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My prostate has gotten to the point where its a real nuisance. During the day its not too bad, but at night, Im up every hour, sometimes more often than that.

It takes a while to get the stream started, then its stop and go, stop and go, and then just drip, drip, drip.

My question is.. for those who have taken medication or had surgical procedures, what was it that made you decide that its was time to do something about it?

I dont know if an enlarged prostate is something that gets progressivley worse, or if this is as bad as it gets?

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Try Butea Superba capsules. Original herbal natural product original from Thailand.

Sells at the small shops on Central Plaza.

Read info online.


It gets steadily worse.

The point at which to see a doctor is when you first notice the symptoms, mainly so that cancer as a cause can be excluded.

Assuming it is BPH and not prodtate cancer, the point at which to start treatment is when the symptoms start to significantly affect your quality of life, which they obviously have.

For BPH the first line of treatment is always medication.


It could be as simple as a prostate infection which can be cleared up with some anti biotics in a month or so.

Get it checked ASAP.

Really is no fun getting examined but better than waiting and dealing with constant pain.


All us men can enjoy getting older.A friend had his taken out.Now he wears A diaper all the time.Not good.They will do A biaposy

To see if it's cancerous.If not they'll give you pills.If cancer is the issue,they cut it out,radiation seeds,kemo,or radiation.Pick your



A biopsy will be recommended only if there is strong reason to suspect cancer. In most cases the enlargement is benign and no biopsy done.


All us men can enjoy getting older.A friend had his taken out.Now he wears A diaper all the time.Not good.They will do A biaposy
To see if it's cancerous.If not they'll give you pills.If cancer is the issue,they cut it out,radiation seeds,kemo,or radiation.Pick your

And in many cases where cancer is found radical therapies are inappropriate.
Active surveillance involves following men who have been confirmed to have a low-risk cancer and periodically reassessing that risk. At Memorial Sloan Kettering, we recommend prostate cancer treatment for these men only when their disease shows any signs of progression or changes in its characteristics, and only when they are healthy enough to benefit. In the near future, further advances in cancer genomics will allow an even more refined approach.

While no management strategy is perfect, a risk-based approach will result in far fewer men undergoing treatment that is unlikely to be of value. In a technology-driven healthcare environment that aggressively markets less invasive and less radical treatments, doing nothing may be the most radical and appropriate treatment of all.

I have Prostate issues and my father died of P cancer.

For the OP, do you sit a lot? I have found that if I am up and not sitting all day, I have a much better flow.

Also, Flomax medication works well and in fact can help with sexual function.

Not trying to be funny, but I do think regular sexual activity is important.

Prostate massage feels great and is helpful for me.

AJA is right also get the blood and finger wave test. I do both every 6 months.


Once an hour in the night time means it is already a significant issue.

You need to do something asap before it gets worse.

I would firstly get checked out by the doctor and would also start looking at as many natural methods as you can to try help your prostate health.

If you google this health thread you can find lots of detail on prostate issues.


Try Butea Superba capsules. Original herbal natural product original from Thailand.

Sells at the small shops on Central Plaza.

Read info online.

Is this a joke? See a urologist asap and don't take this kind of advice before you do.


Thanks for all the replys. I got my answer, time to see the dr.

Last year, I did have a PSA test during a health check up. 3.5, not bad.

PSA test of 3.5 usually requires a 'watching' follow up. I had zero symptoms, but had a checkup due to age, the outcome being a Gleason test of 9, the Urologist strongly recommend medical intervention within 30 days.

If Prostate Cancer is indicated plenty of info on Prostate Cancer, treatment etc


If applicable you're welcome to PM me should you wish to get some feedback on my experience.


My PSA level is 3.9, that is up from 1.3 three months ago. Why...I have no idea.

I am now on meds which the specialist has said I have to take forever if I want to reduce my PSA levels.

4.0 Is the top end , anything above or even your levels require treatment


No doubt about the doctor visit but I have been using Saw Palmetto Extract for years. Keeps the pee flowing. for me. Directions say to take 3 per day. I take 1 or 2.

Not sure you can get them here but Amazon has them and it doesn't take long to get them.


Thanks for all the posts ! When it comes to prostate who is the number one go to urologist for this ? Also if one is looking to have a colonoscopy would they use same Dr. for consultation and scheduling !


The Doc I saw at Chiang Mai Ram regarding my prostrate problems was Dr.Banndkij Loganapiwat, and he was recommended to me by Sheryl. He seems to know what he is talking about.

Colonoscopy or Endoscopy procedures are conducted in a seperate clinic on the second floor.

Good luck, I would see him asap if I were you ( if you live in the CM region)


PSA has largely been discredited these days. Too many false positives and too many men going through unnecessary life changing procedures without any discernible benefit

the digital probe and how you are actually functioning is more pertinent and when you have peeing problems they need to be addressed but not necessarily by highly invasive methods.


Good for you but there have been several studies that say saw palmetto does nothing for prostate issues.

You are probably wasting your money.

This is incorrect, according to many Studies.

Here's one such:


However OP, go & see your Doc asap.

It is also correct according to many studies. No difference between saw palmetto and placebos. Don't believe everything you read put out by the saw palmetto society.

Good for you but there have been several studies that say saw palmetto does nothing for prostate issues.

You are probably wasting your money.

This is incorrect, according to many Studies.

Here's one such:


However OP, go & see your Doc asap.

It is also correct according to many studies. No difference between saw palmetto and placebos. Don't believe everything you read put out by the saw palmetto society.

yet some people seem to get relief using Saw Palmetto.

It cant hurt really.

So many studies who knows what to believe.

Other things that seems to help are lycopene, zinc, beta sisterol, mushrooms, pomegranates...the list goes on

I used to use Swisse prostate formula for benign prostate enlargement and it worked wonders for me but did nothing for other people. So it can be a bit of trial and error with the supplements and tried a few before I found the one that worked for me but it is well worth it if you can avoid the knife.


There is more to PSA: age and free PSA and ratio free PSA/PSA

My PSA is between 9 and 10 for some years, I have BPH, was on Tamsulosine for some months, switched to Saw Palmeto for one year and am on Combodart for 3 months now, feeling better.

Will check PSA level after 6 months in May.


try 'cialis' for a week or two, if your heart is ok. i know, it is known for other reasons but it made a big change to my life in regards to the symptoms you mentioned.

i would not want to be without it on any long - distance flight.

it got recommended to me by a youngish ozzie doc.


Thanks for all the posts ! When it comes to prostate who is the number one go to urologist for this ? Also if one is looking to have a colonoscopy would they use same Dr. for consultation and scheduling !

If you are in Bangkok, Dr. Viroj Chaudry (?sp) at Bumrungrad.

Need a totally different doctor for colonoscopy. And don't do it at Bumrungrad as substantially more expensive there than elsewhere. There have been recent threads on it, do a search in this Forum.


I would like to reinforce the recommendation from Sheryl and others- please see a doctor. It is not unusual for the mind to find an alternative explanation that seems just as reasonable, or makes a serious prostate problem unlikely. The problem with this approach is the risk you put yourself in. Prostate problems are real and when caught early have very good promise. The initial detection is slightly unpleasant but nothing like a colonoscopy or such. Be right to yourself and loved ones, see a doctor and have it checked objectively. Good luck.

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