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Anti-semitic French comedian Dieudonné forced to leave Thailand


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The last thing zionists want is for the truth and all of their lies to be exposed. Always playing the victim but responsible for most of the hate and murder that's gone on in the world for the last 150 years. Who controls the world banking system, mass media, US foreign policy and who were the bolsheviks that were responsible for the genocide of countless millions of Russian and Ukranian christians? Wake up and stop listening to their drivel and please no accusations or lectures about me being an anti semite. Plenty of jews are anti zionist.

Don't believe me? Click on the video link for a good short film.

^^ these type of jewis are against zionism and the state of israel because of radical religious reasons, ie. god did not choose the state of israel, people did. therefor according to them zionism and the state of israel are evil.

this been said: imo denying the holocaust should be allowed, same as insulting jesus or mohammed. sure, it's stupid and provocative to deny the holocaust but if that is the guy's opinion. opinions don't kill people......

Opinions certainly do kill people. Hitler's opinions caused the death of 6 million Jews, 2 million gypsies and million upon millions of young men around the World. The opinion of a few Muslims caused the death of Charlie Hebdo.

watso33: For you to say that you are not an anti Semite is a (bitter) joke. You blame the "zionists" but simply mean the Jews. It is not the Zionists who, ACCORDING TO YOU, control the world banking, US policy etc. You mean the JEWS. You are an ignorant racialist.

Of course, there are Jews who are not Zionists. Quite a few of them, and with most of them it has nothing to do with God. They simply like to be French, British, Americans, Thais etc and feel no connection to Israel, although they are practicing, or non practicing, Jews. Some (including myself) srtictrly and strongly oppose the Israeli aggressive policies, although agree that Israel should be allowed to thrive in peaceful and secure borders, either next to an independent Palestinian state or in a bi national state with the Palestinians as absolutely equal citizens.

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