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Sweden: masked men threaten to attack migrant children


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Do you have a problem comprehending English ?

Nothing to do with the whole of Europe. These are the figures for Germany only.

This part of the topic started out talking about the percentages of refugees/asylum seekers/economic migrants in the whole of Europe.

You changed it to just Germany in an effort to support your view.

Even though the source you used does the opposite!

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7by7, on 19 Feb 2016 - 19:45, said:
SgtRock, on 19 Feb 2016 - 12:31, said:

Do you have a problem comprehending English ?

Nothing to do with the whole of Europe. These are the figures for Germany only.

This part of the topic started out talking about the percentages of refugees/asylum seekers/economic migrants in the whole of Europe.

You changed it to just Germany in an effort to support your view.

Even though the source you used does the opposite!

You asked for a source and a link - I provided it.

When YOU can provide figures for the whole of Europe I will listen.

I will work on the figures that have been approved for asylum, until YOU prove otherwise.

No sources I have used prove the opposite. It is in black and white. 36% of those processed in Germany in 2015 were Syrian.

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I originally said that "many (most probably) are genuine refugees."

To which you responded "It has been established that around 30-35% are genuine refugees."

You have yet to provide any evidence which backs that up, or even who 'established' it..

In his interview Mr Timmermans does state this, and quotes figures as his source. Figures which, were you to check them for yourself you would see actually show the opposite! I assume Mr Timmermans misread the figures and made an error.

You have provided is a figure from Wikipedia which shows that 49.5% of applications which were finalised in Germany in 2015 were approved; and, as you are obsessed with Syrians, 96% of applications in Germany from Syrians were approved.

However, those figures do not represent the whole of Europe and do not include applications which were still pending at the end of 2015.

Were you to actually read the links I have provided previously you would see that they include figures for the whole of Europe.

You can respond if you like, but I wont be until and unless you actually produce real evidence to back up your original claim.

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One of the little migrant children murdered a gay man, he got four years in jail. Makes me wonder whether gays in Sweden are regarded as less than human, Muslims are a protected group, or both.


You are assuming this youth is Muslim; which as he is of North African origin is probably correct.

But your assumption that his four year sentence may mean Muslims are somehow protected in Sweden is absurd.

As the report says, he will be deported once he has served his sentence.

As the report also says, had he been over 18 he would have got life.

Your thought that gays in Sweden may be regarded as less than human may have some merit.

A little bit of research will give you many examples of discrimination against gays, assaults on gays and murder of gays carried out by native Swedes.

Not that you'll be interested. As you have shown many times in other topics, you are only concerned when you can use such crimes to advance your prejudice and ignore crimes committed by non Muslims.

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One of the little migrant children murdered a gay man, he got four years in jail. Makes me wonder whether gays in Sweden are regarded as less than human, Muslims are a protected group, or both.


You are assuming this youth is Muslim; which as he is of North African origin is probably correct.

But your assumption that his four year sentence may mean Muslims are somehow protected in Sweden is absurd.

As the report says, he will be deported once he has served his sentence.

As the report also says, had he been over 18 he would have got life.

Your thought that gays in Sweden may be regarded as less than human may have some merit.

A little bit of research will give you many examples of discrimination against gays, assaults on gays and murder of gays carried out by native Swedes.

Not that you'll be interested. As you have shown many times in other topics, you are only concerned when you can use such crimes to advance your prejudice and ignore crimes committed by non Muslims.

To cut through your usual tedious waffle, they don't know for sure the age of the murderer, they just presume under 18, how very convenient. Not that it is that surprising seeing as Sweden has given up on the rule of law in favour of (unsuccessfully) trying to censor news flow so the truth doesn't get out.


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Yet again, having no rational argument, you resort to a Muslim hating website as 'proof' of your prejudice!

Another view of the same situation: Swedish police: 55 official no-go zones

[Edit: To clarify, the term no-go zones is how the Swedish media referred to the report when it was released. It is also what the police officers call it (direct quote in English found here) However, the report itself does not use that wording; it talks about the regular justice system being disabled, police being unable to perform its duties and local residents considering the criminals to be the ones running the area, with police being subjected to violence and harassment when entering. The net effect is the same, but in light of the Fox News controversy it seems prudent to point this out. It should also be made clear that this report refers to criminal gangs seizing control; the kind of shariah-ruled, muslim-only enclaves Steve Emerson was talking about in Britain and France do not exist in Sweden.]

(7by7 emphasis)

Of course, some of those gangs are made up of or contain Muslim immigrants; but many more are native Swedes.

Read a bit more of that guy's blog and you'll see that his politics are very similar to yours; so you can't call him 'a leftie Muslim apologist.'

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