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Is there any "car audio store" in Pattaya?


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I have been to "Boy Air and Sound" (www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9907666,100.9253942,3a,75y,97.14h,83.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEE8J-fCB12T0E8YwHamOGg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 - they now have a "faded kenwood sign" on top of the shop which is not shown in the google streets view ...). But they didn't have anything (and most items they have are like 2011 or 2012). But I read many times that they are pretty good at installing stuff (although inside the small store it looks pretty messy).

> You can't walk down Suk without falling over car audio shops

I did that four times but maybe I am blind. In that case could anybody post a name and a google maps link please? Thanks!

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There are plenty of car audio shops here but none that I have seen have any worthwhile stock. And you can apply that description to just about every sort of shop in Pattaya. Hundreds of places all selling the same few overpriced things.

If you want product choice in any category go to Bangkok or look on-line: you wont find it here.

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Thanks. I checked out Speed Sound. However I couldn't find SK Audio (I must be really blind ...). But thanks to you I found a "Ung motor shop" (auto parts) near that location. The Thai guy in charge speaks excellent English (085-6605570).


> If you want product choice in any category go to Bangkok or look on-line: you wont find it here.

I guess you are right. If you happen to know a store in Bangkok that has decent stock please post here. Thanks!

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I have noted that a car wash on third road sells Pioneer car stereos. It is called AO Car Care and is located HERE.

Bizarrely I noticed that place myself just the other day, having driven past it a thousand times or more without noticing. I wonder if they changed the front recently? They do have a lot of boxes in the window but I wonder how many are recent products (or even not just empty boxes)?

A Google search for "car audio Bangkok" produces many hits and some of the websites look OK. What puts me off is that many car audio places in Thailand seem to specialise in fitting blue disco lights and boom-boom speakers for the beach "blaring" crowd. Not what I want at all.

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However I couldn't find SK Audio (I must be really blind ...). But thanks to you I found a "Ung motor shop" (auto parts) near that location. The Thai guy in charge speaks excellent English (085-6605570).

Your eyes are still fine. Drove by there today and it is replaced by a matress shop. Ung Motor Shop is next door to where SK Audio used to be.

But just down the road from where SK Audio used to be there is a shop called Son Air and Sound :-)

Edited by NightRider70
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