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I have a several fold problem posting on ThaiVisa. For one I can't make paragraphs even though before posting they appear there. Secondly, I can't edit after I post. I post quite a bit on American politics and I'm getting complaints. I need some help here to fix this. BTW it is new, always been that way so yea, I'm a little late in acting on the problem.

Secondly, I can't edit after I post.

You are allowed to edit your post up to about 20 minutes after posting, after that, the edit feature is closed.

Moving to forum support.


What are you doing to try to make paragraphs?

To make a paragraph.

Just hit carriage return.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


you seem very angry, calm down buddy smile.png

Everyone else that has posted has been able to make a paragraph - that would hint that it's something on your side, it may help to say what computer you are using, what operating system and your browser?

If you press 'preview post' before posting does it look correct?


Windows 7 Home Premium, I-5. Yes, nobody else seems to have this problem. I do not have this problem on anyother site. Yes, I get angry at smart ass people that don't take the time to try and understand a problem and just want to blame it on the poster. It may well be on my side, personally I don't care where it is, just how to fix it.

This is a paragraph. It looks correct here, but not on preview. And it won't look correct when I post it.


That is indeed a very annoying problem you have. I have given it a lot of thought over the past few hours and I'm afraid I have been unable to come up with a solution.

I was going to suggest Shift+Enter as a workaround but I doubt very much that this would solve your problem. The weird thing is that nobody else seems to have this problem and that you experience it only on the Thaivisa forum. Very strange; big mystery.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Let's try an experiment.

In Window's text editor Notepad, write the follow text (without the indentation):

Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 2.

Copy this text in Notepad and paste it into a reply to my post here in this topic.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Well that didn't work but it did remind me that sometimes, not always I copy paragraphs or links that are well separated from email and that does come out right. Let me add I'm no computer genius, far from it. No I haven't but I'll try. I use the latest IE, never Windows 10 spyware, with MSN Premium for all my work. Thanks to all trying to help, there has to be a way to fix this.


Paragraph 1. Paragraph 2.

As mentioned, have you tried a different browser?

Test paragraph.

Try clicking on the BBCode icon to switch to raw view.


You should see something like this with a space separating my first line from my 2nd one.



OK, trying in straight IE and now I have the illustration, along with all the rest. There doesn't appear to be anything like your illustration of this when I turn bb code on.

Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 2.


OK, first clue, how do I get this back when using IE with MSM Premium. BTW, MSM Premium is kind of a leftover from the old dial up days but works great for me as all my fav's etc. and all my work is done out of there, with a lot less spam for what ever reason.

Almost impossible for me to continue my work straight out of IE.


OK, first clue, how do I get this back when using IE with MSM Premium. BTW, MSM Premium is kind of a leftover from the old dial up days but works great for me as all my fav's etc. and all my work is done out of there, with a lot less spam for what ever reason.

Almost impossible for me to continue my work straight out of IE.

So the problem appears to stem from your use of the MSN browser. A quick google shows its not compatible with many modern websites.

The solution is to use a modern browser for thai visa.

I'd recommend firefox or chrome over IE.

When you install the option to copy your favourites etc will be there.


That will have to be the work around. I will not copy favorites out of MSN Premium as it is the most convient method of work I have found, plus my information seems more exposed on any of the other browsers. Everything at my finger tips. I do have firefox and use it occasionally. Also I will never use Chrome, a google product. I use DuckDuckGo for a search engine, they don't track. I will try to find away to make MSN compatable with TV. Thanks for the help and if there are any more suggestions I am open to them.


I will not copy favorites out of MSN Premium as it is the most convient method of work I have found, plus my information seems more exposed on any of the other browsers.

The new browser would create a copy of your old favourites; it would not alter the list of them used by the MSN browser.

The root of the problem is that in an HTML document, spaces and ends of lines are collapsed into an differentiated occurrence of white space, and it seems that the MSN browser accordingly does not preserve the differences when editing text.


That will have to be the work around. I will not copy favorites out of MSN Premium as it is the most convient method of work I have found, plus my information seems more exposed on any of the other browsers. Everything at my finger tips. I do have firefox and use it occasionally. Also I will never use Chrome, a google product. I use DuckDuckGo for a search engine, they don't track. I will try to find away to make MSN compatable with TV. Thanks for the help and if there are any more suggestions I am open to them.

Forget MSN as a browser it is old tech and you will run into more and more problems using it.

If you are worried about being tracked, you should install and use a good firewall such as Comodo firewall. Comodo also offers a hardened browser called "chromodo".

You should also uninstall the adobe flash player.


I will not copy favorites out of MSN Premium as it is the most convient method of work I have found, plus my information seems more exposed on any of the other browsers.

The new browser would create a copy of your old favourites; it would not alter the list of them used by the MSN browser.

The root of the problem is that in an HTML document, spaces and ends of lines are collapsed into an differentiated occurrence of white space, and it seems that the MSN browser accordingly does not preserve the differences when editing text.

You are on to something there, Richard. I have often read that Microsoft has some unusual functions in its browser and apparently also in MSN. The developers of other browsers go to great lengths to accommodate these non-standard functions but some may be overlooked sometimes.

On my PC, using Chrome, I see post #12 by sgtsabai like this:


On my phone, using the Android app Thaivisa Connect, I see it like this:


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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