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Bangkok's Brawling Vocational Students Are a Threat to Public Health

Jonathan Fairfield

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We also at 16 years we was busy putting a trashing those of the neighboring village. Under the rugby melee for example, beating others without reason asserting our manhood.

Simple excess of testosterone, as mentioned above.

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And they wonder why all their girlfriends are running off with Falang !

Really? I don't think that the typical 17-19 year old Thai girl would have much interest in the typical elderly Foreign male with his cigarette breath, stained dentures, pot belly, varicose veins and erectile dysfunction. Yours is a fantasy found only on lurid websites.

You might be disappointed to know that the typical "farang" male in Thailand is on a pension or benefits, is poorly educated and from the lower social caste system of his homeland: Hardly, the most desirable of boyfriend material. At best, 25% of the foreigners in Thailand occupy the "middle caste" or upper demographic, and almost all of them can, and do better than a teenage girl or bar whore. What kind of adult would be interested in a child?

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"As the violence has intensified, the issue is now considered a significant public health issue."

Asinine statement.

It's a law and order issue.

Next you are going to expect the professional police force to actually do something that resembles policing. You funny man.

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For a country where 1 on 1 fighting is unheard of, as they are all a bunch of cowards,I am amazed they are that good at thai boxing

You white boys would have to be the biggest pussies...

Says you, living in Australia, under the generosity of Australians.

I live in Bangkok.

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We also at 16 years we was busy putting a trashing those of the neighboring village. Under the rugby melee for example, beating others without reason asserting our manhood.

Simple excess of testosterone, as mentioned above.

Actually you raise a good point. Maybe what will help these kids is to have some organised sport. We all had the town rivalries played out via football for example. Maybe keep their rivalry egos in check
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And they wonder why all their girlfriends are running off with Falang !

just the tip of the iceberg of a very long list of reasons.

if i have to hear my Thai girlfriend say one more time "No like Thai man" I am going to jump out the window. smile.png

Just as an aside Mr. Spock.

I asked my girlfriend why she always says the same thing and she said to me..........."well Thai men always try to sell Thai girls to falang for money, that's one thing."

I've got a news flash for your Thai wife/girlfriend. Thai women do the same thing as Thai men. Try to sell other Thai woman to farang, even friends. coffee1.gif And, some Thai girls are begging to be "sold".

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And they wonder why all their girlfriends are running off with Falang !

Really? I don't think that the typical 17-19 year old Thai girl would have much interest in the typical elderly Foreign male with his cigarette breath, stained dentures, pot belly, varicose veins and erectile dysfunction. Yours is a fantasy found only on lurid websites.

You might be disappointed to know that the typical "farang" male in Thailand is on a pension or benefits, is poorly educated and from the lower social caste system of his homeland: Hardly, the most desirable of boyfriend material. At best, 25% of the foreigners in Thailand occupy the "middle caste" or upper demographic, and almost all of them can, and do better than a teenage girl or bar whore. What kind of adult would be interested in a child?

Do you mind, I am often told that I am remarkably handsome, and women seem regularly to underestimate my age.....

Edited by JAG
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Can anybody enlighten me why they are brawling, fighting or killing each other?

Thainess? Either that or an unemployment solution.

These "vocational colleges" seem have been fighting each other forever. I suppose that looking back, during "metalwork" classes in school, we did used to spend a lot of time making weapons of some description, so it's probably just a natural progression.

Yeah, this has been going on for decades.

And, occasionally people in power have been able to channel this aggression into "useful" purposes like the Red Gaurs in the 1970's.

Young, angry, violent people can be found everywhere, though.

Edited by erobando
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Unfortunately my son will be heading to a Vocational college next year.

I will make every effort to vet them to make sure the College does not involve in this BS.

In one of the videos Police can be seen standing by while a student is being hit with an object.

Maybe that is part of the problem!

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