.

So far Hillary has 1221 v Bernie's 571

Still Hillary has 461 v Bernie's 25 Superdelegates.

Without pledged Superdelegates it would be Hillary 745 v Bernie's 540

Bloody Superdelegates raining on my parade.

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So far one thing "appears" to be an outcome of the primaries, Hillary has moved back toward center-right just a tad. Of course all the populist talk, her so-called movement back to the center-right by is just hot air. She will be back to McCain's favorite tune, bomb, bomb, bomb, screw the unions and the working class, refuse to allow any regulations of her Wall Street criminal and bankster "friends". She was a Goldwater right winger then, still is. One thing about it, the corporate wing of the Democrat Party will stop at nothing to stop Bernie. It doesn't matter what the Republican establishment does, they have nothing but a dangerous buffoon car full of people that couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town 40 yrs. ago and one of those dangerous idiots will be their candidate. Then again the "people" did elect that "tricky" Dick Nixon and his cabal along with a B movie actor that gave the performance of his life as a president and truly started the ruin of America. We already know the outcome when a Democrat becomes president. It will be the same traitorous action by the Republicans in Congress. They are already saying no Democrat president nominee for Supreme Court will be acted on, ever.

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You are correct, or should one just say "right" about one thing, the party of grumpy, old, racist, bigoted, misogynist, right wing religious wacko white men cannot win against Bernie in the general and probably not even against Hillary.

Oh yes, that vast right-wing conspiracy thing again. Still a laugh riot, after all these years... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif The Cub Scouts could mount a campaign that would beat Sanders.

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I see a lot of parallels between the Hillary supporters and the Madoff investors. Madoff's investors figured he was up to something shady, probably illegal, but they assumed they would be the beneficiaries of those dishonest and fraudulent practices so they invested with him anyway.

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Bernie or Bust!!

I like that...

And by Bust.. I mean Trump

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This is the problem when you have quality candidates battling it out on real tangible issues and solutions to those issues. So far full credit has to go to the Democrat candidates Hillary and Bernie. There has been a couple of times when Bernie has got a little fired up but he has get straight back to the issues and focusing on what is best for the American people he wants to represent.

Going to be very difficult to beat the Dems on the issues and at the end of the day that is what the electorate will decide on.

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And this quote is why if Bernie doesn't make it... I'm voting Trump

As its about something bigger than just about some positions that may not agree with.. It's about trying to change the system


Bernie progressives have, through this primary, unwittingly uncovered the corrupted heart of our system: that influence peddling and money rule on both sides of the aisle. Supporting Hillary, to some extent, means capitulating, and accepting this system—which is exactly what Bernie Sanders is fighting against.


Voting for Hillary is the worst thing a Bernie supporter could do in my opinion...

I'm not worried about Trump.. If no one in congress .. Neither Republican nor Democrat is willing to work with him... There is very little damage he could do in the worst case..

And if he can do some of the things he wants , some may be benefit e.g. Negotiating costs to reduce costs, bringing jobs back to US

But a vote For Hillary means--

--- quote--

Voting for Hillary would mean diluting their power within the Democratic Party by supporting a leader who is bankrolled by big donors, caters to economic conservatives, and has shown progressive causes little commitment save for when it is convenient for her political career. Additionally, it would show the DNC that their votes are guaranteed despite the disregard shown by the party towards them. And most importantly, it would set a dangerous precedent that the media gets to pick the winners of the primary before any votes are even cast.

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And this quote is why if Bernie doesn't make it... I'm voting Trump

As its about something bigger than just about some positions that may not agree with.. It's about trying to change the system


Bernie progressives have, through this primary, unwittingly uncovered the corrupted heart of our system: that influence peddling and money rule on both sides of the aisle. Supporting Hillary, to some extent, means capitulating, and accepting this system—which is exactly what Bernie Sanders is fighting against.


Those folks who think, that if Bernie goes down, his supporters will rally around Clinton, I think are in for a real shock. It's not like they can't see her name on the ballot. If they'd wanted someone like her they'd have picked her, or maybe Cruz. Same,same but different.

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No way a Bernie supporter is going to vote Republican. Simply isn't going to happen.

Hell, Trump's no more a Republican than Hillary is a Democrat. People are beginning to see that most candidates are merely fronts for special interests. Large numbers of people do not see their interests at the forefront of those candidates interests. Accordingly, they're turning away from them.

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Could end up being a really strange election if Hillary and Trump...

With the most progressive in Democratic Party possibly sitting out Or voting for Trump in Protest

And with the most Conservative in Republican Party possibly sitting out or protest voting for Hillary

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No way a Bernie supporter is going to vote Republican. Simply isn't going to happen.

Speak for yourself..

It's this opinion by DNC powers that be that make it so they feel they can shaft Bernie and appoint Hillary.. As Bernie supporter have no were to go and at the end of the day must vote for Hillary

I am a Bernie supporter.. Voted for him in Primary and would vote for him in the fall

I refuse to vote for Hillary

If she wins and Trump wins.. I'd vote for Trump

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No way a Bernie supporter is going to vote Republican. Simply isn't going to happen.

Speak for yourself..

It's this opinion by DNC powers that be that make it so they feel they can shaft Bernie and appoint Hillary.. As Bernie supporter have no were to go and at the end of the day must vote for Hillary

I am a Bernie supporter.. Voted for him in Primary and would vote for him in the fall

I refuse to vote for Hillary

If she wins and Trump wins.. I'd vote for Trump

47.3% Hillary (+6.3%)

41.0% Trump <---------- your vote is included here

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Perhaps .. Only time will tell how it ends

But I still hoping for the below

Sanders: 53%

Trump: 38%

(Used fox poll as is in the middle)


You should notice that as time passes ... In national polls...

The margin between Trump and Hillary and Trump continues to get smaller and smaller

While if you run polling numbers between Sanders and Trump the numbers are getting wider and wider

Bernie is the best candidate hands down..

If trends continue as they are, will not be surprised if Trump end up beating Hillary

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Perhaps .. Only time will tell how it ends

But I still hoping for the below

Sanders: 53%

Trump: 38%

(Used fox poll as is in the middle)


You should notice that as time passes ... In national polls...

The margin between Trump and Hillary and Trump continues to get smaller and smaller

While if you run polling numbers between Sanders and Trump the numbers are getting wider and wider

Bernie is the best candidate hands down..

If trends continue as they are, will not be surprised if Trump end up beating Hillary

Yes CW I have been using realclearpolitics polling but the average of all the major Polls. I hope that smooths out bias. I gather my thoughts and then check them against the Polls to see if I haven't wondered too far of track with my own personal biases.

I think Fox has Bernie a little too far ahead of Trump. Average is +10 but that is a huge lead in politics.

Have to be careful with Polls. UK Polls had the Conservatives losing in a landslide but on the day people took a very measured view and returned Cameron.

I would have liked to have seen Bernie win by a bigger margin in Michigan. I thought he would have cleaned up there. Only 2%

It enters my mind if America hasn't hit absolute rock bottom yet to appreciate a Bernie. Maybe they need a term of Trump, find out how really desperate things can get and then form a posse, hog tie Bernie and drag him to the White House kicking and screaming.

A little concerned with the ructions going on in the DNC. Gabbard quits to support Bernie, not a good move and Schultz supporting payday lending predators. Do they realise there's a bloody election on? Good grief girls keep it together.

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I agree that no Bernie supporter, or extremely few will vote for any Republican, I won't. Hell, never have, never will. I recognize them for what they are. Then again I'm not exactly within the mold of what represents the Democratic Party, even the progressive wing. What that means is that votes that could have put her as the winner simply aren't there and I think this a very bad situation for Hillary (and America) in the general. Many in the Democratic Party recognize her for what she and Bill have always been, neoliberal Republicans. Many Democrats did not vote for Obama in the last election and obviously have stayed home in droves during the midterms because they are losing any hope of turning America back into what it was supposed to be. Frankly except for some social differences (war on women, dominionists-faux christian sharia etc.) there isn't much difference between the corporate wing of the Democratic Party (Hillary) and the sane Republicans (a rare species these days). Add gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter machine manipulation and we could end up with a neofascist in charge. America and the world better hope Bernie pulls off an even bigger miracle than Michigan.

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Burnie is what you American need big time .he is a god for change a man full of good not owned by anyone ,He will fix what is rotten in America believe in this man,vote him in.

Agree Bernie is what America needs, but due to power brokers in the Democratic Party, may be forced to settle for Trump

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Burnie is what you American need big time .he is a god for change a man full of good not owned by anyone ,He will fix what is rotten in America believe in this man,vote him in.

Don't you just love foreigners who are such experts in what's good for "us Americans"?

What hubris.

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Burnie is what you American need big time .he is a god for change a man full of good not owned by anyone ,He will fix what is rotten in America believe in this man,vote him in.

Don't you just love foreigners who are such experts in what's good for "us Americans"?

What hubris.

Why not? Can't count the number of foreigners on Thai Visa that seem to be experts for Thais

At the end of the day who is the president in America will have an impact on other countries so I can understand why non Americans will have an opinion on who is the next President

That being said, it is Americans that will be the one to decide but there is nothing wrong with Americans thinking about how their choice will impact America's international relations with other countries

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Today's line in Las Vegas to be elected next Potus

HR Clinton has odds of 1-2 or the probability percentage of 66.67%

DJ Trump has odds of 3-1 or the probability percentage of 25%.

These odds haven't changed since the day after Super Tuesday (March 1st). Odds aren't everything but the oddsmakers in Vegas have a long and superb track record.

Looking at RCP polling averages and the D party lock on 251 Electoral College votes with 270 needed to win (Florida alone with 29 of 'em Bingo!) and all the blue smoke and mirrors from the right about Bernie Sanders voters not voting for HRC gets blown away. The right still hasn't figured out the new math. Bernie's primary campaign voters know it well.

The right keeps running out of things to make up out of the blue so they should keep right on smoking that stuff that comes across from south of the border.

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