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Anti-semitic French comedian Dieudonné forced to leave Thailand


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Interesting case. Thailand does give a s%$* about antisemitism. There must been pressure from very very very high to kick him out. Think about all the Hakenkreuz shirts and tatooes around the country. I have meet a Thai guy around 21 year of age who had many Hitler based tattoos on his body and was very proud of it. I spared my time to explained him that his would probably get in trouble if he trouble with this in Europe.

Yes, I'm a little surprised that this was taken seriously at a high level and acted on in a short space of time.

Something's changed, I'm sure we all remember the 'Hitler Fried Chicken' incident from a few years back.

I don't recall that the Israeli embassy got involved in that one, but I know you're totally wrong, nothing's changed. Israel and Thailand have decent relations, simple as that.

So nothing's changed in Thailand about that.

But a place that has changed is in FRANCE.

The antisemitism there is as bad as its been since World War 2 and a significant percentage of French Jews don't feel safe living there anymore.

There are almost no Thai Jews, but France includes the third most populous Jewish population in the world, after the USA and Israel.

Interestingly a country doesn't need to have any or many Jews for there to be rampant anti-semitism (neighboring Malaysia is a classic example of that) but antisemitism in Thailand (among Thais) is not at all severe.

Did it ever cross your mind that distain can come from a valid place? Not choosing sides here but feelings and opinions are always valid and often based on truths. You have shown your allegiance and your truths are your truths but just because you say "Jews are great because of this or that" doesn't make it anymore valid than people who hold an opposing view. Free speech includes distain and even hate, valid or not. Silencing those who you say should be silenced makes you just as guilty and those you claim should be silenced. I agree with your posts on TV a vast majority of the times but you may have lost your objectivity due to your overwhelmingly obvious allegiances in this case. Let's keep it "jing" Jingthing.

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Being french I am very happy this ars... has been thrown out.. I only deeply regret he is not thrown out from France... I read somebody here saying he is supposed to be one of the best french humorists.. Sorry this piece of sh.. doesn't make me laugh and I think he is far from being the best humorist or even a decent level one.. I remind he also for years had a jew as a partner.. it was Elie and Dieudonné (for Elie Semoun).. Of course they split and when they were together, yes they were humorists....

I just remind he also has in France a case for tax evasions and not only for 1000 euros but huge amounts.. etc.. I wish he would have been kept here in BGK Hilton where conditions are not as good as they are in France and would rot her\e in jail till he burns in hell..

If our government was good he would be in jail already and for a good quantity of years..

Regarding the jews condition in France, a lot already left due to security reasons and a lot are decided to leave ASAP.. Lately the Marseille's rabin called the jews not to wear the kippa any more as a jew teacher had been stabbed in the back and nearly killed by a 16 years old arab when going to school.. He was saved only because he managed when falling down to protect himself with his bag and holly book.. !!

Have a nice day

Yes, he is recognized by a fast majority of people in his industry and the public to be the best.

You don't like his humour, so what?

Many more appreciate his performances, without necessary approving all of his public declarations.

Elie, unfortunately, does not have the same talent.

As for his problem with the justice system in France, it's another discussion.

Yeah, I downloaded all he's shows from the net. and watched them on my own....he is very funny and says a whole lot of inconvenient truths about the Zionists.

Now ?.. if all the Jews assimilate them selves with Zionists it is there problem. If they can not make the difference ?!?!?

Diedonne sometimes pushes the limits (like did Coluche and others)....but never falls into anti Semitism. On the other hand, the world would never improve if people like him didn't pushed the limits...a bit.by a bit..???

Dieudonne has powerful enemies, and they use every thing they can to brake him....and the law and the media are always on there side....

Best regards.

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Wow. Amazing how people here who don't speak french and have never even heard of him or his work can react, judge etc....

Dieudonne is not Holocaust denier, not anti semitic, he clearly denounced Israel and Zionism. Anyone who criticize Israel is called antisemitic. He is one of the victims of this vendetta.

He worked for long time as duo on with a Jew partner, which shows the big lie about his antisemitic position.

Sorry you're wrong. See my previous posts.
Your post didn't address the long history of political satire in French culture. Some are really brilliant, and yes, they're part of a democratic apparatus.

Dieudonnee is anti establishment. Nothing more...

From a logic point of view: if someone is named falsely 'anti semitic' while he isn't, is in fact applying a subtile form of anti semitism...

Wow, I am always amazed by the creativity of fear mongers. New concept "subtle antisemitism". You are too subtle too. :-)

Can you show me one situation where he was subtlety antisemitic?

In the judicial case against Jewish French reporter Patrick Haziza.

Average person with basic knowledge of French history knows that decret Cremieux was implemented and it's not anti semitic to ask whereabouts of any grandparents during WW2...

Edited by Thorgal
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What is wrong? only facts count. Show them if you have any and put references. Without that, your opinion have no value.

BTW, you should say what I wrote is maybe wrong, it has nothing about me. Why you personalize this discussion?

Your previous posts don't bring any specific facts about dieudonne case. Just generalities and opinions that are yours. Facts or nothing and references please

OK, sorry about personnalisation. Your perception of Dieudonné correspond to how he was maybe 10 years ago, not what he has become since. He started by being antizionist and ended up being antisemitic. I brought some facts in a post I made before and was lazy to repeat again (see previous page of this thread), stating:

"No! This guy has crossed the border between free speech (antizionism) and racism (antisemitism) more than 10 years ago. He has since continuously targeted a group of people (the Jews), not only a state (Israel) and its policy. He has been condemned several times for inciting racial hate, has developped relationships with extreme-right racist movements, etc... For example he has been long linked to Alain Soral, who is famous for doing a "quenelle" (a gesture widely interpreted as: "you have it in the ass"), in front of the Shoah memorial in Berlin When you look at his sketches and the reactions of his public, the tone is clearly racist.

Just a few eloquent cases (From a French court judgment):

About Holocaust:

Dieudonne claimed to know nothing about the gas chambers but said he can organize a meeting for anyone interested with Robert (Rober Faurisson, a well-known negationist in France)

Additionnally, he also declared that he shouldn't be required to judge between "the Jews and the Nazis.", and also: "I don't know what happened, who provoked whom, who stole from whom, I've got my little idea, but... you know."

If you have information showing that what I wrote is innacurate, please bring them to our knowledge (remember I don,t say he's not antizionist, I say he is antizionist + antisemitic. Even pro-palestinian organisations in France have disaproved him.

If you want to refresh your information on him, see:


In particular:


Les deux articles ne prouvent absolument rien. À part le fil des événements de ses procès avec la justice et l'acharnement des puissantes organisations sionistes de France contre toute voix discordante.

Can you bring tangible proof of him saying anything antisemitic? Vidéo for exemple.

Btw, valls prime minister déclarés recently, hé will pass a law to make any criticism of Israel forbidden and punished. Not because it's France, everything is right neither good.

So you consider the quotes I made are not antisemitic? (they come from his videos on Youtube, and quoted in the minutes of the court ruling)

Dieudonne claimed to know nothing about the gas chambers but said he can organize a meeting for anyone interested with Robert (Rober Faurisson, a well-known negationist in France)

Additionnally, he also declared that he shouldn't be required to judge between "the Jews and the Nazis.", and also: "I don't know what happened, who provoked whom, who stole from whom, I've got my little idea, but... you know."

Do you also consider that this is not antisemitic(from one of his show, and also cited in the minutes of the court ruling) « Tu vois, lui, si le vent tourne, je ne suis pas sûr qu'il ait le temps de faire sa valise. Moi, tu vois, quand je l'entends parler, Patrick Cohen, j'me dis, tu vois, les chambres à gaz... Dommage » I explain for non-French, this one: Patrick Cohen is a jewish French journalist he hates and Dieudonné declared: "You see, if tide turns, I am not sure he would have time to pack a suitcase. Me, you know, when I hear Patrick Cohen talking, I tell to myself, you know, gas chambers....too bad" (In case some of you had some doubt about the meaning, any French people understands he means "too bad there are no gas chamber any more to put him in)


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a great advocate for peace?...

How some people can say that, he publicly denies the holocaust and it's ok for you to have some people like that doing shows around the world saying this?....

Please share with us any links/articles, where "he publicly denied the holocaust" ... you won't find any.

If he had, it's a serious offense in France:


There are plenty of articles regarding this, even on his own wiki page he describes the holocaust as "memory pornography" for Jews. It's one of the reasons he served prison time in Belgium and is banned from the UK. He is a promoter of terrorism and hatred.

There is none. If he had denied the holocaust, he would have been easily convicted for this in France. He has not been convicted for this.

The "Memory pornography" quote, does not in any way means he denied the holocaust.

Again, a video of him visiting Auschwitz:


You have the right not to like his humour (assuming you understand French) or his position on certain topics, but have the intellectual honesty of not repeating incorrect facts or ... pure lies.

Let's talk about intellectual honesty. When this guy invites Robert Faurisson onto the stage and tells the audience to applaud him. is he not accepting and endorsing Faurisson's own view? Honestly? Or do you think it's funny, a good joke? This person has been banned from entering the UK, served time in Belgium, suspended sentence in France, is under arrest in HK because of his anti-semitic "humour" which everybody else (except a few people like you) brands as promoting terror and incitement to hatred. If he'd been shut up a lot of people wouldn't be dead and the World would be a different place

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Anyway, I say good on Thailand for doing the right thing and booting out that troublemaker!

I am curious. He was planning to do the show in French, I assume?

So there are enough Francophones in Phuket who dig the Quenelle to support such a show?

From what I can read on the internet from the French community in Phuket, it seems there are quite a number of "French" people there whose views are similar to Dieudonné's

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Anyway, I say good on Thailand for doing the right thing and booting out that troublemaker!

I am curious. He was planning to do the show in French, I assume?

So there are enough Francophones in Phuket who dig the Quenelle to support such a show?

From what I can read on the internet from the French community in Phuket, it seems there are quite a number of "French" people there whose views are similar to Dieudonné's

It's not astonishing. There are also plenty of French people who share the view of French extreme-right Marine Le Pen on arabs and moslems. Some also think the former Ministry of Justice (she's black) should go back to her tree and eat bananas. Unfortunately, no country is imune to racism and stupidity.


What amazes me, when I see all the arab and black people rejoicing at Dieudonné's antisemistic jokes, is that they don't understand that the next victims of racism may well be themselves. It has already (re)started in France with a resurgence of hatred against arabs and moslems after the terrorist attacks.

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He's almost as bad as Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie hebdo was great, they went a bit too far sometimes, but were great anyway....and I miss there sense of humour...!!! witch was only comprehensive to real French speakers.

There was no other equivalent in the world to Charlie Hebdo....

We could use it here to change things a bit.....


The online satirical magazine Vive Charlie was born out of that:


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He's almost as bad as Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie hebdo was great, they went a bit too far sometimes, but were great anyway....and I miss there sense of humour...!!! witch was only comprehensive to real French speakers.

There was no other equivalent in the world to Charlie Hebdo....

We could use it here to change things a bit.....


The online satirical magazine Vive Charlie was born out of that:


I doubt the dead (or alive) members of Charlie Hebdo would approve this one.

The spirit of Charlie Hebdo was to criticise/mock various abuses, excesses and hypocisis resulting from religions. They never excusively focused on the moslem religion and were targeting all religions, and most of all the Christian religion which is dominant in France. And religion was only one topic among others, the main topic being politics. This Vive Charlie seems to be quasi-exclusively focused on criticising Islam.

Despite the claimed filiation, I don't see the spirit of Charlie Hebdo in this initiative, nor its sense of humour.

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Anyway, I say good on Thailand for doing the right thing and booting out that troublemaker!

I am curious. He was planning to do the show in French, I assume?

So there are enough Francophones in Phuket who dig the Quenelle to support such a show?

From what I can read on the internet from the French community in Phuket, it seems there are quite a number of "French" people there whose views are similar to Dieudonné's

It's not astonishing. There are also plenty of French people who share the view of French extreme-right Marine Le Pen on arabs and moslems. Some also think the former Ministry of Justice (she's black) should go back to her tree and eat bananas. Unfortunately, no country is imune to racism and stupidity.


What amazes me, when I see all the arab and black people rejoicing at Dieudonné's antisemistic jokes, is that they don't understand that the next victims of racism may well be themselves. It has already (re)started in France with a resurgence of hatred against arabs and moslems after the terrorist attacks.

consequences of wrong policies for too many years...


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The man is a holocaust denier a promoter of hatred and religious bigotry.

Good riddance.

The belief in free speech is much more important than what an individual thinks.

Your ilk won't be happy until we're all brainwashed by the MSM, and shout Obama is wonderful, Trump is evil.

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Never heard him, and never heard of him, but is he anti-semitic, as in anti-Jewish? Or anti-Israel? While there is no doubt that either would get the Israeli ambassador's knickers in a twist, there is a huge difference.

Actually less than you suggest.In fact it is part of the Jew hater's mantra to make this argument.Google for example the views of the nauseatingly unpleasant though not unintelligent Jew hater Charles Frith who is constantly trying to make this distinction.

Typically the Internet Jew haters combine quite plausible trenchant criticisms of Israeli policy (with which reasonable people might agree) with racial caricatures which would not be out of place in Nazi Germany.

Often it's just a matter of tone.

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Anyway, I say good on Thailand for doing the right thing and booting out that troublemaker!

I am curious. He was planning to do the show in French, I assume?

So there are enough Francophones in Phuket who dig the Quenelle to support such a show?

From what I can read on the internet from the French community in Phuket, it seems there are quite a number of "French" people there whose views are similar to Dieudonné's

It's not astonishing. There are also plenty of French people who share the view of French extreme-right Marine Le Pen on arabs and moslems. Some also think the former Ministry of Justice (she's black) should go back to her tree and eat bananas. Unfortunately, no country is imune to racism and stupidity.


What amazes me, when I see all the arab and black people rejoicing at Dieudonné's antisemistic jokes, is that they don't understand that the next victims of racism may well be themselves. It has already (re)started in France with a resurgence of hatred against arabs and moslems after the terrorist attacks.


So far in france the "democatic parties" managed to keep the far right "FN" out of power but it does look like this year perhaps was the last time they managed that ... in the last votes FN did score around 40% of the voters in the secondary votings and only because the rest did everywhere manage to just field one candidate a landslide victory was stopped. Give them one more terrorist attack and its will be 51+% FN and the french voting system pretty much gives them free reign to do what they want !

But the problem is they (the french arabs) dont believe anything can happen to them. They remind me of "arabs and turks" in germany that say that now they are around 5 million and they are so many nothing can happen ... DELETED And i see no Superpower doing anything should because they all have problem with their muslims (ok the americans not but they believe they have them) and i dont see russia ( 20 years terrorist wars in the south ), China (already in a semi war in several provinces) , France ( every night fighting some some suburbs ) , UK ( already having sharia courts in some towns and many unhappy voters ) or the USA say a word if someone starts to "fix" that problem. Even the superliberal Countries like Sveden have enough of that DELETED

Edited by seedy
racist / troll / flaming
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There is none. If he had denied the holocaust, he would have been easily convicted for this in France. He has not been convicted for this.

The "Memory pornography" quote, does not in any way means he denied the holocaust.

Again, a video of him visiting Auschwitz:


You have the right not to like his humour (assuming you understand French) or his position on certain topics, but have the intellectual honesty of not repeating incorrect facts or ... pure lies.

Let's talk about intellectual honesty. When this guy invites Robert Faurisson onto the stage and tells the audience to applaud him. is he not accepting and endorsing Faurisson's own view? Honestly? Or do you think it's funny, a good joke? This person has been banned from entering the UK, served time in Belgium, suspended sentence in France, is under arrest in HK because of his anti-semitic "humour" which everybody else (except a few people like you) brands as promoting terror and incitement to hatred. When Hitler was persecuting Jews and gipsies people like you stood and did nothing - freedom of speech, right? If he'd been shut up a lot of people wouldn't be dead and the World would be a different place

I have to assume you are not French nor speak French, as you will have a different understanding on the event where he invited Robert Faurisson on stage.

You may find this of poor taste, but In no way did he mentioned he supported the opinion of Faurisson regarding "denying the holocaust".

You keep repeating he is an holocaut denier, have proof, but if it was true, he would have been convicted for this in France, which he has not.

As for telling me what I would have done during Hitler's time, be cautious about what you write or imply.

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The man is a holocaust denier a promoter of hatred and religious bigotry.

Good riddance.

The belief in free speech is much more important than what an individual thinks.

Your ilk won't be happy until we're all brainwashed by the MSM, and shout Obama is wonderful, Trump is evil.

Utter nonsense.

Clearly you have already been brainwashed by the foaming at the mouth, rabid right.

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Good.clap2.gif Happy to hear Thailand kicked out that horrible Jew hater.

he don't look like a frenchman to me, more like an african negro from nigeria however with all the immigration mess going on in france, i suppose it could be possible.

There is always one who comes up with this remark, and rightly so, because we all know that every french citizen is lily white.

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"Not giving up, Ambassador Roded wrote to Phuket’s governor, copying in Thailand’s prime minister and foreign minister."

Phuket’s governor:

"What Anti-Semitic mean? anybody know? These stupid buffalo Farangs are driving me crazy!"

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Good.clap2.gif Happy to hear Thailand kicked out that horrible Jew hater.

he don't look like a frenchman to me, more like an african negro from nigeria however with all the immigration mess going on in france, i suppose it could be possible.

Just out of curiosity, what is an African negro?

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The article written by mister Itamar Eichner in Chiangrai times ,you refer to, is a mixture of half truth and omissions . Dieudonné denounces the utilization of the shoa made by the state of Israel to justify its policy in Palestine and this, helped woldwide by a strong loby.

Reminder Israel is occupying for more than 50 years and stealing land from another country regularly and continuoiusly see this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement .

It does not respect even basic international laws .This country is able to bomb civilians , schools , hospitals ,

it wants to completely annex palestine and does want peace at all, otherwise it would not continue to steel land to make new settlements (New ones have been signed last week)The result is the future looks like to be an apartheid system .

Its lobby is so powerful that they never get international sanctions and are not sue for crime against humanity.Its lobby is so powerful that they can even push a country to kick out an humorist who speaks out loud about a scandal which should have been stop for long time.

To concluse I recomend the site "Ynetnews" which help to undestand the subjectivity of the article written by Mister Itamar Eichner.

Dieudonné is against Israel state policy not against jewish people It is the same for many Rabbis in US and even inside Israel and he is one of the best french humorists.

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Occupying land taken as a result of repeated attacks is not stealing. If they had never been attacked they would not be there. They left the Gaza strip and look what happened. Israel is entitled to defend it's self and the old he's not against Jews just the Israeli govt is a worn out excuse for hating Israel and what it stands for.

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Seems in this politically correct world, only Jews get to make jokes about Jews, blacks about blacks and well of course the Irish are fair game. The comedy show does not seem like it would be a sell out crowd and nothing to be bothered seeing. That said its really f_~ked up that you expell someone from you country because another country does not like their humor. Political correctness is now the banner for the lefties to silence freedom of speech.

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The article written by mister Itamar Eichner in Chiangrai times ,you refer to, is a mixture of half truth and omissions . Dieudonné denounces the utilization of the shoa made by the state of Israel to justify its policy in Palestine and this, helped woldwide by a strong loby.

Reminder Israel is occupying for more than 50 years and stealing land from another country regularly and continuoiusly see this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement .

It does not respect even basic international laws .This country is able to bomb civilians , schools , hospitals ,

it wants to completely annex palestine and does want peace at all, otherwise it would not continue to steel land to make new settlements (New ones have been signed last week)The result is the future looks like to be an apartheid system .

Its lobby is so powerful that they never get international sanctions and are not sue for crime against humanity.Its lobby is so powerful that they can even push a country to kick out an humorist who speaks out loud about a scandal which should have been stop for long time.

To concluse I recomend the site "Ynetnews" which help to undestand the subjectivity of the article written by Mister Itamar Eichner.

Dieudonné is against Israel state policy not against jewish people It is the same for many Rabbis in US and even inside Israel and he is one of the best french humorists.

He's just been convicted 6 times by French courts for racism and incitation to racial hate. :)

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