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PM blames Thais for lack of collective responsibility


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PM blames Thais for lack of collective responsibility


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said Thursday that all Thais must be held accountable for the problems confronted by the country due to their lack of collective responsibility and for allowing themselves to be led by politicians.

He suggested the people to be more selective the next time they go to the polls to elect their representatives into the parliament and, eventually, into the government.

Addressing officials at a seminar regarding budgeting preparations, the prime minister also called upon all Thais to join hands in solving the country’s problems, citing, for example, the drought problem which must require collective efforts from all concerned.

He disclosed that during his inspection trips to some provinces he was asked by people there to get them water for use. “But where to get the water, the locals must help,” he said.

He urged officials to work harder to increase the country’s revenues above expenditure and said that the government would tighten up expenditure hoping that revenues would pick up next fiscal year.

The prime minister admitted that the government could not settle all the debts incurred by teachers because the Ministry of Education would go bankrupt by doing so. Instead, he said the teachers should work hard and be patient and the situation would gradually improve.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/149536

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-05

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Since the population is suppressed and not encouraged to think for themselves how on earth first do they recognise the issues and secondly know what to do to rescue them. Nobody I've ever met in Thailand has any awareness of sustainability and caring for the future. And as for asking the teachers,who are tasked in ensuring the very issues your bringing up, to just work hard and we can't cover your debts!! There educated and should know better than run up the big debts that they have. Let's face it the Thai education system doesn't ask questions of the students never mind the teachers. The no fail attitude sees to that. And yes I do know the teachers pay isn't good....But most aren't worth anymore !!

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Be selective next time you go to the polls, not bad coming from a man who seized power and has suspended elections until he thinks fit

Led by politicians or ordered what to do by a military government, something of a Hobson's choice.

Protest against politicians and the military steps in, protest against the military if you dare and they don't relinquish power until it suits them.

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Since the population is suppressed and not encouraged to think for themselves how on earth first do they recognise the issues and secondly know what to do to rescue them. Nobody I've ever met in Thailand has any awareness of sustainability and caring for the future. And as for asking the teachers,who are tasked in ensuring the very issues your bringing up, to just work hard and we can't cover your debts!! There educated and should know better than run up the big debts that they have. Let's face it the Thai education system doesn't ask questions of the students never mind the teachers. The no fail attitude sees to that. And yes I do know the teachers pay isn't good....But most aren't worth anymore !!

Can you list teachers' salaries?

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Since the population is suppressed and not encouraged to think for themselves how on earth first do they recognise the issues and secondly know what to do to rescue them. Nobody I've ever met in Thailand has any awareness of sustainability and caring for the future. And as for asking the teachers,who are tasked in ensuring the very issues your bringing up, to just work hard and we can't cover your debts!! There educated and should know better than run up the big debts that they have. Let's face it the Thai education system doesn't ask questions of the students never mind the teachers. The no fail attitude sees to that. And yes I do know the teachers pay isn't good....But most aren't worth anymore !!

Can you list teachers' salaries?

No not really and I don't think anyone can as he seems to differ throughout the country and on experience and degree..I do know it can be as low as 8000 baht starting and go up from there..Is there a scale of pay because I'm pretty sure there isn't. You can correct me if I'm wrong.. All sorts of figures seem to bandied about and certainly teaching English brings its rewards but as for other subjects...What they can get away with seems the norm !

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Why should they when the Thai governments of past and present are chomping at the bits to hand out

free money, cheap loans, cheap cars and consumer goods, buy their farm products at inflated prices

only to sell it for half price years later?

Responsibility is something you were indoctrinated and learned from young age, and not when the Pm says so.....

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Let the non government media investigate and tell the truth and people will make better choices.

PM is blaming Thais for the troubles. He isn't looking for solutions. It is the Thai elite thing to do. Hijack the govt. with a coup and then blame the citizenry for the economic, education, and corruption problems.

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If the military demonstrate their collective responsibility and serve the people rather than their masters, Thailand would be a better place. Let the people root out corrupted government. Not the military responsibility to do this. None of the coups have brought improvement to the country and the people.

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After 30 plus years in the army, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha is totally out of touch with the Thai people that he is trying to govern.. The comments that he comes out with, clearly demonstrates the disconnect.

The average Thai lives a very insular life, and only cares about 'me, me'. When it comes to elections, they consult their elders, 'betters', village head, and are instructed/encouraged (500 baht) who to vote for..coffee1.gif

Edited by metisdead
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I like this guy but he needs to do more and speak less. Send in forensic accountants to 10% of the schools snd recruiting agents in Bangkok and investigate the books and personal and family bank accounts and prosecute where necessary. It would put the fear of God into them.

Collective responsibility needs to start at the top

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"the prime minister also called upon all Thais to join hands in solving the countrys problems,"

How can people help when they are not allowed to disagree constructively?

The general public are individuals, not a collective like an ant's nest or the army.

The junta are simply trying to force feed the public with what they want, not what the public wants.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Welcome to the 21st century, dear "well-respected" PM and former generalclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

The old top-down approach of "Saving Face" is DEAD in the modern International society

Wake the UP!!!!!!

Edited by MaxLee
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Sorry, Mr. PM. Your elite class of Thais cannot keep the rest perfectly incapable of critical thought and then ask them to "selectively" think.

You want educated Thais, educate them. But, do be prepared for all that comes with it. Specifically, people may start to question YOU and YOUR decisions and actions.

The irony with these guys is incredible

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Well he does say it like a lot of others in this country: it is everybody else's fault: it is the foreigner's fault, it is the weather's fault and now it is the fault of the other Thais. It is never themselves at fault.

But oh where to start in this blame game. Let's take the water example. In general I find that few people think outside their "village" - that coudd be somewhere in Nakhon Nowhere where they siphon off all the water hurting people further downstream. But same village mentality is certainly also prevalent in Bangkok - not only in regards to save water - but simply act responsibly among their fellow citizens: People throw trash in the khlongs or out of the car windows, hose down the streets for no relly good reason, illegal parking. There is a "me first" mentality among urbanites and in the countryside. Is it worse than 2, 10 or 30 years ago - or is it just because information is now more readily available than before?

Now let's also take a look at the fiscal budgets and how to tighten up expenditure. E.g. let's have a look at the idea of buying submarines, the idea of buying heavy tanks, the idea of having more generals than any other army of the same size. Then let us look at bullet trains and super highways, statue parks, etc. Further take a hard look at who is in charge at various agencies - are they all hired by qualifications or because they happen to know someone?

Take a look at the processes in the bureaucracy - e.g. is all the paper requirements really necessary? Could you streamline processes and more the system more efficient?

Then do as you promised to do two years ago: be serious about corruption - not only targeting your opponents but clear all that dead weight in the military, in government, in police and in the bureaucratic system.

You only say "Work harder" like you said "study harder" to the kids - how about work smarter instead?

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Why is prayuth even in power? What Thai chose him?

I think he was born on Doi Inthanon...chosen by a higher power. He is the source of all things good and is the guardian ofthe Thai people. He will stand against the Imperial states that wish to change Thainess...(panegyric continues...) Edited by SABloke
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"He urged officials to work harder to increase the countrys revenues above expenditure and said that the government would tighten up expenditure hoping that revenues would pick up next fiscal year."

First he tried to spend his way out of the economic recession with those mega projects, now he is doing a reversal by hording the money. Most of those mega projects are simply a waste of tax payers money when the economy is stagnating, and they will not benefit the economy or the public as a whole.

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Thais must be held accountable for the problems confronted by the country due to their lack of collective responsibility

The first thing that came to mind was: what would be his fate if they are collectively responsible? There are still 0.7% of people not happy with his version of “happiness” he brings to the country.

Edited by Lupatria
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Well he does say it like a lot of others in this country: it is everybody else's fault: it is the foreigner's fault, it is the weather's fault and now it is the fault of the other Thais. It is never themselves at fault.

But oh where to start in this blame game. Let's take the water example. In general I find that few people think outside their "village" - that coudd be somewhere in Nakhon Nowhere where they siphon off all the water hurting people further downstream. But same village mentality is certainly also prevalent in Bangkok - not only in regards to save water - but simply act responsibly among their fellow citizens: People throw trash in the khlongs or out of the car windows, hose down the streets for no relly good reason, illegal parking. There is a "me first" mentality among urbanites and in the countryside. Is it worse than 2, 10 or 30 years ago - or is it just because information is now more readily available than before?

Now let's also take a look at the fiscal budgets and how to tighten up expenditure. E.g. let's have a look at the idea of buying submarines, the idea of buying heavy tanks, the idea of having more generals than any other army of the same size. Then let us look at bullet trains and super highways, statue parks, etc. Further take a hard look at who is in charge at various agencies - are they all hired by qualifications or because they happen to know someone?

Take a look at the processes in the bureaucracy - e.g. is all the paper requirements really necessary? Could you streamline processes and more the system more efficient?

Then do as you promised to do two years ago: be serious about corruption - not only targeting your opponents but clear all that dead weight in the military, in government, in police and in the bureaucratic system.

You only say "Work harder" like you said "study harder" to the kids - how about work smarter instead?

Good points here but to advanced reasoning while it is not all that hard. That'll take another decade or so, (maybe I am to optimistic).

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There are only two major parties to vote for. One is the Democratic ( Yellow ) and number two is ( Red ) whatever they need to call themselves.

These two parties represent, 85 % of the parliament.

Who else can they vote for ??

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So when the Elections do finally occur, will the new PM be under scrutiny of the military and if a policy is not in line with the military, will it revert back to another takeover by the Military

Perhaps defining the role of the military should be on the agenda...

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