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Inside the world of Luuk Thep: Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind


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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

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Not the same, for example the Judeo Christian moral ethic is the basis for much of civilized worlds legal system. Signifying there is something to this world view other than good luck. Some profound wisdom and positive applications can be found in the tomes when used selflessly do make the world a better place. For example love your neighbour - do not steal...

The doll thing is just monopolizing on peoples greed and laziness.

But perhaps you feel this is equal.

Nice deflection.. but no sigar.

We were talking about proof for either of them and proof for god. As long as there is no proof for either both are equally crazy.

I guess I found out what kind of crazy you subscribe too.. Christianity.

I am an atheist, and I also don't steal not because some god told me not too but because its logical. Just because you claim its a christian thing does not make it true. Look all over the world and in all religions there are few that even allow stealing. Does that mean its from religion or because its logical.

I find it utterly stupid of religious people to attack other peoples religion. Just accept they are all equally unproven.

My crazy is good your crazy is bad. (kill murder maim) that is the way of religions.

I did provide some evidence that Judeo Christian world view has merit. Everyone subscribes to a world view one way or another. Yours is clearly founded on anti-religion. I am sure it would take very little prompting for you to detail the merits of that. But you cannot place this faith in doll spirits on the same playing field as what you or I have determined to be true. It is not something that has been arrived at through meditation, study, self exploration and historical basis. It is a cheap con and lucky charm. A product of greed and intellectual vacuity.

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

Because souls have better things to do than going to nails parlors or facespas.

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Whoever got the idea of these dolls........it's brillant. There a lot of people in the world who will believe this B.S. And especially Thais with their belive in "Ghosts" are very sensitive and sensible.

It's all about business and making money. And if monks are involved it's a win-win situation?

Actually what will happen if the so called "parents" will die one day?

P.T. Barnum probably had a Thai mia noi back in the day, and his great grandson is who thought up these things.


I just posted the above and now I see OffRoadPat beat me to it. Sorry Mate.

Quote: "There is one born every minute,....Barnum said, long time ago....I guess it's every second now....!!!"

Edited by jaywalker
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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

I need proof.. i disbelieve this as much as Christianity and Judism, the Islam ect.

But most here indeed are people in glass houses believing in Christ without any proof and acting like this is crazy.

I just think its all equally crazy.

And proving that something is not is far harder as proving that something is .. that is why religious people will always ask others to prove that something is not.

Like if I have to prove the car is not outside.. i look out see no car.. religious people.. its invisible.. oh ok.. so that is no proof there is no car. ect ect. While proving that there is.. i see a car go sit in it drive off.. proven. Now let them prove god.

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Anyone remember "Cabbage Patch Dolls" and people queuing blocks away for them? wink.png

Yes,....exactly, almost the same phenomena. I wanted to post it to, but I forgot the name "Cabbage Patch Dolls" ...


people queuing blocks away for them?

same with every new i-phone

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I have seen something out of ordinary I think. I was a guest of this family. There was a house and frozen body of dead mother in a glass coffin attached to an air-conditioning system. Her face painted in a very bright colors and dressed like just went to sleep. Flowers, food and fruits was all around and has been changed so often, but this is not all. There was a celebration with monks, a police officer, some other party and of course the family prying on their knees and chanting something like songs. This ritual was repeated on regular bases. Family then paid money to those who attended. Only Thais by the way.

They were planning to erect a monument on a hill on their property as a permanent burial grounds. the work already started. This was 2-3 years ago. All the ceremonies then could take place over there and the house finally could be inhabited by this wealthy family.

Anybody have heard of a similar case(s)?

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

Because these dolls have not been taken to a scientific ghost hunter and checked for unusual levels of radiation, magnetic fields and the like. Don't treat this like paranormal phenomena (of which many examples defy explanation). This is a 'fad', another 'gadget' and Thais love gadgets don't they eh?

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Not the same, for example the Judeo Christian moral ethic is the basis for much of civilized worlds legal system. Signifying there is something to this world view other than good luck. Some profound wisdom and positive applications can be found in the tomes when used selflessly do make the world a better place. For example love your neighbour - do not steal...

The doll thing is just monopolizing on peoples greed and laziness.

But perhaps you feel this is equal.

Nice deflection.. but no sigar.

We were talking about proof for either of them and proof for god. As long as there is no proof for either both are equally crazy.

I guess I found out what kind of crazy you subscribe too.. Christianity.

I am an atheist, and I also don't steal not because some god told me not too but because its logical. Just because you claim its a christian thing does not make it true. Look all over the world and in all religions there are few that even allow stealing. Does that mean its from religion or because its logical.

I find it utterly stupid of religious people to attack other peoples religion. Just accept they are all equally unproven.

My crazy is good your crazy is bad. (kill murder maim) that is the way of religions.

I did provide some evidence that Judeo Christian world view has merit. Everyone subscribes to a world view one way or another. Yours is clearly founded on anti-religion. I am sure it would take very little prompting for you to detail the merits of that. But you cannot place this faith in doll spirits on the same playing field as what you or I have determined to be true. It is not something that has been arrived at through meditation, study, self exploration and historical basis. It is a cheap con and lucky charm. A product of greed and intellectual vacuity.

I'm sure they're not making as much money as the Catholic church and at least the luk theps don't play around with their alter boys.

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

Because these dolls have not been taken to a scientific ghost hunter and checked for unusual levels of radiation, magnetic fields and the like. Don't treat this like paranormal phenomena (of which many examples defy explanation). This is a 'fad', another 'gadget' and Thais love gadgets don't they eh?

this reminds me of growing up where the indigenous people pointed a bone at other indigenous people and those people believing they would die from the curse died, i am still trying to work out what was inside the bone.

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So which is dafter - believing a doll embodies the spirit of a dead child or claiming that the world was created in just six days by a guy who lives in the sky?

People in glass houses. . .

Aaaah...the good old fingerpointing and "But...but...but...you....!"

In most Western countries, Atheism is on the rise!

...and fast!

Seems that some people learn and some...have lifesize baby- dolls!

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I think Thai people should watch couple of movies like, Chucky (Child's Play), Dead Silence, Annabelle, and the upcoming The Boy for them to get an idea that sealing a spirit inside a doll is not very good idea and it wont give you any luck. It is just a matter of changing your mind set and believing that you will prosper this year or on your work. Those dolls are just creepy and just a waste of money, probably just a scam or False gossip of business owners to lure people on believing this things were actually lucky. Just saying my thoughts on this matter... biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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I have a pet rock , costs me nothing !

brings me luck (huh) good fortune (sure) money (haha) love (kidding) happiness (already happy ) but just in case i will get another pet rock !

So do I,but it has not done a thing for me yet,but I --------well.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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Hmmmm....most of you come from a Courtries, where millions of citizens still believe, that they have a God, who never changes... a god that proclaimed himself as a jealous god and according to your "holy book" killed 10's of thousands of Isrealites (his chosen people), just because they decided to go worship a golden cow... a god, who is all powerful, therefore, in our Countries "Acts of God" are properly named, because why else would an all powerful God let thousands of people get wiped out in Earthquakes, floods, famine or disease? and....on top of that HE LOVES YOU. lol.

Then, according to the Western Fairy Tale, he has a son. Born by a human mother and God's own spirit. This woman of course was married to another guy, who you call Joseph. So that god, who tells you not to commit adultery, fools around with this guys wife and has a son. Time goes on...and 33 years later, "god" lets his son get whipped, stoned and finally nailed to a cross, a (torturous practice of killing criminals at the time), where he dies. Then, three days later, he comes back to life and assends into the heavens. Of course, that Fairly Tale, had been told in a few different versions, way further back in history than 2016 years ago, but that doesn't matter to your Countrymen, because of course, your version is the right one.

To show their devotion, Millions of masochists are running around with replicas of the cross, that killed their God's son, which of course was their God,, too.

...BUT.....you don't have to go all the way to the cruzifiction to see how sick and demented this religion is. How about going back to Abramam, whom God told to sacrifice his son. According to the Bible, Abraham, in the end was willing to do it and was just about to kill his own son, when his "god" stopped him. Now lets looks into this a little more. If you had somebody come along, tell you he is your almighty God and he wants you to kill your son, would you go ahead and do it? I don't know about you, but I would tell him to F off. God or no god. A loving God, who plays sick, psychopathic mind games with you, like that?

That religion might have been fine a few thousand years ago, when people were uneducated, but in todays world, common, give me a break lol.

I challenge any of you, who believe in that particular Fairy Tale, to read the bible from beginning to the end. I'm sure, by the time, you get through the old Testament, you will wonder how you could ever believe such rubbish.

Oh, I almost forgot, according to the bible, he also wiped out amost everyone on Earth, Man, woman children, animals, except for Noah and his family. Hope you all enjoy worshipping the biggest mass murderer in history. I wonder what all those deer, rabbits and other animals did, to deserve that... and...do you honestly believe, that all of humanity, except for one family, were justified to be destroyed by one individual? The Christian God makes Hitler or Bush look like Kindergarten students.

Then again, as long as it makes people happy and doesn't hurt other people, I say let them believe or do what they want. Just don't come knocking on my door, early in the morning, trying to unload your BS on me ;-)

As for the dolls, who cares. If it makes them feel better and they are not hurting anyone, let them believe what they want to believe.

Just think of the thousands of morons on Facebook, who still forward stuff, because they think they will get lucky, or bad fortune, if they don't.

Personally, I rather spend my money on other things than dolls or crosses or giving it to men in drag.

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Is there such a big difference (or a difference at all) between worshiping a doll and worshiping a crucifix with a human nailed to a cross, or any other human-like statue and believing firmly it will bring you good luck and happiness, even eternal life?

All delusions.

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

Because souls have better things to do than going to nails parlors or facespas.

Lol. Hey, you convinced me!


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How do you know I'm a human person, and not a robot?

You have no proof at all, you just take it for granted. That is YOUR religion.

Well, that's relatively easy. Can I cut you open and check?

No, you can't.

You wouldn't find anything, because it would be an untouched living brain you're after.

If I would be an AI program, you wouldn't be able to find the algorithms just by cutting open the hardware.

Edited by micmichd
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I will express my honest opinion, not that anyone particularly cares, as to what this thread is really about.

It's an IDEAL place to denigrate Thais.

A few Thais buy these dolls, and bingo! All Thais are child-like, superstitious, and vapid.

So please, do tell me, who are the real dummies here?

My sweet, complex, hilariously funny Thai wife is so highly intuitive as to be almost psychic. Once I wanted to get a pic of her in front of a large, foreboding looking banyan tree, but she refused to go near it. Said it was full of negative spirits. I gave it some thought and decided, who am I to say otherwise?

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Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind ?? Don't bother, you'll go nuts, and it would serve no real purpose anyway. I've been trying to do it for 3 decades, and I'm twice as nuts as when I first arrived. Thais are lovable but infuriating. They are stubborn, and suffer from blinkered vision and thought. This they call "Thainess". An urban myth in part. They are mindful of complex philosophies but are taken to amazingly irrational superstitions. They are capable of great care and caring, but are sometimes lack so much in empathy and civil morality.

Back in the 80's my friends and I used to say, as we got off the plane at the Don, " right turn your watch back 200 years". Thais were gentle folk, having a "she'll be right mate" attitude. This has not changed, just mired by the corruption that they are forced to come in contact with, and this has changed their national psych.

I love Thailand and would not live anywhere else on this planet. Just call me crazy.

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A poor article IMHO to try and justify a very weird and bonkers phenomena. Yes the world does see this as crazy and hardly sets a positive image of Thai people. as someone who is nota fan of the current way things are here trying to align the problems with acceptance of this strange practice in a modern world is unjustified. In the 21st century from a supposedly modern society, one would and should expect better.

One would only expect better if he believed Thailand was in fact a modern society. He, on the contrary, would not if he believed Thailand to be a fairly fundamentally undeveloped society wrapped in an expert veneer of modernity.
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